Blood Echo discussion
Continuing a series of threads on the least picked perks according to Nightlight, next up is Oni's perk Blood Echo (0.7% usage)
Blood Echo - When hooking a Survivor, all other injured Survivors suffer from the Hemorrhage and Exhaustion status effect for 45 seconds. Blood Echo has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds. Exhausted prevents Survivors from activating exhausting perks. Hemorrhage regresses healing progress when not healing, and increases blood trails left by injured Survivors.
On the bright side, Exhaustion is a decent effect since most survivors use an Exhaustion perk in their loadout. (Three of the top ten survivor perks at the moment use Exhaustion, including Dead Hard which is the #1 perk on the site at the moment with 27% usage.) Therefore preventing survivors from taking advantage of them is handy! 🙂 And the duration of 45 seconds is pretty long, especially considering it has a 60 second cooldown so hypothetically this perk could trigger up to every minute and survivors would be unable to use their Exhaustion perks most of that time if they stay injured.
Also since its 6.1 rework Hemorrhage isn't too bad of a secondary effect. If you can interrupt a survivor mid-heal with Hemorrhage in play it basically means that by the time they get to heal again all their progress is lost. Especially if you combine that with healing slowdown effects from things like Sloppy Butcher or Coulrophobia, etc, it can mean quite a bit of lost time and increased risk for the injured survivors, particularly ones who are trying to use something like Self Heal. (Imagine trying to use Self Heal while under Coulrophobia and getting interrupted while under Hemorrhage 2/3 of the way through!) The increased frequency of blood trails is also a nice quality of life benefit.
Ok, so with the good news out of the way, let's look at possible reasons why this perk doesn't appear to be that popular. Really I think the main thing is that this perk requires you to have other survivors already injured when you hook someone else. While Plague and Legion for example might be able to consistently keep multiple survivors injured without too much difficulty, a lot of killers trying to do that might encounter some more difficulty with it, especially since the current meta is relatively healing heavy with Circle of Healing being a top used perk and medkits being a popular choice of item. It's certainly possible to keep people injured with most killers but it requires more effort.
Like other perks hovering around this 0.6-1.0% usage, this one seems like it might be ok for niche use but could maybe use a slight buff to amp up its general pick rate a bit. A simple buff might be to either increase the duration or shorten the cooldown if you want to just tweak it at the edges.
But if you really wanted to beef this perk up then an alternative might be to remove conditional that it only affects injured survivors. If after every hook all survivors became Exhausted and Hemorraged for X seconds that would definitely make the perk trigger more consistently and be a noticeably stronger threat. That said, though, if you went this route you might need to increase the cooldown to, say, 80-90 seconds and/or reduce the duration to 30 seconds to prevent it from being active on everybody too often for a single perk slot. However I suspect that even with a longer cooldown, etc, just making it so it impacts all survivors every hook would probably make the perk see more use.
Here’s an idea.
Make it trigger only on scourge hooks. Affects all other survivors, not just injured. No cooldown.
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Making it work on healthy would be nice. but i would lower the effect on healthy survivor and increase on injured
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I don't particularly mind it having a low pick rate TBH.
Counter picks are seldom fun to play against.
Like playing against a team of survivors with lots of healing and anti slug as twins (god forbid someone use power struggle flip flop while you are twins)
Or running into someone with a map while playing hag/trapper or running a hex perks where you actually dont want your totem cleansed (ie. not pentimento build)
Same thing here, you chose to run a perk that you like and the killer decided to run a perk that does almost nothing but make that perk you brought less effective. Fair? Sure. Fun? No.
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exhaust is not powerful enough by itself for it to be scourge hook. I agree with dug's analysis of the perk. just removing injured condition would be good enough. for the perk to be scourge hook, hemorrhage would need to be swapped for 2% hindered or maybe broken.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on1 -
Or if it were a Scourge Hook it could have an extended duration like 45 to 60 seconds.
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Idk, I don’t think 45s of exhausted on basically any survivor you chase next (assuming you don’t waste too much time) is all that terrible. I think it’d be too much if that applied to everyone on every hook, but I also think the cooldown is kinda dumb so scourge hooks provide an alternative limit to its power. You could also make the hemorrhage cause bleeding on healthy survivors (like that freddy addon).
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I really like the idea of this one getting updated to a scourge perk. Only concern is having to adjust Gift of Pain slightly, but even then I think the Exhaust/Hemorrhage combo is different enough to Hemorrhage/action speed penalty.
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I am for Scourge hook idea, or changing cooldowns.
Meaning for changing cooldown - cancel time limit for hemorrhage (so until healthy) and increase exhaustion to 1 minute.
Lifting injured condition on it's own sounds like too much. The perk would make killer snowball too much with little counter play (at least it being scourge provides some counter/condition to activate).
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I think it'd be different enough that it'd be okay. Besides, blood echo doesn't do anything to the survivor on the hook, unlike gift of pain.
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i rather deal with 40 second cooldown, a mild cooldown then deal with scourge hook rng. exhaust does not recover when running. I would imagine removing the injury condition would make exhaust timers overlap in many cases between hooking. The injury condition is specific put there to make the perk not effective at doing one role it is suppose fulfill which is removing exhaustion perks for a perk slot.
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Applying exhaustion as killer is very powerful, and almost non-existent outside of Fearmonger and Blood Echo these days. The devs have to be very careful balancing around exhaustion perks, as shown throughout the game’s history.
With that said, I think it is thematic to the killer it belongs to (Oni) and its own name that it keep the injury requirement. The cool down is absurd; not only because of its length, but as it already has two other prerequisites (getting a hook and other survivors being injured). I don’t like the idea of making it a scourge hook, as we have enough of those. It is nice to have some variety in perk utility. So my ideal buff would simply be removing the cool down altogether, at the very least.
Beyond that, I would also like exhaustion to make survivors breathe heavier. Ideally it would be a small value - something like 2% louder for every five seconds of exhaustion recovery needed. That would give exhaustion even more threat, and guaranteed killer value every match - regardless if survivors are running any exhaustion perks or not.
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i think make it a scourge, have it affect non injured survivors too, and remove the cooldown
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I think the perk isn't that bad, however you need killers that keep survivors injured in order to make this perk work/ worth it (reminds me of Thanatophobia). Maybe Blood Echo's Hemorrhage should affect you even when healthy (and should cause you to leave pools of blood). This would make it more interesting and also buffs Blood Hound indirectly.
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If it didn't have a cooldown it'd be fine. With all the powerful medkits and CoH survs don't even stay injured vs. legion for longer than ten seconds, especially if they realize you have blood echo.