BHVR please make dcs count as kills.

Trying to get 12 kills for archives is so obnoxious when you have angry survivor mains in your games. I'm not even camping or tunneling, I always play as nice as possible but they still find a reason to be mad and dc. It's not my problem that theyre upset at their own inadequacy so why am I punished for it lmao
But a DC guarantees a easy 3k unless you mean people DCing before death which case yeah its annoying, same as get Xhooks in a match and they suicide on them taking the challenge away.
Though I'd rather games with a DC just be made void period. While the person DCing is void for stats etc. The rest of the game isnt, so survivors still lose mmr and killer gain easy mmr and higher kill rates
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I thought they did? On the current tome, I had two separate instances where a DC counted as a sacrifice, and one of those DCs wasn't even a downed/hooked player or anything.
To my knowledge, games with a DC still do count for MMR, but at a much reduced rate - survivors lose less and killers gain less.
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Sure, and let's make killers returning to the hook an instant escape for the survivor who was unhooked
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I'm not sure, iv asked devs multiple times and I always get the same response as "DCs are void" "that game treats it as a 1v1v1v1v1" which dont really answer the question lol.
I just wanna know do I lose alot of mmr for an unwinable game due to a 3v1 and are games with a DC counted in stats, I get the DC isnt counted but what about the other 3?
I wouldn't assume anything, I'd like to think you're right but I dont hold my breath
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Trouble is you always have to consider the scumbags and guaranteed if you did that you would get those people who will start out matches immediately doing the most scummy thing they can possibly think of to try to force rage quits. Guarantee this will happen
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HUSK-System would be a good solution, don't you think?
If a dc'd survivor leaves the husk and the game continues, it doesn't completely extinguish your objective.
Why don't you join me in supporting this feature that is under development?
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I feel you. I don't even care how they count it for bloodpoints and emblems, but, for archive challenges, if someone DCs, it should help you. I loaded into one match where all I had to do was hook each of the survivors once, and one of them DCed in the first minute. And, at that point, it's like, "Well, frak me, I guess." It was impossible to do the challenge.
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When I have a challenge on "Kill N survivors by any means", when they DC it actually considering as a kill...
And I do get points when they DC...
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I think they do. Or at least, it counts as Downing survivors. I completed an archive challenge due to double dc
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This would be my choice too.
If a survivor DC's, they get a little symbol on their portrait and instantly get a crow. They remain in the trial for 60 or 120 seconds, motionless, maybe with a countdown on their portrait.
If they're hooked or injured when this occurs, it gives other survivors a chance to farm some rescues/heals from them.
Otherwise it gives the killer a chance to down and hook/kill them. And while they're doing that, it's taking the heat off the other survivors and making the game that little bit closer to the state it would be in if they hadn't DC'd.
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Theres a big difference between people giving up and disconnecting just so I cant get something as insignificant to them as an ARCHIVE CHALLENGE than them winning the whole game.
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It didnt count for me as of yesterday. I felt bad cause I had a match with 2 dcs and I would normally let both the remaining people go bc I felt bad but i had to kill them otherwise id just never get my archives