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Survivors, BBQ & Chill and Camping

Survivors dislike camping because they want the killer to leave the hook and chase others.
Survivors also dislike BBQ because it allows the killer to leave the hook and chase others.

Am I getting this right? So which is it?

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  • Member Posts: 23

    They're not specifically related. BBQ and Chili is a bit overpowered for some killers, ie Hillbilly and Nurse because they can pretty much instantly hit their next target. It also is very useful and still gives a large BP bonus too (does that make sense to anyone?). Anyway, if you can instantly take down another target and then return to the first hook, BBQ actually does the opposite to fix camping. On other killers unless it's gas station or another small map, we know how to counteract it.

    BBQ should remove the aura after you've moved 10 ft from hook and shouldn't have the BP bonus at all. That'd stop the chainsaw bullseye and overuse. Camping should slow down the hook progression based on your distance I'm thinking. Actually that might just be a good survivor perk instead of a full on change.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited June 2018

    @intothefray said:
    They're not specifically related. BBQ and Chili is a bit overpowered for some killers, ie Hillbilly and Nurse because they can pretty much instantly hit their next target. It also is very useful and still gives a large BP bonus too (does that make sense to anyone?). Anyway, if you can instantly take down another target and then return to the first hook, BBQ actually does the opposite to fix camping. On other killers unless it's gas station or another small map, we know how to counteract it.

    BBQ should remove the aura after you've moved 10 ft from hook and shouldn't have the BP bonus at all. That'd stop the chainsaw bullseye and overuse. Camping should slow down the hook progression based on your distance I'm thinking. Actually that might just be a good survivor perk instead of a full on change.

    OH Look, someone who not also wants BBQ and chili nerfed in some way so there's no reason to not camp anymore again and makes up silly as hell claims that someone can just instantly down another and then get back to the original hook like that actually happens in game all the time!, But wants camping punished too in the same post~ which won't be sorry...

  • Member Posts: 2,230
    Neither the Nurse nor Billy can be on top of a Survivor within 4 seconds if they are at least 40m away. It's mathematically impossible.
  • Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2018

    @Visionmaker said:
    Survivors don't like camping because the people on the hook are bored, and the people waiting for the killer to leave are bored.
    Survivors don't like BBQC because it punishes other survivors for someone else's mistake, and it incentivizes killers to camp anyway if there are missing auras.
    Killers dislike gen rushing because they don't want survivors to finish the game too fast.
    Killers dislike survivors complaining about camping because they want survivors to gen rush to counter it.
    Am I doing it right?

    Ah, the old play how I want you to play argument. Always makes me giggle when they don't realize their entitlement.

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  • Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @DocOctober said:
    Neither the Nurse nor Billy can be on top of a Survivor within 4 seconds if they are at least 40m away. It's mathematically impossible.

    I use p3 billy with BBQ, I definitely can’t hit them, but I can start a chase instantly, throwing stealth in the dumpster for a killer you are supposed to avoid. Only other case if it’s s massive map and their exactly on the other side.

  • Member Posts: 2,230
    Jack11803 said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Neither the Nurse nor Billy can be on top of a Survivor within 4 seconds if they are at least 40m away. It's mathematically impossible.

    I use p3 billy with BBQ, I definitely can’t hit them, but I can start a chase instantly, throwing stealth in the dumpster for a killer you are supposed to avoid. Only other case if it’s s massive map and their exactly on the other side.

    Doesn't change my point. It's mathematically impossible.

    It's also always wise to assume a HB having BBQ and adjust accordingly, for example by getting into the TR and prevent the aura reveal or by trying to gain as much distance as possible.
  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @Visionmaker said:
    Survivors don't like camping because the people on the hook are bored, and the people waiting for the killer to leave are bored.

    Survivors don't like BBQC because it punishes other survivors for someone else's mistake, and it incentivizes killers to camp anyway if there are missing auras.

    Killers dislike gen rushing because they don't want survivors to finish the game too fast.

    Killers dislike survivors complaining about camping because they want survivors to gen rush to counter it.

    Am I doing it right?

    Survivors don´t want to get punished for the mistakes of someone else.

    Survivors want to be rewarded for the mistakes of someone else. That´s why the Hatch exists.

    Am I doing this right?

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    The problem with BBQ is when the killers hooks someone, sees 3 auras clear across the map, and decides to camp anyway and calls it strategy.

  • Member Posts: 78
    As far as I'm concerned, now that the gens are much brighter red, that's a good enough counter for me. I still think Open Handed should be buffed to give you 8m extra, though. Open Handed has the potential to be a great perk and if they buffed it like that it would become a regular part of my load out.

