A moment of reflection

So I had these games where I just got destroyed as killer, my temper was just bad and at that point I was done being low tier killer's with fairly ok builds. So I played my spirit and put on pain res, dms, sloppy butcher and jolt. I also ran mother-daughter ring and yakuyoke amulet. So an extremely strong build to say the least. Not only was winning so easily, I let them heal and complete gens, then I resumed my match and still got the 3k as I let the last escape through hatch. For some reason I felt great given my previous matches and all, but then I get messaged. I thought it would be hate mail, but it was some of the kindest word's I've ever received from the survivor's. Not only did they compliment my spirit, not only did they compliment me as a player, but they even defended my build saying "don't be sorry for what you run". I did message them after the match to apologise for the strong build and that's why they said that. And it made me realise, that bringing your anger or frustration to the next match isn't good. The next group didn't do anything, so why bother potentially ruining their fun? I know there is alot to be argued here, but I genuinely realise I was in the wrong and I just wanted to share my experience in telling you all that being frustrated and angry is okay, but don't bring it into your other game's. Thank you all for reading <3
I'd say the silent majority of players you'll meet in game are actually quite nice, and even the most frustrating game can sometimes end up with soothing endgame chat/messages. It's all a matter of leaving your salt behind you. :)
I've been destroyed many times by teams that were honestly much better than me, and who instead of gloating or being condescending genuinely offered advices or highlighted what I did good in these games, wishing me luck in the next, these kind of things. I've met several friends that way as well. <3
Or games where I gave everything I got, got a 4k, and still had survivors staying to chat a bit and compliment me !
It's easy to feel cornered as the 1 in a 4 vs 1, and killer is so high paced you don't get any down time to chill. But most people don't have mean intentions. As you said, it's more than okay being a bit shaken up and angry, but you should never carry that frustration into the next match as it won't serve you or anyone else well. :)
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Couldn't have said it better myself <3
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Beautiful moment, thanks for sharing it! The tribalistic nature of this game sometimes leads to unwarranted aggression and anger at the opposing side. Most players just want to have a fun, competitive experience when they are trying their best.
Unfortunately the players that are lacking empathy, respect, and good sportsmanship tend to ruin the fun for other players in their goal to win. Learning to win and to lose with grace is a difficult but rewarding journey.
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Definitely agree there, I'll definitely do my best to improve with that as time goes by :)
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One thing that really helped me after rough matches while learning: don't focus too hard on the match as a whole. It's natural to be angry or stew over it, but pick out one or two things that went wrong and try to correct those for next game. You aren't going to go from average to top tier in a single game, but you can do that 1% at a time.
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Really good advice <3
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Finally something positive on forums.
As stated above, the "Silent" majority of this game is actually nice/chill; Forums posts don't represent the playerbase by any means.
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Yh ppl so rarely message to say anything nice. I always make a point of GGing and complementing after a game as long as the player wasn't toxic. Usually get really nice responses
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I'm in the same line of thinking as those survivors, it's better to consult about things that were well played or things that could improve in a respectable way even if you lose , we all are here to have fun at the end of the day , whether or not someone chooses to let anything in game bother them is solely on them, if you get to the end game and people are nice win or lose it's not okay to get hateful just because you were t bagged or facecamped, if more people could see the humor in it all and just be respectful to each other in the chat this community would be in a better place but thats impossible to make everyone happy and I realize that.