Fix Hook Placement pls BHV


This happened to me a couple of times now. There is nothing more frustrating in this game than downing the first survivor after a long chase and still getting nothing cause u are not able to reach a hook from where u downed them. The first survivor should always be able to be hooked no matter where on the map u down them. This is just super bad map design and very frustrating I find. I dont want to bring agitation just to reliably be able to hook my first downed survivor. Pls fix this BHV


  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499


  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Hooks spawns are fine. With midwich being the glaring exception. Indoor maps like lery's and rpd can be a bit annoying because they can look closer than they effectively are if you can't find the right route. Which if you don't know the maps can be particularly hard. But it's not a huge issue.

    Midwich on the other hand. The hook spawns are pretty jank. I shouldn't have to down the last survivor 4 times in a row to reach a damn hook. True story, i only got 3 ground floor hooks, broke them all sacrificing the other survs. Then the last surv realised that if they stood in the middle courtyard outside I physically couldn't reach a hook before they struggled out. Luckily they ran a chase a bit too close to the stairs trying to find hatch and i got them hooked.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 156

    On the game a couple of times now, midwich, even red forest happened a couple of times. And I double checked when it was clear I wouldn't reach. There really was no hook around anywhere. This and scourge hooks sometimes literary all spawning in a corner could probably be easily fixed tbh but for some reason it isnt