daily ritual re-work

luciferAngelsTTV Member Posts: 31
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

fix it.........

,and by that i mean, make it more balanced, 99% of my daily challenges come in and its always the same challenge over and over a killer i dont like. i mostly play survivor and the issue is i almost never get survivor challenges its always trying to make me play killer, and while i dont mind getting killer challenges, its always challenges for killers i dont wanna play, and yes i can just skip it but then it demands i play another killer i also hate, i once had a challenge flip back and forth between the same 2 killers 6 times, 3 times hag, 3 times nurse, even now i have a new challenge thats 4 days old, ive skipped the same challenge, hag nurse hag and now cenobite, its all using their power then hitting and its just tiring, either allow u to skip till u get 1 u like or add a button where u can permanently remove challenges, i mean i only bought cenobite and hag because i wanted their perks i dont like playing them

option 1: option to perma remove killer challenges you dont like

option 2: ability to skip multiple/unlimited times

option 3: re-balance the daily rituals to have more challenges for ur desired side (more survivor dailies for survivor mains, more killer challenges for killer mains, or even 50/50 1 day is killer 1 day is survivor garunteed)

(edit was for a typo)