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General Discussions

How would you buff/change the Clown?

Member Posts: 298
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

My ideas:

1) His yellow bottles can be good but are too clunky and awkward to set resulting in most people just ignoring them and never use them, decrease time to activate from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Also make them affect the Clown only and not the survivors anymore.

2) Give him 1 more bottle in his base kit.

3) Make the Clown able to set his purple bottles down on the ground that explode after a survivor comes near. This would work both as a pre set trap in loops and as a form of information if the bottle is put near generators. Max 5 bottles could be set on the ground at a time and survivors can prevent the detonation by crouch walking like hag traps.

4) Make the instadown pinky finger effect apply only if the bottle hit the survivor from 12 or more meters away. No more cheap instadown shots when you're right under the survivor's nose.

What do you think?

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  • Member Posts: 534

    make the bottles separate and make the yellow bottles haste effect higher. that's literally it

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I would combine both bottles.

  • Member Posts: 5,983

    Separate ammo for both bottle types.

    Slightly increase Antidote’s effect. Not its duration, though.

    Pinky Finger replaces the purple bottles with red ones. Still applies Exposed on direct hit, but doesn’t apply Hindered at all. The colour change is purely aesthetic.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited October 2022

    I've only played Clown a couple of times, but yeah, the yellow bottles went largely ignored when I played him. Yo'ure faster, but either so is your opponent, or they're already long gone when you have to wait for the gas to kick in.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Changing Pinky Finger from being a quick, cheap down to something that gives a little more chance to the survivor seems fair, and 12 metres still makes it tough on the survivor, so that's my favourite change here.

    Maybe reduce the haste speed from 75% to perhaps 50%, BUT have it only apply to the Clown, and also give them a slightly longer effect to the recovery against stuns, missed hits and successful hits, to make the Yellow Bottle a bit more enticing.

    Also, perhaps add or alter a couple of add-ons to the Purple Bottle to have unique effects, such as slight wobbling to the survivor's pathing for a bit after, or maybe a more blurry skill check to appear for maybe 120 seconds after intoxication.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I like the risk reward thing of the yellow bottle and think it would be quite the issue with a 40% movementspeed difference without any downside at some tiles, he would be quite annoying to go against

    The delay reduction on the yellow bottles is fine the same goes for the changes made under 3) and 4)...

  • Member Posts: 219

    I would combine his bottles into one. The bottles would still be the pink smoke, but they would slow Survivors WHILE ALSO speeding up the Clown and ONLY speeding up the Clown. I'd also give him a Jack in the Box when he kicks a gen, it'll automatically set a Jack in the Box on it add random affect to whoever does that Generator until its complete. Like Blindness, Oblivious, etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,147

    Either 5 bottles base or as what they worded with the original rework.. "reloading reloads ALL bottles at once" which insinuated that they yellow and purple bottles were a separate magazine and not apart of the same count.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Clown's chase I think is fine the main thing I would give him is a minor secondary effect. If you think about killers with similar powers, Freddy and the Doctor, it is only 1/2 their kit. Clowns base chase power is a bit stronger than either of them so my thought would be something like when directly hit with a bottle you are incapacitated until you do something like snap out of it or cleanse.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Clown just needs a rework, he's too simple. Making him more complicated will add more options for balance, and generally speaking, adds more taste to the killer.

    This is just some quick ideas, so keep an open mind if they are bad.

    Clown Rework

    Clown carries up to 5 bottles, which can replenish themselves at a rate of one bottle over 4 seconds.

    Bottles by default, hinder the survivors 4% and forced to medium vault until they are no longer intoxicated. Additionally, gas lingers at a base 45 seconds. However, clown can wonder around the map to find ingredients to modify the effects of his bottles. Ingredients last for 90 seconds, then effects return to normal. Bottles can have multiple ingredients active at a single time.

    Blue Spices — Intoxicated survivors vault 15% slower than normal.

    Yellow Spices — Gas lingers in the environment 100% longer than normal.

    Green Spices — Direct hits prevents intoxicated survivors from using pallets and vault locations.

    Odd Spices — Intoxicated survivors are damaged, losing a health state. Increases your terror radius by 8 meters.

    Premium Spices — Intoxicated survivors do not sprint when damaged. Increases your terror radius by 8 meters.

    Survivors can see the aura of ingredients within 4 meters, except for Odd Spices and Premium Spices, which can be seen within 32 meters.

    The clown can see the aura of all color ingredients, which are also color coded appropriately. The Odd Spice and Premium Spice are shown in a white aura, within 32 meters.

