Are certain survivors bugged with tome challenges?

I cant gain any progress on challenges as rebecca, swap to dwight and I instantly get progress.

Im curious if its survivors or just DBD being DBD and not counting challenges most of the time


  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    There's a bug with challenges where you have to select a different challenge and then go back to the previous one in order to make it work. It's not tied to the survivors from what I know.

    In the past they were tied to certain maps. Some challenges didn't work on newer maps but now they all should work except the challenge to hide in a locker after "x" seconds of being in chase. That doesn't work since forever now. It's been acknowledged months ago and it's still broken.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Strange, I got that locker one awhile ago so that must be newish.

    But i was doing the repair gens with a toolbox (I'm behind on challenges lol) but i tried so many things and nothing worked but swapping characters tried like 6different things before swapping too.

    Then my next challenge 0 progress as rebecca so i have swapped character to test again

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    The challenge I am sure was bugged was the one that required escaping. Not sure if they fixed it.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    The tomes are filled with bugs. I just finished my last survivor challenge yesterday, and I can confirm there are a lot of problems with the game not counting progress properly.

    For instance, yesterday I was working on a "Sacrifice 10 to the Entity" tome challenge. The first game I got two sacs, it counted one. Second game was three sacs, it counted two, next was one and it counted, then I got four sacs and it only counted three... This is the tome 12 challenge, which was blocking my last survivor challenge of healing with Claudette. Not all the bugs counter progress, I finished that challenge off because someone DCed and it counted as a sac.

    The point is that even the new tomes are riddled with bugs. I would not be surprised at all if Rebecca specifically cannot complete challenges in the Tomes, or that she cannot complete that specific challenge. I stopped being surprised that the progress isn't counting properly a long long time ago.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It seems to be alot of challenges, sometimes swapping challenges/resetting the game fixes it but definitely shouldn't have to do that