Some Survivor Perk Rework Ideas

The 6.1.0 patch made some interesting changes to Survivor Perks, especially for perks such as Off the Record and Lightweight, which before then were not used by the majority of the player base. I hope to see future updates continue the idea of reworking lesser used perks so that players can have more interesting and varied loadouts. Here are some reworks of Survivor Perks that I feel could use some attention. Please leave any thoughts you have down below.
First up we have:
Left Behind is a perk that feels incredibly outdated, especially when compared to Perks like Clairvoyance. I wanted to change the Perk to focus more on empowering the user when faced with the loss of teammates rather than just purely finding the hatch. Now I do see some having the issue with the Perk only functioning when your teammates die, which never ideal but I feel the Perk could easily see value in many different scenarios and wouldn't incentivize letting your team die on purpose to gain an advantage like current Left Behind or Sole Survivor.
Speaking of Sole Survivor, Second up we have:
Sole Survivor was made mostly with old Object of Objection in mind and even then it was an unpopular pick. The effect of aura blocking gained for the death of your teammates is not very worth it, so I wanted to change the perk to instead gain Tokens when a teammate is hooked, similar to Fast Track. I also added the Hatch Aura reveal mechanic from Left Behind because it fits the Perk more, thematically and and gameplay wise. As when most survivors look for Hatch, they're typically want to be hidden from the killer to increase their chances of finding it and this Perk would help in that endeavor. Of course, I understand this perk would have competition with the newly buffed Distortion but I feel that this rework would create an interesting choice, would you rather have aura blocking immediately but need to earn it back, or gain aura blocking overtime but it will last for the rest of the trial.
Lastly, we have:
Gaudian is a perk that provide a decent effect but isn't used often because other perks do the job of anti-tunneling better such as Borrowed Time and Off the Record. I only wanted to add a single aspect to the perk that would help it stand out amongst other anti-tunneling Perks and that would be to exchange your Hook Stages with the Survivor that you were unhooking. That way the killer has to make a choice. Do they continue to tunnel the same Survivor who was just Unhooked, now having to work through more Hook Stages? Or do they now go after the Survivor who is now carrying said Hook Stages? This makes the Perk fair but an interesting choice for anti-tunneling purposes.
As I stated above, please share any and all thought about the changes I've proposed. I enjoyed making these and wish to do more in the future.