    Clown can pick up ingredients in a short animation. Survivors can hide the ingredients, taking 4 seconds. Whenever the clown picks up or survivor hides an ingredient, a random ingredient will respawn somewhere on the map after 45 seconds.

    Survivors can hold their breath, which is done automatically when they enter a gas cloud. By default, a survivor can hold their breath for 16 seconds before they no longer can't and become intoxicated, which is speed up to 4 seconds if they are running. Survivors recover their breath after being out of a cloud and not running for 8 seconds.

    There we go, we have more interaction for both sides!

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Whenever he vaults a window or performs a break action, he lets out a fart cloud, that stays there for the same duration as the bottle. Farts depend on the bottle you have selected before performing the action

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    While I do think it is a good attempt I have to say it is way too complicated... I find the 45 seconds quite a lot when we consider you're basically running around with bloodlust 1 for the time... Also I don't know about the forced medium vault, because I think Medium or fast vault is tied to movementspeed at some point and removing that connection partially because of that could be a lot of work :/

    I like the idea of making clown more complicated but not only in the sense of adding a whole lot to him but more like giving him more to do in a skill way also to increase the time it takes to master him...

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2022

    I wouldn't, really. He's in no need of anything. One small cute buff they could realistically implement would be to have the yellow bottle also gives +10% vault speed. The only "buff" I truly want to see is the switch bottle bug to finally be fixed. It's been in the game since over a year now.

  • Member Posts: 221

    The time you have to wait between switching from antidote to intoxication bottles, the time you have to wait between mixing and switching. Just all the delays between changes is what aggravates me. It takes too long to switch between the processes. I'm not talking about bottle throw cooldown which feather speeds up. It would be neat if STBFL speed up those processes.

    When you are at a large fairly safe loop, (small end/big end, pallet already thrown) by the time you can switch to yellow, throw it, switch to pink, throw it, any survivor that realizes what is about to happen is already in the process of leaving the loop.

    Fatman has decent chase, he needs better mobility like all M1 killers. 10% for a limited time is not "map mobility". He needs some way to teleport around the map like other killers with that power. Good chase with good potential for map pressure could really move him to the middle of the pack without having to resort to Pinky Finger or tunnel and camping.

  • Member Posts: 162

    He can get whatever buff he needs to become more viable

    just heavily reduce the pink and distortion effect the survivors have

    give him some QOL changes for both sides

  • Member Posts: 747

    Piss bottles need to activate faster or instantly for you with a delay for survivors. Also, separate ammo for bottles would help.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    I dont think he needs major changes.

    Compared with Freddy, he has NO speed penalty while using his power (why is Freddy slowed down and Clown not, that doesnt make any sense. You get slowdowned by using a slowdown... AHA!).

    He has an One-Shot, extra-Bottles etc.

    I think he is in a good Spot. If I would do anything, the yellow bottle could increase his speed a bit more. Thats it.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Clown used to get slowed down, but they removed it...

  • Member Posts: 804

    Make the guy fatter and sweatier.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    3 changes 1 fully charging a bottle allows the clown to drink the bottle by pressing ability 2 buton gaining the speed that normal yellow bottles have

    2 Clown now has stink bottles when thrown creates this green trail behind surivors ( kinda like the blught trail but green)

    That will disappear after 30s of moving around but if he hits them directly with it 3s after the survivor will stop to vomit

    3 clown carries 6 bottles that can be used any way he sees fit

    So he could use 6 slow bottles or 6 stink bottles or 3 slows and 3 speed drinks

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Giving clown 125% m/s seems terrible...Without the downside of survivors being able to also use the cloud and the rather short delay on it that seems really broken... Most tiles are designed around 115% m/s ... This makes them really unsafe but does not really add much strategy to it... As clown will be basically as fast as pre-buff wraith was while cloaked...

    I don't really understand what your second change is supposed to do? Is it basically a stun with a delay?

  • Member Posts: 5,988
    edited October 2022
    • 5 bottles basekit.
    • Automatically reloads all bottles when a survivor is hooked.
    • New mechanic: Jack in the boxes are spread around various parts of the map and slowly release a blue gas. This blue gas has the combined effect of the purple/pink and yellow. Hindering survivors and preventing any actions (healing, repair etc.), while giving the clown haste. This gas spreads continuously from the box, eventually covering the entire map. Survivors can go to a jack in the box and perform an action to destroy the box. After the box is destroyed it will respawn in another location after X seconds.
    • Do an addon pass to fix OP addons, and normalize all the bottles to always do the same thing. +-5% movement speed rather than having some increase the slow or speed etc.

