NO!! To a flashlight buff

If you can’t get it too bad. Practice. This is a bad idea
It's not that much of a buff. If you're doing what you should be doing as a killer to avoid flashlights, it shouldn't matter much - how often does a survivor get an early pickup blind on you anyway?
I'll happily make the trade that flashlights a little easier to use while locker blinds and macro spamming is dead.
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It's 0,25 seconds.
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It’s not needed at all
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no it aint, wont make much of a difference if anything
the amount of fearmongering there is when such small changes are just announced is way too much
like seriously guys, calm down
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Lol who is asking for a flashlight buff? Its perfectly fine as it is now.
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What's wrong with it? Pro players can use it anyway, now a new players have a chance. It already addled me that you have to start blinding in exact animation point, which is never taught in any tutorial unless you're deep in the game and watch YT, although it is a core mechanic.
0.25 secs would adjush ping a little, although any blind is totally killer's fault (they removed locker blind and I think they should remove CJ, or at least make different keys on pickup and break)
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I'm reserving judgment until I actually see it in action. A 0.25 second additional window is quite small, it sounds like it's mostly just making up for latency differences honestly.
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I think the buffer isn't bad but the buffer duration might be too much.
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I am fine with it. I mean if it starts getting really bad I have a crutch perk I can always use. I am not ashamed to equip lightborn against 4 beamers.
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It's only a short gap to give a tiny bit of extra room to get that hit. It's still a small area to get the torch in, but may encourage more altruistic plays. We'll see how it is when it plays about, but the killer also got a quality-of-life change in becoming invincible to blinds when snatching a survivor out of the locker.
The bigger picture also seems to be bringing a more altruistic approach to survivor, as the proposed changes to MMR show.
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NEVER feel ashamed to equip the best perk in the game, people just don't understand, lol
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I know people are like "but so many perks are better" or "just learn to dodge the flashlights" but if the perk saves you from one or possibly even more flashy saves that you cant or couldn't dodge the value is insane.
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I just run it because it's hilarious to see the reactions of "oh god oh **** it's not working why isn't it working" lol
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It needed to happen. The frame perfect blind was an awkward mechanic and the "buff" they applied is basically a band-aid fix to make it less awkward.
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The people who are good at flashlight saves are gonna make them anyway. I can't remember the last time I saw a survivor who didn't either make the save or screw it up entirely.
And you got locker blind immunity out of it, so I'd say you got the better deal out of this.
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It not and awkward mechanic, it's a game changing mechanic that if done correctly resumes a chase when it should have ended with a hooked survivor. Something like this should always be perfect timing like a parry from Dark souls, making it easier (wich btw is not hard at all) its completely unnecesary.
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It's often a matter of a fraction of a second between a successful save and a failed one. I feel Lightborn will gain a lot of popularity.
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It looks incredibly awkward and should have a total overhaul to the picking up animation to give more visual clarity. In other words the animation somehow negating flashlight blinds and pallet stuns does not translate well at all. They recognized this and gave flashlights a non-frame perfect window which is a band-aid at best.
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they're nerfing flashlight again by making locker immune to flashlight saves.
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Eh, let the flashlight enthusiasts have this. Flashlight saves are still counterable, and if your that worried about it just equip lightborn. They just recently got nerfed too with the cooldown added to them (I understand why it was done but it was still a nerf to one of the weakest survivor items).
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It's not a big deal. Most flashlight misses are too late anyway, and this buff does nothing to that.
Bring Lightborn if you don't like it.
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Who cares, just look at a wall. Don't rely on someone else's incompetence with a flashlight to save you. Save yourself.
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Flashlights are the weakest item in the game unless in 4-man SWF. Frankly, they needed a buff for a long time now. Look at it this way: if more people run flashlights, less people run toolboxes and med-kits so... Yeah.
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The buff to the timing more than compensates. This update will be a net buff to flashlights.
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its net nerf because people who timed flashlight properly do not care about 0.25 buffer or whatever this does. there is just 1 less chance to flashlight save option.
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How is this a bad idea? I genuinely want to know why you think this way as while I do agree to an extent I kind of saw this coming personally. Especially after the nerf to the clicking.
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Flashlights sorta needed a buff because they're one of the weaker items in the game.
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I wouldn't call it a band-aid fix, but just a change to the frame-perfect execution of before. As Peanits has said, you don't extend the blind or stun, just have the tiniest bit of leeway with the execution. Even in DS i-frames could very, depending on the loadout and ring-choices, between 8 and 15 frames, so fiddling a bit with this number seems totally ok. I just experienced one or two real flashlight saves this month, so its not happening that often and I get it that it feels very frustrating if you bring a flashlight into the trial, but don't ever get the timing right.
