Just completely rework Bubba at this point



  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "When has DBD ever been a horror game?" Well you sound pretty horrified by a camping Bubba so I say its on the money there.

    Like I said if people don't get horror then maybe non-horror is what they are going for, I like the horrific elements of DBD because they fit, they work and they are gritty and confronting, all the things that make DBD a great horror game.

    The realism is part of that and also makes the game thematically appealing.

    "I hate it when I get brutally slaughtered in an impolite manner"... strikes me as a really silly way to approach the game and even sillier to be angry over it and want its removal.

    If horrific non-participation is "un-fun" to you then there are plenty of games where you get to participate the whole way and never have to worry about elimination till game end.

    DBD isn't one of those games and that makes it horrifying, threatening, fun and interesting.

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70

    Pretty Much the Toxic Survivers have Decieved the developers into Un justly Nerfing Killers just so these Griefers can get a Free Escape with minimal Effert. and i want it to be challenging for both the killer and Survivers. but the killers always meant to have the ball in his Cort. the survivers are supposed to be innovative about tricking the killer and being Stealthy and only entering a chase when need to. but that dosnt happen anymore. now all the Survivers are purposly taking killers for JoyRides around the map while there Team mates finish Gens. iThe Ball is compleatly in the survivers Cort Now. and the Killer has to innovate around that on "how do i catch this surviver. how do i stop them from griefing me? how do i stop point blank hok Sabs and 2 team hook body blocks?. its Unfair for killer. KILLER is Practically on Defence almost for Every Match were Survivers are on OFFENCE

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Sure buddy. 61% killrate agrees with you. Killers are so weak omg. They can't even play the game. Survivors just pitty give them kills and it's never the killer who (while he can deny the play for it altogether) gives hatch to last surviving survivor out of pitty