How To Effectively Counterplay A Nurse



  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    In regards to the idea of reworking perks for nurse that is bad. You do not change something that is probably mediocre at best for every other killer just because one character make's it so absurd. Here's an idea, make her blinks a basic attack. I personally think she should be reworked because her design is not great. I do like the idea of different counter play and gameplay loop compared to other killers, but having someone ignore literally all the mechanics in the game is not great. Blight for example, you do have to play against him differently than every other character in the game. Most loops need to be played differently and you can pre throw every pallet just like with any killer except nurse, but he is just going to chew through them and catch up to you for another one. Blight is the most interactive you could ever make any killer and especially top tier killer. There is no holding W, play the tile and outplay blight or die. Obviously his most busted add-ons mitigate some of that skill expression on the survivor side, but those are the exception to the most well designed killer they will ever create. Nurse is a relic from a time when survivor's were extremely busted and the balance of the game was not taken seriously.

  • Shi283
    Shi283 Member Posts: 60

    The reason nurses are the most problematic is that the only way to learn to fight them is to learn to use them.

    It also has to be used well.

    many refuse it

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    This thinking is a bit ambiguous.

    Indeed, it presupposes that every time developers create powerful perks, they must nerf the nurse.

    It doesn't make sense.

    You can't nerf a character based on the most powerful build it can equip; you have to nerf the perks that make up that build, and think about what synergy this perk can achieve with the most powerful characters in the game.

    It's as if, for example, the developers created extremely powerful skills and/or items for the survivors, but in return, they reduced their running speed, etc., that kind of thing.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I really don't know how to explain this well, but your thinking is backwards. If a character's power is so game breaking every perk that is created needs to have her in mind that is an issue. Look at blight, he does not make any perk more disgusting than it is supposed to be but he is nearly as strong as nurse. Survivor's are different they are all the same and the perks they get can be balanced accordingly. On killer you have to think about each killer when making a perk. There is no reason that one killer should limit the potential of all perks in the game for the other what 27 killers. In league no one think's that if one character makes an item broken when it's weak to nerf that item, there is not a single online game I can think of that aligns with your mindset on this matter.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    If I understand correctly, the day they create a killer whose one of the skills would give the nurse too much of an advantage ... it will nerf the nurse?

    At this rate, in 10 years, we'll only have M1 killers moving at 4.4m/s that can be looped for 10 minutes in a LT.

    Starstruck was created without taking into account the impact it could have on the nurse, especially since Agitation already existed at that time.

    Concerning Darkness Revealed for example, it is different because the nurse has value with only Midwich, and eventually Raccoon and Lery. On the other maps, it's very situational, so it's often a shot in the dark.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885
    edited October 2022

    I was slugged the entire game and then camped just before bleed out.....but in the defense of the killer I did deserve it....I ran them through half the pallets on Midwich getting a stun each time and then a blind with a purple flashlight of blind death.....when I ran out I could see the gleem of death that sparkle when you know you f'ed up and are going to pay dearly for.....yup I deserved what I got and we both had a good laugh at end game chat...

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    It's so cool that you laughed about it at the end ๐Ÿค—

    But on the other hand, I wouldn't go so far as to say you deserved it; at a pinch, if you had tbagged after each palette, and been super toxic with click-clicks, yes, but from what you say, all you did was defend yourself ๐Ÿค”

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Oh I did t bag the last time before my flashlight ran out and maybe when I did juke the Killer at the wall vault between classrooms and then did a Clicky Click and small t bag....I asked them "Did I make you mad"

    Thier response "Yes and I didn't care if the other survivors escaped I wanted to see you hang and the Entity drag you away....but good jukes though it was fun."