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To be totally clear my main issue with it stems from the picking up animation being made without flashlight stuns in mind.
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It's going to make flashlight saves easier for survs who aren't already good at it, which is like 90% of all survivors. Locker saves were a pretty rare occurrence already (aside from teams who get off coordinating them for fun, and screw those guys). So I think it's a net buff.
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I'm totally fine with it. Killer counterplay isn't going to change, it'll just give survs who aren't well practiced with them a better chance at actually pulling them off. As flashlights are now, they're one of the worst items in the game; they're essentially useless to most survs.
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Weak is a strange way to describe an item that can save you from a hook state. Flashlights are still great against Hag, Wraith, Nemesis, and Artist. I have avoided practicing flashlight saves and have always prioritized medkits or toolboxes but maybe this is the time to start using my saved flashlight inventory. I have never done a blind the killer tome challenge but I will give it a try now.
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I guess that is fair. I think I only ever got one or two flashlight saves during my time with DBD, and that was because a tome challenge forced me to try to do it. Besides of that I just don't mess with them, partly because I have no idea when to start the save, as the animation natively gives you no indication when to start flashing, pardon my word here :)
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Same. While I am hesitant to call the increased buffer time a necessary step forward, it is a welcome change. One that should have been done years ago imo. Similar feelings with pallet stuns during the pickup animation. Always has seemed "off" to me when the animation finishing gets prioritized over just about everything else going on outside of that teeny tiny window at the end of it.
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The way i see it more people will bring flashlights and hover around for saves which means less people actually doin gens and you can always try facing a wall or checkin around before picking up
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Does anyone know if the buffer is 0,25 in total so it’s 0,125 each way or 0,25 both ways so it really is 0,5?
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Ok question. Why is it whenever anything is announced to be buffed some people just go mad as if its the end of dead by daylight as we know it. As a killer main i barely get hit with flashlight saves anyway because i bait them out and once baited out i run Franklins means no more flashy saves. the extra 0.25 seconds is such a tiny amount of time its not going to make much of a difference.
people need to just get off there high horse and accept change. Flashlights were kinda weak in solo que and now they have been buffed for solo que (apparently).
personally couldn't give a damn what get nurfed or buffed i just play the game for fun not competative so if a survivor flashlight saves then well done them and this "buff" aint gonna do much for those who can't aim a flashlight anyway.
In a round about way to begin with the so called Buff will actually be a nerf because it will cause more players to run flashlights to begin with therefore more going for saves and likely have more trying to to blind at the same time as another meaning it won't work anyway... aka nurf because of how survivors play :)
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The "buff" is to help with latency.
As people are saying, relax it's not that big of a deal.
Atleast locker saves will be gone. Not like I ever pulled them off or was abused by them by someone :(, but still a good change.
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0,25sec doesnt seem much. We should wait and see how it will be played out on the PTB.
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.25 is a lot, but yes, wait and see.
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I run Franklin's so they can buff flashlights all they want.
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Flashlights are already a rather weak item. the more survivors use them the better. more variety is always good. besides you can counter every single blind and if you really hate them so much use lightborn or franklins.
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It’s hardly even a buff no one will notice a difference.
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Some players (some, not all), would simply like that from the moment they use a flashlight, the killer is blinded, burned to the third degree, handicapped to the point of being able to move only at 3.5m/s, and that on top of that, he can't use his power anymore 🤣
Lightborn 4ever 😍
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Except you can't do anything, because you can't move
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I mean, yeah? Once you pick up, you're locked. Which is why if you know there are flashlights in play, you're supposed to check the area for survivors or face walls.
Anyone who can blind you with the new update could have blinded you with the old update if they had their timing right. So newbies have a better shot at blinding you, but for the flashlight gods, it's all the same.
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Killers should be happy about a Flashlight-Buff. Survivors bringing Flashlights instead of Medkits is still better for the Killer. And you can easily avoid any Flashlight like you did before.
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That's my problem with this. It's the same if they were to have a survivor's hitbox linger for longer so that new players could get easier hits. This game shouldn't prioritize luck or a new player. If thry want to get blinds, they should learn the timing. It's not that hard. There are tutorials are all over the internet. People need to get good in any game they play.
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Yes, we always use the Lord and Savior