Does it feel like BHVR is releasing overtuned killers just so people will spend money?

In all honesty, I haven't played DBD in months, probably almost a year at this point. The last killer I really remember coming out was Pinhead, and after that it's all kind of a blur. I played on and off when the Artist and Sadako came out, but not really enough to say I consistently played the game. More like just getting on to KYF when asked by my friends. Recently, I've started playing again. Only survivor, because I don't have the desire to play killer anymore. The first couple games were fine, playing against Clown, Michael, Ghost Face, etc. Killers I've gone against hundreds of times. However, I went against Wesker and the Dredge for the first time today. Holy #########, I have never been so confused and so frustrated before while playing this game. Wesker literally gets to vault pallets and windows for free, he basically gets Nurse's power but without the capability to go through walls and without the fatigue, and for some reason, on top of those things, he gets a free infection meter that forces survivors to get off objectives?? Also, with the Dredge, at first it wasn't that bad. They just seemed like an interesting killer, although it was annoying that they could teleport at almost no cooldown. However, I just played against someone who was using the husk (?) at pallet loops, and would just teleport back to the husk, like the Spirit, freely. No penalty. Literally just gets to teleport for free at pallet loops on top of an already very strong power and anti loop nightfall. Am I crazy? I'm not a comp survivor by any means, but I am definitely above the average survivor, even after my long hiatus. I don't know, it just genuinely feels like BHVR is pulling a Riot move with the new League champions but instead of champions it's the killers. Make them super overtuned and add way too much to their kits so people are inclined to spend money to win!!
Nothing you stated suggests they are "overtuned" just that you aren't familiar playing against them and are struggling.
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Yes, new chapters are probably where they get most of their profit.
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I wouldn't say that new killers are overtuned, but they tend to be more mechanical complex and thusly confusing when facing them for the first couple of times. Some killers like Oni or Myers are very intuitively to verse, even the first time, ie get away from them, especially when they are powered up. Or Huntress: she is slow, but chucks mean hatchets after you that work like melee hits.
Dredge and Wesker both got a whole page worth of text and you gotta sit down and study their wiki in order to grasp what they can do. If you verse them naturally and without any prior knowledge, then all their tricks surely seem totally over the top, but if you were to play them yourself or watch a YouTube video, you will see that things are much more nuanced.
Dredge slows down a fair bit when leaving their husk and can easily bamboozle themselves with the sudden change of direction, and once all teleport tokens are gone it takes aaaaages to cool down.
Wesker has a lot going for himself, but vaulting palettes isn't for free, after the vault he can't pull out his knife till 4/5 of a short loop is over, so in order to hit you he has to play it nearly perfectly with next to no margin for error.
But its good to have you back :) Enjoy your stay and maybe look into the new killers. I really enjoy both of the ones you mentioned and really love Dredges jumpscare potential and Weskers is so edgy that you will cut yourself on the mouse/joy pad.
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Wesker : Good
Dredge : Ok
Sadako : Weak
I dont think killers are OP on launch to sell, in any case killers are full or bugs making it harder to buy.
Also, are new survivor perks overtuned to sell? Some perks are better, other are trash.
My humble opinion of course.