
Alright, Not blaming anyone in particular cough CLAUDETTE cough But if you have bond and you're actively running the killer into people to drop chase, We all know and we're all silently judging you.
As a bond enthusiast these people are the worst. Bond can allow you so much useful info like what gens you’re teammates aren’t working on and what corner they are self caring in!
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Combine it with Open Handed and you can even see which locker they go in while the killer is chasing someone else.
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I use Bond to know where NOT to go.
Unless you're hiding all game. Then I'll "accidentally" run into you 😈
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Bond is great for many things, and one of them is in chase not running towards your teammates. I don't understand why this perk is not used by at least 50% of solo survivors.
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If I am running bond it is to not run into allies in chase, however if im on death hook and you havent been hooked once i will gladly try to drop my chase on you
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But what if I crouch the killer into you?
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Just started using this perk today. It's really become useful. Now I don't accidentally run the killer to my mates.