An idea to nerf camping

BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know how camping is controversial, so i had an idea to nerf camping but not change much in regular gameplay.

So changes:

1- Cooldown reduction effects and exposed effects do not apply if the survivor or killer is within 16 of a hooked survivor. I am applying powers, add-ons and perks to this change. This is to prevent unhookable situations from regular gameplay to apear. This could also open bhr to balance those add-ons for chases, without worrying about camping.

2- Remove hook grabs from healthy survivors, you want to get a hook trade fine, no 2 for the price of 1. I think this is legit fair.

3- Killers like bubba and billy, i had the idea to make so the heat or tantrum meter to not deplete while in the 16 meter radius, also bubba chainsaw to enter cooldown if hits endurance, while the last one could affect chases with DH, i think that most time in chases you wouldn't get that down either way if you hit a DH, but could prevent the tunneling in unhooks.

What do you think of this ideas? I am not an expert, i just wanted to share.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So you want quick saves to happen then

    That's all that I see... Punish Camping to the point that Survivors hold all of the cards...

    I can accept no more hook grabs... but no to everything else

    So what if the Killer is walking away but then the save happens? Cause the Killer didn't leave the 16M by the time the save happens they just have to deal with it

    And Exposed status effect should stay... it gives the Killer extra power and some Survivors fear it

    Killers aren't meant to be playthings... they are meant to kill

    Plus coding it would be hard to do... Just saying

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 186

    Instead of punishing Killers everytime they do something what about rewarding them for NOT playing how Survivors want them to play? What if every Hook the Killer gets they are rewarded with a mini Pop of 10% something along those lines, or gain Haste temporarily to allow momentum to go into another chase. Just something to condition them not to do these playstyles. I guarantee if you reward the Killer for doing stuff they will be more confident in keeping the match going.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I am sorry I do not have proof, but I recall in the past developers saying they did not want the area around the hook to become a safe zone if it receives a large debuff around the hook.

    But well, I don't mind removing the hook grab.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited October 2022

    For the 1. idea... I think some killers rely on that for example if a Myers uses t3 to get someone down and then hook them and another person gets caught as well under hook before he can unhook that would make him weaker than he already is... Also I don't like the idea of a hook basically being a safe zone where you can easily take a hit and then run somehwere else without even wanting to unhook, which forces a weird camping situation where the survivor does not want to leave because he is exposed otherwise and the killer does not leave because the survivor will just get the unhook for free... Just too much to abuse here...

    the 2. point is great many people want this for some time now and I think it is a really good one bc the unhook mini game is kind of annoying...

    For the 3. point I think the overheat thing is an abomination anyway and should not be in the game, so I don't really want to build something around it... But besides that point I think it is a solid idea... But for the tantrum when you hit endurance, I would rather make a new status effect let's call it "freshly unhooked" that lasts 10 seconds, does not get increased by bt and when a killer uses his power on that person he just goes in a 200% cooldown for normal killers / tantrum for bubba... this way you don't get forced to take the tantrum or whatever when you simply m1 the person, because otherwise I think bodyblocking would become rather effective...

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    I think an easy "fix" for camping would be:

    While the killer is within x meters of the hooked survivor and not in a chase the hook progress on the hooked survivor is halted.

    That way if a killer face camps the rest of the team can finish all the gens and cleanse all the totems and 99% the gates and then bomb the hook without stress.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    Better fix would be increasing hook state timers. It was proven multiple times even before the gen time increase to 90 seconds, how easy it is to camp someone out and then get another kill with noed. It becomes even easier when you add all the free game delay perks that help campers (deadlock, no way out, etc).

    Leaving hooked survivors unrescued if they aren't being camped only hurts survivor efficiency and risks letting the killer snowball. So the only losers here are killers that camp.

    Mechanics that effect killer powers, pause timers, etc., are too easy to be weaponized by one side or the other.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    As long as real people play killer you can´t fix camping and tunneling and bm in the (any) game.

    It is not nice but learn to deal with it.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2022
    1. No survivors will abuse this by going straight the the hook when they have exposed.
    2. Yes, remove hook grab completely though. It's dumb.
    3. Just make Bubba lose charges if he stays on the hook for too long, problem instantly solved. Make Billy's chainsaw overheat if he stays for too long. Bing bam boom, no problem. Huntress with Iri head? Disable it if she stays near the hook for too long. Slam bam, fixed.

    Need a reason why this happened? The entity wants a good show. Could even make it look like the entity is "attacking" the killer's chainsaw

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Hook grabs on healthy survivors are the main thing really. Outrageous those are still in. I think just that would go a long way against all killers other than Bubba. Bubba's chainsaw should just disable after they've been close to the hook for too long.

    Camping should be made less viable, and perks that encourage hooking everyone/staying away from hooks should be buffed. Things like devour hope, no way out and grim embrace. They're the kind of perks that make "playing by survivor rules" actually viable. Tunneling and camping with those is wasting perk value.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    I would be fine with the removal of hook grabs, if by chance I can get free gen grabs from Survivors tapping gens. If they are standing there in front of the gen, in front of the Killer for more than a second, I should get the grab for free regardless of them working on the gen or tapping it. It would Survivor forced to abandon the gen even when healthy or having a Adrenaline ready

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Camping dont need a nerf just do gens is not that hard

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Does not work. We have 90s gens and 60s hook stages. As was proven survivors can't make it under these conditions. And reassurence is still risky, does not work that well in solo and is behind paywall. On the contrary camping requires nothing (even if deadlock helps a lot), is very easy, inflates killer's kill rates, is boring and very rewarding.

    Nerf is very much needed for all these reasons

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    They seem to be going the opposite direction, nerfing healthy perks like Pop, BBQ, Ruin, that reward leaving hooks and spreading chases. Instead we have perks that slow without leaving the hook (Eruption, Surge, Deadlock, Pain Res). And the "new meta" gen perks punish solo queue way harder than Ruin/Pop ever did. Plaything/Penti completely wrecks solo queue but does little to swf. Same for Eruption. Really poor perk design all around.

    In addition to buffing perks that reward not camping/tunneling, I would increase hook state timers by at least 20 seconds. It shouldn't be possible for a killer to facecamp 1 survivor to death, then secure at least 1 more with NOED because its impossible for the other 3 survivors to rush the gens and escape in time.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I just think that like unhookable situations shouldn't be a thing, the killer shouldn't make it impossible to unhook a survivor.

    The cooldowns was mainly because of huntress hatchets, with some cooldowns she can make unhooks impossible. With same idea the expose, i wasn't really thinking of devour or anything, i was thinking of iri head, finger on clown or infinite tier 3. Yes you can say that the killer is gonna "loose" the game, but uncounterable situations are not fun for any side.

    Grabs just should not be a thing, glad that everyone agrees.

    With the chainsaw bros, i see alot of people just saying to disable the chainsaw, that could work sure, i was just thinking of ways to not incentivize camping that doesn't disable powers, but sure i guess a no power zone like artist and dredge should work.

    The point that you should just reward the killer for hooks and not nerf camping, well i think that if you let people do it, people will do it. Survivors know that playing agressive with the killer will most likely result in a loss, but people still do it.

    Well thanks for the the answers, it was fun seeing the thoughts around here.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    7 out of 10 games go like this.The remaining 3 are something now

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Other game