More Cosmetic options + ideas for cosmetics


Going to talk about the charity case first:

Can we see more of those? After seeing the puppers charm get added + the BHVR team in Light in the Fog actively participating, makes me wish we had more of these cases with creators. Maybe an Idea for next year to include one for the event? Or as someone suggested at the start of the stream, an in-game invent in general.

Onto the actual options:

I am genuinely surprised that in 6 years of DBD being out, we have gained 1 extra cosmetic option in the form of charms (which aren't that noticeable). I'd like to see more options to let people really make a more unique killer design.

Cosmetic sliders for colors: Limit to basic colors and only highlights, I know there's recolors so this option is low on the list, but just changing a highlight from blue to green would let killers (like hag) and survivors have more creative freedom.

Hooks, gens, pallets, lockers, basements, exit gates, lobby's, vault blocks, cleaning weapon animations, mori animations (I'm assuming we're getting this with the mori rework, and because NetEase has it on mobile). All of these would be tied to the killer specifically to make map generation easier.

For survs: Items, sacrifice animations, lobby animations. I can't really think of much for surv for more options in the long run, but there's also 4 survivors and 1 killer, making most things go to killers.

Bonus of these changes include: The Rift has more items through-out for people to see. The design team gets to go for more than just skins for ideas. More creative cosmetic combinations for the community.

Release schedules:

Would it be possible to up the amount of skins released during a chapter? We have 62 characters in the game, and while licensed cosmetics have to be approved, I'm shocked we haven't increased the number released for chapters. It really makes some survivors and killers feel ignored for months compared to others, especially killers. Typically it's 1 killer skin for every 4 survivor skins, great example is the recent pop star trickster skin with Yun, Feng, nea, and kate I believe getting cosmetics as well. My old reason for questioning why some killers got skins over others were pick-rates in different regions, but after the new data was released I don't think I can argue that anymore. Trickster is below 15 killers in terms of pick-rate, but huntress and deathslinger get less skins than he does. Especially when you compare how long each have been out for in comparison to Trickster. Unless the pick-rate for certain killers is just THAT MUCH of a difference for regions, but we don't get that specific kind of data.

Limited time cosmetics:

I don't think anyone is a fan of limited time stuff in the store, but if you want to keep it, can we add a label to the cosmetics? The dwight and jane ones, as far as I'm aware, are only quoted in in-game news and on social media. Which the average casual player ignores. I fear most players are not aware that those skins will not be available after November the 3rd (?).

Sticking to themes:

Don't get me wrong, a theme for a killer is a great idea, but it makes me feel like every skin is a bit, samey after a point? Survivors will get clothes which can range from a lot of things, some stick to more higher society types while others get more joking/meme outfits. Killers though, are very consistent in what they receive. I'd like if a killer like huntress for instance, got a nuclear wasteland outfit or some type of western cosmetic. I think taking a killer and placing them into a different environment can lead to a lot of cool designs.


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,127

    I'm a simple person. I just want another slot where crowns or masks come in so that I can chose on which head cosmetic they go.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,087

    I agree! Extra cosmetic options would make the game much more interesting, because we players do love customizations! It would also open up a new avenue to make money for BHVR, so we all win.