    @Visionmaker said:
    Am I doing it right? 
    As usual, you get it right. I always look forward to reading your posts. It's a nice palette cleanser, especially after reading from those 3 or so screeching killer mains that show up in damn near every topic.
  • Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    @DocOctober said:
    Neither the Nurse nor Billy can be on top of a Survivor within 4 seconds if they are at least 40m away. It's mathematically impossible.

    Nurse is a give or take, 40m and if you hear a heartbeat right after a hook it's obvious they have BBQ. Nurse is purely weak against stealth and 4 seconds is enough to mislead your direction and hide from her.

    But the fact you mentioned The Hillbilly is really funny, give or take on which map it is. Rotten fields with a Billy and BBQ? It's just a chase after chase after chase after chase game and it's challenging - not bad, but still frustrating the fact someone's getting hooked every 15 seconds and we're being punished for that.

    That being said, every Killer main can agree BBQ&C is the strongest perk in the game. It allows for you to continue on to what move you should make next after being done with one survivor.

    With THAT being said now, no, it does not need a nerf. It does not need any tampering with whatsoever. It stands perfectly where it's at.

    For those saying it's OP: Yes. But we have Self Care, Sprint Burst, and Adrenaline that are proof they are really strong perks. It's only fair the Killers have strong perks too, right?

    "But, there's no way to counter it..." There is, and I'll help you for those who are struggling.

    1. As much as people say "Just be within 40m", I would highly suggest NOT TO unless working at a generator. Do not go out of your way to be within that 40m. We want the survivor to be unhooked, and most killers, if they do not see atleast 2 auras (some prefer to see all 3) they will camp or patrol the hook. Don't even bother with the hook in this case unless you can get a safe unhook, but that will be pretty unachievable if the killer has every right to suspect you're near it and won't leave it.
    • This may not be the case EVERYTIME as some killers will leave the hook regardless if a survivor is near, but do not make any unsafe hooks unless it's the last resort.
    1. Fake outs. And these work well. Mislead your direction or position. 4 seconds is not hard to count. Hide in a locker and leave right away. Work on a generator for those 4 seconds then leave the area. Window vault one way but backtrack from that vault. Hell, even running in one direction then changing it after 4 seconds even seems to work. Fake outs are the perfect way to mislead a killer and therefore not even beginning a chase from the BBQ. Listen, it isn't hard to know when a Killer has BBQ. All it takes is the first hook to notice it. And at the nature we are at in this game, I'd say only 5-10% of the Killer base doesn't carry BBQ, so always assume they did (in high ranks, of course).

    I don't know, BBQ is only that good if you're Hillbilly or Nurse, otherwise you must be dumb enough or arrogant enough not to figure out ways to counter it.

    Edit: Bro, I just forgot that they changed the gen auras. HIDE BEHIND A GEN LOL

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    I use BBQ and Chilli + Franklin's while hardcamping. 

    It's beautiful. 
  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @DocOctober said:
    Neither the Nurse nor Billy can be on top of a Survivor within 4 seconds if they are at least 40m away. It's mathematically impossible.

    Billy can get close enough in that time that it doesn't matter. According to the DBD wiki his chainsaw sprint moves at 9.2 m/s. That means he can move 36.8m in theory, though probably more like 34-35 when you factor in chainsaw startup and the time it takes him to look around. Also you have to assume Billy has a direct path to them with little turning and no need to stop. These situations are rather common on most maps, really only Game and Lery's don't have good lines of sight for Billy to maximize chainsaw sprints.

    While technically speaking he hasn't gone 40m, that last 5m kinda doesn't matter really. You wouldn't have many options to be stealthy. A good killer knows to search an area if they know you are there. This also assumes that the Billy just didn't flat out see you at 10m as he approached, making any kind of stealth at that point moot.

    According to mathematics and theory, you should be able to escape using stealth with plenty of time, but in practice there are so many other factors at work that you can't look at BBQ in a vacuum. Again, just being able to see an aura, chainsaw sprint 75% of the way there before it's gone, then physically see the target is enough to justify some people's complaints.

    That said, BBQ isn't hard to counter, as long as you pay attention to what the killer does after hooking someone and confirm they have it you can adjust your tactics. I just kinda wish that MAYBE it would make the killer's heartbeat 52/46/40m for just like 1 second during the hook animation so you can tell for sure if you are in range or not. I swear I've hidden within the 40m at some points only to have the killer walk DIRECTLY to my face. Maybe even a status effect called "revealed" so you know if you are safe or not.

