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Why is Feng so popular?

It's beyond me as I don't have any interest in her what so ever.

Is it her cosmetics?

People who main her why do you liker her and what makes her so popular.


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  • Member Posts: 1,941

    She is free on console and generally the most I see commonly are the survivors that come free with the game. She also has decent perks and Technician is very beginner friendly.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    She's cute and has good cosmetics. Plus she's a hxc gamer TM.

  • Member Posts: 4,699
    edited October 2022

    I mean that is a pretty good reason and she has good perks in lithe and alert.

    It makes me wonder if we make perks better for other survivors more survivors will play them

  • Member Posts: 7,227

    Feng main here.

    Idk for me I always liked the green bunny cosmetic and just stuck with it. When I was a new player I primarily played Meg before switching over and then pretty much exclusively played Feng for a long time and never used any other cosmetic besides that one. It was also partially because I had the perks I wanted on her and not on other characters (since this was long before the grind reduction).

    Now I play a much wider variety of survivors (I play different survs depending on the builds I want to use; I have several different builds I like running which helps me with variety/not getting burnt out of survivor), but I still play her more often than most other characters.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I have mained Jill from the moment I started doing survivors earnestly and she is bae. I thought about buying her very cool original outfit, but it's too clean and I love my bloody cosmetics.

    I sometimes dabble in bloody Heather and bloody Yoichi (noticing a theme here?) and contemplated to branch out into Nancy, buy she is still P0. I guess that Nancy and Steve both unlock their bloody cosmetics like everyone else at P4-P6, even though their P1-P3 are utterly d3void of anything?

    On a bloody sidenote: Heather's bloody head cosmetic is one of the more fun and impactfull ones. The poor girl got doused in so much blood and gore that she legit turned from blonde to brunette. I love it! <3

  • Member Posts: 427

    I don't get it either. Probably because she's the signature gamer girl of dbd

  • Member Posts: 614
  • Member Posts: 1,188

    She isn't extremely loud, I like her figure and I don't feel 'clunky' running around like I do on other characters like David or Jane. Her lore is perfect for me too, she's a competitive & intense gamer. Her perks are okay, not really a big selling point to me like Meg's was. Her cosmetics are nice as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    She's free on console and she's 'cute' in a way Meg and Claudette aren't.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I didn't claim it was a good perk. it's the same trap as Self-care (ok maybe not as bad).

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    She's one of the better looking ones and she makes cute sounds

  • Member Posts: 390

    i could say why people play her, but i'm afraid i would be banned from the forums if i do so

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    There you have it. I don't even think she's that cute (I think she looks a bit like a frog), but she makes cute sounds and has a ton of customization options, which is super appealing to new players.

    People looooove customization.

  • Member Posts: 412

    I don't really main any survivor as I mix it up regularly (I have all survivors with every perk) but Feng Min was the first survivor I got to P3 when I started playing 5 years ago, and is also my highest prestiged character.

    It wasn't anything to do with her appearance or cosmetics that made me start with her, I'm pretty sure it was because of her perks. Lithe for the quick get away, Technician because I was awful at hitting skill checks and Alert always let me know where the killer was.

    Once I started using her I wanted to get the trophies and needed to P3 a survivor and she had the most progress so made sense to keep playing as her.

    I tend to play her now because she has decent cosmetics and is my highest prestige character, but I wouldn't say she's my favourite.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    She has the most beautiful singing voice. Girl can really hit those high notes.

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    Have you ever played a shooter gamer and heard those 13 year olds going crazy whenever a girl would enter the lobby? These guys are the Feng mains now.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    She has best cosmetics and I like her sounds/look. So those are reasons why I main her at least.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    Can we talk about the horse getting a tome before half of the survivor roster first?

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    I'm currently maining mime Feng for a meme. If you know, you know.

  • Member Posts: 465

    Cute asian gamer girl

  • Member Posts: 465

    Same reason that makes people mad. Lol

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    She's cute and has some pretty decent cosmetics. Need I say more?

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    Honestly if a bunny Feng hit's me the 5fps bunny ear nods, I just can't killer them. Probably the only character I do that with.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    Adorable uwu cat noises

  • Member Posts: 246

    She has SO MANY cute outfits! The first outfit I ever bought was for feng, with her purple hair and maskl and her caffeine geek top!

  • Member Posts: 7,227
    edited October 2022

    I need to play Jill more tbh. I usually don't like wearing the bloody cosmetics though for whatever reason. I guess I got used to not having them since I didn't prestige most characters at all prior to 6.1.0. The first character I prestiged specifically for a cosmetic was Sadako because I really wanted the red weapon (which was the P1 reward at that time).

    And yeah, Nancy/Steve still have to get to P4-P6 for the bloody cosmetics just like everyone else.

    Lol yep. One time I played Artist and had two bunny Fengs (one pink, one green) who just wanted to be friendly and I realized very quickly they were friends too. I initially played normally and basically won the game with 3 gens still up but after I killed the other 2 survivors I couldn't resist and let the bunny Fengs finish the gens and escape together.

  • Member Posts: 301

    I never understood either. Her face looks similar to old Quentin, like someone beat her with an ugly stick. Her hair is pretty bad in the default model too.

    But I can say the same of Nea. Both are fugly.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    i DESPISE her. There isn't a single thing that i like about her... Her screamings? annoying. Her skins? Too much bright. Not to mention that most of the cheaters that i found in the game were using that character... i've a particular hatred for the (in)famous bunny feng skin (you'll probably be tunneled to death)...

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    I have nothing against Feng aside from the poser vibe she gives off. Kind of weird that so many people are attached to her.

  • Member Posts: 84

    best squeals ingame

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I liked lithe when i started out

    Plenty of cosmetic options is a nice bonus

    With the new prestige system i'm more willing to change survivors though

  • Member Posts: 800

    well, i shouldn't be surprised they can't have just removed a famous landmark of one of their maps just because. and the fact that dredge ate it when it seems to eat body parts and make a form out of it didn't make sense so we had to get some info on that sooner or later.

    I was kinda expecting him to be a power of a future killer like the for honor one

  • Member Posts: 1,035
    1. she is a gamer and streamer
    2. she is cute
    3. she has a lot of great cosmetics
    4. best voiceline
    5. uwu

    I may look more like a Jeff, but I'm a Feng Min at heart <3

  • Member Posts: 6,135

    She was my original main and it was because of Technician, which was a handy perk when I first started playing. Just until I got the hang of skill checks. She definitely had the most stand-out cosmetics and it was hard to stop playing her but I had to think of my wallet lmao

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