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Add-ons and offerings not being saved correctly when you run out

Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

Okay this is a very specific bug but it happens every time this set of events occurs.

Steps to recreate:

1) Create a loadout page with an add on or offering (or item if you die) of which you only have 1

2) After the match go into the blood web and continue clicking on things until you get more of that add-on, offering or item.

3) When you go to the loadout page it will look like you are all set, Unless it is an item with add ons (that you still had more of). This will show the add-ons being unavailable while you dont have the item but the item will be equipped as normal.

4) When you go into the match however you will not have that add-on, offering, or item equipped.

Its an easy enough work around of unequipping and reequipping the item, add-on or offering but is still a bug none the less and can make a big difference in the game.

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