DC Penalty in 2022

it should cap out at 15 or 30 minutes and not go further than that. it's insane that it goes all the way up to 24 hours.
thanks for coming to my ted talk. :)
Wouldn't be a real penalty as ppl like you would just take a 30 minutes break after they ruined the game for 4 other players.
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I'd like the penalty to go up to permaban so I can get out of this realm forever without having to look into hacks
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I'd rather just move forward with the bot system.
That would make everyone happy.
Except the people who set out to give other people a miserable experience but we don't care about them.
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How many games do you have to ruin to get upto 24 hours?
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Yeah, no thx.
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Barring going against cheaters, you are the problem here, bud.
found this on reddit. No idea how accurate it is:
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these bans are way too harsh. funny how they think a dc'er is almost as bad as a hacker
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I rarely rarely DC unless the killer is being extremely toxic and I'm fed up of playing along. Most of the time it's when he slugs the team and refuses to hook us, or will pick us up, let us go and get us down again.
I wish in these circumstances you could DC without punishment but there's no way for the game to tell, so I'm happy waiting 5 minutes and will go grab a drink or look through my phone until I can rejoin.
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DC penalties should be harsh against someone who frequently DCs.
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Without penalties the former are 10-100 times more likely than the latter.
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Sorry but no, the the DC restriction is less a penalty for the entitled leaver (as if people would suddenly learn and stop being selfish), it is much more a protection for the rest so that those spineless, entitled selfish ragequitter don't show up in the queue for a certain amount of time.
Even better would be a separate leaver queue where they can leave each other's games as much as they want. Not that they would probably ever see a trial come to its natural conclusion.
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A frequent Dc'er is almost as bad as a hacker.
I would say even worse.
Hackers suck but you don't see them that often. Without the penalty it's atleast every other match you have a DC'er
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How am I the problem here? I have never purposefully disconnected from a game of DBD. I might suicide if I'm not enjoying myself, but even then, I think about my teammates and try hard not to.
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I can't agree with this for one reason. If you need to be penalized for up to 30 minutes that's DCing way too much to accumulate that. I do not think DCing is good for any reason. Well except for legit internet issues but even then I have never heard of someone getting so much bad internet issues that they are up to 30 minutes. If they allow DC whenever the game will be even more unplayable as more people will refuse to play. That's just my opinion though.
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is this supposed to be a party game?
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This is either inaccurate or outdated. You can get multiple of the same type of timer within a seven day period.
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To get to 24 hours requires many games for the player to quit from, which means many matches that player has ruined for others. So, no, there should not be a cap on the disconnection penalties. People need to own their actions.
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My comment wasn’t intended for you, moreso the OP, who was implying they dc with some regularity.
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Ah okay... I was momentarily confused.
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If you are honestly reaching the point with the dc penalty where you have a multiple hour lockout, then you really aren't playing much dbd in the first place with all that d/cing. This is a "you" problem you have to figure out.
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Uh.. just wanted to point out that the bleed out timer is shorter than the lowest DC timer. You also forgo any earned BP if you DC. So isn’t it better to just wait it out, as scummy as it is? 🤔
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No the dc penalty is fine as it is
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My favorite argument against the DC penalty is "why should I play a game I don't want to play?" You don't have to play dbd you can alway another game but you do have to follow the rules when you choose to q up into the game.
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To be fair, I don't DC everytime it happens. I wait it out more often than I DC but my point is when I do DC it's usually because of this or similar toxic behaviour.
Sometimes I'd rather DC than give the killer the satisfaction, and other times I walk away and get satisfaction from knowing the killer thinks he's taunting a player when really he's just playing by himself.
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I bet they get the biggest satisfaction when you actually DC. Only thing that could top that is if you stuck around for post-game chat.
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How tf do you get a 24 hour ban?!?!? You must have to dc so many times for it to be that high. Maybe don’t dc?