DC penalties, among other issues.
I know Its not so simply simple. (I ain't no programmer)
We take a page from several popular MOBAs, even my favorite dead one (RIP HotS)
Instead of banning someone for 5-10 minutes for disconnecting, give them a different penalty. Match them with other players that have disconnected for 1 or 2 games or until they "win " a match. Trust me, it works.
This even works for the report system, no automated bans required. Yes this can be abused, but you all have ways of snuffing out the cheaters from the poor bloke that is getting repeatedly spam reported by swf for playing a killer they don't like cough Legion cough (Please stop with the automation, the chat filter should be example enough of how bad automation is... Entire Languages... gone... Cannae say the work Killer in Dead by Daylight. I once had the name Steve of all things get censored. What a dirty lad.)
Another aspect of this, if you're in a group of 3+ the mmr pool will go from the highest MMR killer available, to the lowest. Something like this was implemented before, then removed after individual killers had their own mmr attached to them, which was a mistake. Since all killers are functionally the same with different L2 abilities. How am I supposed to fulfil Feng "Mori me Myers" Min's wish if I'm playing Hag? It is just not fair.
As for MMR, just go old school with the ranking system, its broke, but so many other companies use it for a reason, it just works.