Perk Search/Categorization

The simple idea: Perk Search Bar
With the many perks both sides have, I believe there'd be some benefit to having a search system in place for when you're making a build. Easily you can just search in alphabetical order by swapping pages, but what if you forget Jonah's perk that gives him a speed boost in exchange for being exhausted? Searching "Jonah" would cut the list down to all of his unique perks so you can find Overcome without having the need to swap to Jonah and back to the survivor you were using.
The more complex idea: Search by Category/Class Tag
This would involve going through every individual perk and assigning them roles in a sense, so people can search by perk archetype in order to find something that fits the playstyle they're going for. They can have general categories based on the scoring methods (Altruism, Boldness, Brutality, Hunting, etc.), relation to status effects (exhaustion, blindness), as well as subcategories for their specific purposes like Aura Reading, Regression, etc. So, say if a Killer wanted perks that would aid in regressing generators, they could search with the "Generator" tag. If a Survivor wants to make a build around totems, they can search the "Totem" tag for all relevant perks.
A few examples to go off of for this would be as follows:
Altruism Tag
- Boon: Circle of Healing
- No One Left Behind
Healing Tag
- Boon: Circle of Healing
- Inner Stength/Healing
- Renewal
- Autodidact
- Reactive Healing
Totem Tag
- Boon: Circle of Healing
- Boon: Dark Theory
- Small Game
- Overzealous
Exhaustion Tag
- Dead Hard
- Sprint Burst
- Vigil
- Overcome
Great idea :D
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Or it would be nice if it could be sorted in the order in which the PERKs appeared. Since there are 3 per character, it would be easier to see where the PERK is placed than it is now.
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This is another easy way to sort em out for sure!