What's a time where to played with/against a dbd content creator that you knew?

Yeah sure, we've all played games with random players that have "ttv" in their name, but what's a time where you played with a content creator you actually knew?
Shmuckles, Tatariu while I was playing Legion so I knew my ass was gonna be grass and TonyTheDuff.
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I got ZubatLEL on my team once. He ran self care + no mither and we got 4k'd.
Played against OhTofu and he mori'd me off 1st hook (before mori nerf).
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I had TrU3Ta1ent as a killer twice and once as a survivor when I was in a 3man swf. And I remember that he was complaining in the stream that "we were slow and not optimal" (we all had to do dumb ######### for the archive).
This "incident" is also the reason why I want other people to see what challenges someone needs to do.
I also encountered Otz twice (although not as Trapper sadly), The Kller twice, Monto and his GF (when he was here in Germany), Dhalucard and Entity's Left Hand (which was a very scary Trapper experience on Hawkins).
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Uhh, the biggest ones off the top of my head:
Ralph’s Huntress: My team got 4K’d at 4 gens
Archdruid Drey’s Doctor: 4K’d at 4 gens again
DanInAHurry’s Leatherface: Probably one of the most memorable matches I had against a content creator. Got a 3K right at the end with only 1 door escape. I remember he got particularly salty because he was running I’m All Ears with my teammate looping him at shack with Object of Obsession, so they had like permanent wall hacks on the shack tile they were looping. I usually shoot a follow and say GG WP when I play against streamers, but the second I followed I was called a disgusting Survivor player and got muted before I could say anything lmao
ArrayGamer’s Blight: I’ve faced his Blight twice and got bodied both times, but I don’t remember exactly how the games went. I mention him because he’s been getting pretty big lately.
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I only know for fact that i went at least 2 times vs. OTZ. My powerstruggle Meg even made it in his weekly compilation, lol.
Most of the time i wouldn't even notice it these days, as most popular content creators use the new streamer mode.
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Played with Otz, Ev3ntic and Lionnek when they weren't streaming (profiles were public, they had the hours and the skill so I'm sure it was them).
I was the only one to step in a trap the entire game, but ended up saving Nina by baiting the killer with my DS instead. I was NEVER more nervous to hit the check lol.
I also played against Hens more recently and he called me new because I was running away from Corrupt without even knowing :(
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Ive gone against quite a few
Scott Ive lost count how many times Ive gone against. Been all the way back since he mained Huntress
CoconutRTS I used to go against all the time and he was a much smaller channel at the time, was kinda cool seeing him grow
No0b3 once, the game is on his channel and I loved the ending because we were both trying to proc each others Adrenaline that didnt exist
ZubatLEL Ive faced quite a few times over the years
OhTofu as well, but nothing memorable
Puppers I remember encountering back when I was a new player, (late 2017/early 2018, it was during the Winter Solstice Event) in fact the game is up on his YT channel where he got Adept Freddy. Also played with him during the Oni PTB (pls BHVR bring back that chase music)
Ralph and his terrifying Huntress Ive gone against way back
EdgarAlanBro, every game Ive been with him or against him have been treats, been a while since Ive seen him in a lobby tho
Paulie Esther was some one I used to play with all the time, didnt matter if I was killer or Survivor he would always pop up in my lobbies. Even to this day Im pretty sure he knows me by Dick Snickers, which isnt my name on steam anymore unfortunately
Cahlaflour I have a few times. I have a screenshot of one of them during the Summer BBQ event.
And thats just about all of them that I can think of off the top of my head
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Got matched against ohmwrecker on swamp, right after I updated nvidia drivers. My graphics card die is bad so I have to turn down the core clock by 60, my graphics card controller gets reset every time I update nvidia. My game crashes after first down because I forgot to change the settings on msi after burner. I am sad. I used to watch ohmwrecker back in the gmod days in 2015 with seananners. I checked his stream and her had 2k viewers.
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ArrayGaming, Vulpixia, Dookmo, TheGhostieShow, Ohmwrecker
Ran into OnepumpWillie during his current Sadako win streak. (I almost legit got the hatch escape but he downed me and gave me mercy hatch anyway.)
The one really big one that stands out was SpookyLoopz. He was playing Oni.
I play against or with many small/newer TTVers every single DbD session but we're obviously not counting those. So many people stream DbD these days.
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Played agaist a few but the last memorable one was against Hens a couple of weeks ago. The lobby was full soloq players (everyone joined in 1 by 1) and someone did 'dare' to bring a Badham offering.
He played Pinhead and played in the most tryhard way one can imagine. He found the box first, chainhunt up and then tunnel and camp at 5 gens. Game ended with a 4k with 5 gens left. Everyone had like 4k points and he really complained about the map offering that one guy brought...
I used to really like watching him play but his playstlye changed a lot over the course of time (I guess thats inevitable when you literally only play DBD) and nowadays I can't even stomach watching him for longer than a couple of minutes when he plays killer or his tryhard SWF squad.
Makes me happy I mostly stopped playing this game and only hop on for a couple of games every other week just to realize how unfun it is and then go back to better games LMAO
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I've played with Yerv and a few small streamers.
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Otz (kinda) someone DC'd during the loading screen so he quit the match because a 3v1 isn't fair (his words not mine)
Lilith omen (like a lot)
Angry pug (killed himself on 1st hook)
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It's been a bit since I've run across a streamer I'd recognize, but it was much more common years ago and you could run into them game after game. The ones I remember playing with/against are OhTofu, Umbra, Ralph (when he was RalphFromTheSouth), Zubat, Angrypug, Monto and his girlfriend, EdgarAlanBro, TricksterShadow, Marth, and Paulie.
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I run into OhTofu and Ralph fairly often. I played killer against Oracle when Ayrun was on the team.
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Ive played with/against
Matthew Santoro
Scott Jund
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i've gone against yerv as sadako and actually made it into one of his vids
also been against matthew santoro a couple times, ohtofu once as nemesis (and got stomped lol), i think paulie esther once but that was a while ago
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I’ve played against OhTofu and Umbra as survivor, played with OhTofu as a teammate, and played against Skermz as Artist once.
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Unfortunately I haven't had the privilege to yet. But I'm also a red rank 4 so probably will never get the chance.
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Played survivor against Scott using a Bubba meme build. Got 4k'd but chat thought I was good looper for some reason and Scott corrected them saying I was "Okay". I was only one who actually looped in that match so they were somewhat impressed lol. He also got Power Struggled by my friend which was hilarious and chat loved it. Was a fun match from what I recall. Scott also got Iron Maiden value at the very end on my friend who Power Struggled him which was also hilarious.
Played against Ralph two times that I can remember. Got 4k'd at 5 gens in one match and had a 2-man out on the other. He was a bit salty from the 2-man escape but he seemed like he was having a bad day. He actually stopped streaming after that match.
Played against Monto off-stream when he was doing a build video. It didn't make it in though.
Can't recall their names but I played against a 2-man swf as Oni on The Lab against a couple well known streamers. Got steamrolled as I was using the meme no power build.
Went against Zubat when he was doing the Hag adept. We almost won pretty hard with 3-hooks at end game and then we all died to his devour. We threw super hard which was hilarious.
There was a couple more as well but I can't really recall any of them at the moment.