Is this a bug?

So I put a bug report in but hasn't gained much traction so thought I'd ask here. This seems pretty game-breaking though. Recently I noticed that I've been slamming space running through some pallets and haven't been able to throw them if the killer is in a certain radius, whether that be lunging or running at me. Especially if im already facing the pallet.
I finally managed to get a screenshot, Is this intended? Thoughts?
I assume it was a way to try and fix reverse stunning.
its hard to tell from this picture, but could the killer be running the Hex perk Blood Favor? If they hit you with a basic attack, all palettes in 16m can't be thrown for 15s.
But you should have a curse icon in that case.
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No blood favour. The billy is afk.
It's been happening quite a bit on seemingly random pallets. I finally got a chance to get a screen after a week or so of wondering if im going insane.
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I don’t see the Entity blocking that pallet either, though.
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Yeah its 100% not BF. I know which perks do what. It's been happening since either wesker dropped or the halloween event started. Happens when the killer is on the other side of the pallet mid lunge as well. Hence getting hit while im mashing space to drop it.
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In this image it might just be that the killer is too close so if you were to throw down the pallet your model wouldnt have anywhere to go however this is dbd bhvr might have messed up some hitboxes or something
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I've been having trouble pulling down pallets as well, sometimes it just feels like the prompt doesn't want to appear.
On another note, did you saccrifice yourself to the entity for this screenshot ? That endgame collapse timer seems pretty close to 0 haha !
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If you're attemptying to drop the pallet, it take the angle you're character is looking to determine where you drop it. Its trying to drop it with you landing to the left, but the killer is occupying the interaction zone there.
This is intended. If you face right, the game will let you drop the pallet no problem, but here, the killer occupies the same zone as the drop animation needs, so its blocked. This same interaction is why bodyblocking hooks works; even though the killer can be standing in the interaction range, something else being there (a survivor) blocks it.