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Steam - "Holiday Get-Together" Achievement Bugged

Platform : Steam
I got the "Holiday Get-Together" achievement earlier, without having three survivors hooked in the basement at the same time.
Context : Playing Clown for the first time, I think on a MacMillan Estate map, but i don't remember which one.
Step 1 : Hooked a Mikaela in the basement (hook nearest the stairs), and she got rescued.
Step 2 : Hooked a Bill who'd been hiding afk in the basement locker (basement hook furthest from the stairs). He then got rescued as well.
Step 3 : Hooked the Bill (who was still afk under the hook) back on the same basement hook (furthest from stairs).
(There was a couple of minutes between each of these hooks)
Step 4 : Got the achievement !
I don't recall every step that happened before those events in the game, but I believe those three hooks were consecutive ? It's not a serious issue, but here are my logs anyway.
I don't know how logs work, but it was not during my last game, but the game before that.