    This basically makes his chasing power slightly better, by giving him a little extra in the bottles, and allows him to reload when hooking so he doesn't have to stop and reload constantly if he wins a chase. Reloading should be a punishment only. Additionally, he now has some map control with his power that requires survivors to do something other than repair gens. And if they don't, they eventually get punished for it similar to many other killers like onroyo/wesker/pinhead etc. that force survivors to do something other than gens.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Good idea, but I'm not sure about the jack in the box thing... Generally speaking I also like that idea, but depending on how many of them there would be it could be a bit oppressive... (I mean imagine there were like 5-7 of those and you basically need to take care of every single one as they ultimately can cover the entire map on their own)... especially the part that prevents all actions because at some point the clow could potentially camp the jack in the box that has his 3 gen, and I would really hate that... So maybe just a noticeable penalty on those actions + maybe oblivious, exhausted or sth? So they could still play around it but it would make it really rough just like the other passive slowdown things where you should take care of them in time but if not it just makes things harder and not just impossible... I would also like it if the clown could basically teleport to one of those boxes with like a 3-5 sec teleportation time that cannot be canceled... Spreading those boxes similiar to sadakos tvs would be nice I think.

  • Member Posts: 1,373
    edited October 2022

    So what it dose is allow him to apply some sort of pressure form afar more at a distance and then alot up close because he could hit you with a direct stink bottle hit you shortly after and you would eat the small stun like maybe .5s or 1s

    While given him slight info on survivor's movements because of the trail cause by the stink bottles

    And the speed bottle needs him to fully charge yhe bottle inorder to gain the speed basically making the 1s delay into the charge time

  • Member Posts: 3,489

    Give him a skateboard for map pressure and make him fart while vaulting instead of making that loud sound.

  • Member Posts: 1,024

    Sterling feather basekit.

  • Member Posts: 2,653

    I wish they had just fixed Clown correctly the FIRST time they had reworked him...

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Let him drink the yellow bottle to get a bigger boost

  • Member Posts: 69

    Easy fix would lower the delay from yellow bottle…

    his purple bottles are fine. Could add they do damage when hit and after say 4-5 direct hits you go down a state. Would reward good aim and also encourage reloading during a chase (kinda risk and reward type thing.) not to mention with delay in yellow it would mean it would be used more forcing smarter play on using bottles

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I cant believe I made this 2 years ago. Before his rework.Im gonna copy paste my old post.


    I like how new Killers have multiple action in their basekit (especially Oni, PH) make them more than just pressing M2 to use power. As rework Freddy & Doctor gave them 2nd ability.

    I would like to see Killers rework will have more ability rather than just raw buff. Here is my list

    Hold M2 to ready to throw bottle. Click M1 to high throw the bottle. Or Release M2 to roll the bottle, +30% max range and speed compared to throwing. Though rolling is easily get stuck by obstacles. Rolling also to make survivors hard to see where you're coming.

    2nd ability One: Clap bottles. If Clown has 2 or more bottles, he can clap them to make big gas cloud that +75% larger radius

    2nd ability Two: Sniff bottle. Clown can use a bottle to sniff and gain 5% haste for 20sec.

    2nd ability Three: Balloon. Clown can tie a Balloon on a dying survivor, makes them easier to track later.

    If survivor not untie the Balloon, they are easier to be seen.

    Success hit or hooking survivor will cause it exploded (so this ability requires slugging). Survivor can self-untie Balloon for 8sec, or another survivor helps untie Balloon for 4sec, Balloon will also exploded after and cause noise noti to Clown.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited October 2022

    Almost every Clown I know runs Gin Bottle + Flask of Bleach because they're necessary for Clown to be able to run most loops. I think this gives an idea of what Clown needs.

    He needs separate ammo for both bottles. You don't have enough ammo to use both purple and yellow bottles without the Gin Bottle addon. He needs separate ammo, so he can use both without being forced to run this addon.

    I also think Flask of Bleach should be base kit and the addon should be changed to something else. Flask of Bleach is necessary to get the hit at many pallets. The most common Clown strat is standing at the pallet then throwing a yellow bottle at yourself and a purple one at the survivor. Flask of Bleach is needed most of the time for this strat to work. Whenever I do this, I almost always hit the survivor less than 0.5 seconds from them reaching the pallet. Without Flask of Bleach, they will reach the pallet and I won't get the hit.

    These 2 changes are all Clown needs imo.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    just remove bottle activation delay for yellow bottles.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Some neat ideas

    Gens in a purple cloud automatically start regressing. If you can throw a long range bottle at a gen you can both regress and chase the survivor instantly

    When a yellow and purple cloud collide now they just cancel eachother out. Could be cool that instead of that they have some kind of reaction and explode dealing damage to anyone in it.

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