Are You Satisfied With The Legacy Character Portraits As Your Reward?

BabyShrimp Member Posts: 83

The legacy portraits are cool, but only we can see them (unless we're streaming), and lets be honest, a lot of people customize their portraits anyway. I just don't think that's worth it.

Now you may argue "but, they're trying to cut down on toxic elitism" and to that I say, then why did they give out legacy outfits in 2016? Why do character prestige levels go all the way up to 100, and they are public? I'm not saying we should cut down on toxic elitism and take away legacy skins and public prestige levels, I'm just saying it'll lead to toxic elitism anyway.

We grinded really hard, before the blood web rework, and before prestiging didn't involve the loss of items and offerings. I think we should at least have maybe a gem next to our prestige crest that shows the old P3 gem with the skull, but I'm not sure.

Please share your thoughts, and your votes!

Are You Satisfied With The Legacy Character Portraits As Your Reward? 40 votes

20% 8 votes
72% 29 votes
Didn't interact with old prestige system/not sure
7% 3 votes


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,997

    they are neat, 100x better than the gold sparkle crap they had before

  • Brandon48
    Brandon48 Member Posts: 136

    The portraits look cool but I was hoping for an animated version of the bloody cosmetics, nothing too fancy, just a little something to show the sheer amount of bp’s that had gone into that character before the change. Hopefully not fully off the table for the future?

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I mean it's better than the yellow sparkle filter they had before. But I'd rather take some sort of legacy cosmetic (Different from the OG legacy).

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,116

    I would have loved just a tiny little thing to let others know you prestiged pre-update. - Like, just make the tiny little pin that's part of the emblem a red one. - Sth super small like that. Nothing in your face or super boastful. But a little thing to let those who pay attention know.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590
    edited October 2022

    I wish they gave us something on par with the old legacy I don't care a purple glowy effect of the bloody skins would have been so cool. What we got is only really for streamers, and that part is the part I really don't care for, because we did put in the effort many of us spend millions of bloodpoints on characters and im not going to lie I wish we had more glowy effect killer skins.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    I like the red effect better, but something else small that others could see would have been nice.

  • DredgenWar237
    DredgenWar237 Member Posts: 85

    It's alright, looks cool. Just wish there were a way to show it off other than streaming.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763

    The main thing that bothers me is that you can't get it for any characters past Roots of Dread. In a year or so these frames will just look out of place. After all, it only shows in your list of characters.

    I wish they added this portrait frame as reward for P100 too or smth.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    It should have been a skin but ok

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,216

    It should have been Legacy.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    I don't get how it would be toxic elitism. I don't think people who have the 2016 skins are elitist. They just played longer than me. Am I elitist for having the pig mask on Meg thats unobtainable?