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  • Member Posts: 170
    Chill is a awesome perk and works great, dont change a thing!! 
    I use to think camping was a problem until I learned to play with it. I now have zero issue with camping! Dont always save everyone!!! that's how it works!
    Tunneling I dont like personally AT ALL!!! but with balance how it is, I think if its possible for the killer to do they should do it if it works for them! 

    This is not a killers opinion, I'm a non-toxic survivor main :) 

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @BOSS242 said:
    Chill is a awesome perk and works great, dont change a thing!! 
    I use to think camping was a problem until I learned to play with it. I now have zero issue with camping! Dont always save everyone!!! that's how it works!
    Tunneling I dont like personally AT ALL!!! but with balance how it is, I think if its possible for the killer to do they should do it if it works for them! 

    This is not a killers opinion, I'm a non-toxic survivor main :) 

    So you’re saying what main you are gives you credit to your claim? As long as you’ve played and recognized both, you’re fine. But that statement just seems like you trying to be convincing. Whether it’s trye or not, I don’t like it... at least with my “I used billy” claim, it’s directly relevant.

  • Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @DocOctober said:
    Jack11803 said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Neither the Nurse nor Billy can be on top of a Survivor within 4 seconds if they are at least 40m away. It's mathematically impossible.

    I use p3 billy with BBQ, I definitely can’t hit them, but I can start a chase instantly, throwing stealth in the dumpster for a killer you are supposed to avoid. Only other case if it’s s massive map and their exactly on the other side.

    Doesn't change my point. It's mathematically impossible.

    It's also always wise to assume a HB having BBQ and adjust accordingly, for example by getting into the TR and prevent the aura reveal or by trying to gain as much distance as possible.

    Now that you mention it... funny thing, I run knockout on billy, no approaching me. Also, once some gens are done, people will be caught in a dead zone. The whole point of the argument is right here... BBQ wouldn’t be OP if you could stealth billy in a dead zone, but you can’t. Nurse fatigues, and other killers give you enough time to fake out or leave.

    You can’t fake out billy if he LITERALLY sees you physically within 2 seconds of the aura finishing. Long story short... find some way to make BBQ and chili not work as well as it dies on billy.

  • Member Posts: 4

    The community is really split in Survivor and Killer mains. I am a survivor main but I also play killer (was rank 1) and I can understand both sides. Killers hate gen rush because the game is ending too fast, but survivors also hate camping and tunneling, Both are boring. I personally do not care, if I die in a round, I just want the killers to be fair. I do not teabag or anything, unless someone camps or tunnels my friends. If I play killer, I also thank survivors who played fair (no teabagging e.g.) even if I did not kill anyone. Anyway, what I wanted to say: Most people just see the game from 1 side and this splits the community even more. And to BBQ & Chili: Well, many killers use this to camp because you know if someone is near.

  • Member Posts: 170
    Jack11803 said:

    @BOSS242 said:
    Chill is a awesome perk and works great, dont change a thing!! 
    I use to think camping was a problem until I learned to play with it. I now have zero issue with camping! Dont always save everyone!!! that's how it works!
    Tunneling I dont like personally AT ALL!!! but with balance how it is, I think if its possible for the killer to do they should do it if it works for them! 

    This is not a killers opinion, I'm a non-toxic survivor main :) 

    So you’re saying what main you are gives you credit to your claim? As long as you’ve played and recognized both, you’re fine. But that statement just seems like you trying to be convincing. Whether it’s trye or not, I don’t like it... at least with my “I used billy” claim, it’s directly relevant.

    I get ya, I just wanted to say it's not just killers who want to protect balance. And I do play both but it's like 90/10 

  • Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @BOSS242 said:
    Jack11803 said:

    @BOSS242 said:

    Chill is a awesome perk and works great, dont change a thing!! 

    I use to think camping was a problem until I learned to play with it. I now have zero issue with camping! Dont always save everyone!!! that's how it works!

    Tunneling I dont like personally AT ALL!!! but with balance how it is, I think if its possible for the killer to do they should do it if it works for them! 

    This is not a killers opinion, I'm a non-toxic survivor main :) 

    So you’re saying what main you are gives you credit to your claim? As long as you’ve played and recognized both, you’re fine. But that statement just seems like you trying to be convincing. Whether it’s trye or not, I don’t like it... at least with my “I used billy” claim, it’s directly relevant.

    I get ya, I just wanted to say it's not just killers who want to protect balance. And I do play both but it's like 90/10 

    I got ya

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