If you want to troll a killer with your SWF...

Then if one of your companions get killed by the killer... don't just give up because you can not bully the killer anymore... or because your team is waiting for you "to play the next game", there's another survivor you're screwing over...
this game is dead, i enjoy it but ong this game is horrible. swf is detroying the game by making killers quit. how is it fun for a swf to make no mistakes for a killer to work on and not even that we are still forced to use some perks since its kind of why would you not use them?
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Well, I have to admit when they try to because I am nurse (not a good one but not that bad) and then I start crushing them... funny they cry for nerfs when they abuse every mechanic to their advantage.
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While I 100% agree with you, I'm guessing 3 people who are making it their mission to make one players life absolutely miserable aren't going to care all that much about screwing over the solo player.
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While I agree they should play the game out regardless I'm also an advocate for people playing for fun and playing however they want as long as no insults are flung back and forth, trolling is fun and I don't blame either side for doing it when they feel like it because games are meant to be fun, however I do agree they shouldn't just nope out of a match because their buddy died
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trolling is actually against the rules, same for grefing. people are breaking rules and should be report said players tbh.
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Yea but its subjective to what BHVR defines as trolling, and doing things like a head on sabo squad is considered fair play they can troll all day as long as they somewhat are resembling normal gameplay, also under BHVRS own words that's not referring to survivor against the killer it's survivor on survivor type behavior, for example they mean if you hopped in a locker and I went to said locker and repeatedly hit the open button so you couldn't get out and did it to you the entire match, it could be considered trolling and if I did it every time I saw you it would be considered greifing, but as a survivor I can taunt and troll the whole match as long as it's somewhat normal , and as killer I can down you and t bag you with ghostface while nodding and as long as Im doing it to everyone and not targeting you everytime I play it's all within the rules, truth be told BHVR needs to update their rules section and explain all this a little better like they did on stream a few years back