How does the MMR work?

Hi guys, im a survivor main never played killer at all really bar a few dailys here and there.

Doing killer at the moment to do rift challenges now im not a great killer as i have no experiance at all bar as said above but i keep getting matched with very clearly high mmr survivors and they are destroying me I can hardly get a start.

I know its a get gud situation but surely i shouldnt be getting matched with teams like this? Its very frustrating. Surely a few 2 and 3 k's arent enough to throw my mmr into the stratosphere.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,168

    It's unlikely your playing against high MMR right off the bat.

  • Dwightslocker
    Dwightslocker Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2022

    Well i mean some of the players im coming across are like lvl 40 odd prestige and that. Just had a game with a lvl 40 dwight and lvl 46 jill. I know prestige doesnt mean how good they are but Theyve very clearly put there time in and they were making very good survivor moves good body blocks, looping was exceptional that was the whole team too.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    MMR doesn't work that's the best part lol jk but it's never worked properly even though some people will point to it when they have troubles it really doesn't work because of the metrics they use to determine "skill"

  • Dwightslocker
    Dwightslocker Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2022

    Oh lovely. So im going to have a real hard time learning killer then. Thats good to hear lol. Is mmr based on player or killer?

    So ive used trapper and the executioner the most as for whatever reason them and the pig gives me the most dailys. Would i maybe have a better chance trying someone new?

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Prestige dosnt equal skill.....all it shows is time played or the lack of life said person has. I beat a prestige 100 Killer and I'm only prestige 4 with my highest survivor

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just to break it down, when you first play a new killer character you start at a below average rating (I don’t know the number but something like 600-800 where the average is 1000 I think). If you kill someone your rating goes up, and if they escape out the gate it goes down. (I think hatches are neutral but I’m not 100% positive.) The higher the rating of the person you kill the more your rating goes up, and the higher the rating of someone who escapes the more your rating goes down. Also the devs said something about the first kill being worth more than the second and third because the system assumes that once one survivor dies it’s easier to kill others. Finally initially your rating goes up or down more to try and get you closer to your approximate accurate bracket quickly and then after a few games it settles down to smaller fluctuations.

    The devs also announced this month that they’re adjusting that system so rather than your MMR going up or down every kill and escape it will go up or down based on how many survivors escape as a whole. That way if one survivor runs a killer all game and helps everybody else get out then all the survivors go up in ratings including the runner. It’s a step toward treating the survivors as an actual team for purposes of winning or losing (which is good in my opinion!)

    Note that the rating systems is pretty decent, if everybody’s MMR is close the game tends to be close. But the matchmaking algorithm sometimes ignores MMR altogether in the interest of time when there’s nobody available in a given player’s range for a match or when someone dodges a lobby in progress. A lot of mismatches have to do with that time constraint as well as swfs whose members are widely disparate ratings.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    Some good answers here but I'd stress a couple already mentioned. Even if you haven't played killer before, you have a starting MMR around 800 i think based on dev feedback. If you're playing during high survivor que times, your more likely to get matched with higher MMR survivors too. It never takes long as a killer to get matched against good survivors.

  • Dwightslocker
    Dwightslocker Member Posts: 21

    Interesting. Just had 3 games as deathslinger and got 3 very hard fought 4ks so im lost. My first few games today i was getting destroyed not even close and that last 3 were very difficult but i managed the 4k.

    So im not sure where that puts me.

    Thanks for the answers guys

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited November 2022

    We actually just posted a blogpost that covers the basics (and some of the upcoming changes):

    More specifically, when you're just starting out- including playing one of the roles for the first time- the game has no idea where you should be. The matchmaking system has a "confidence level" to represent how sure your rating is what it needs to be. When you first start playing a new role, it's low, and as a result your rating will adjust much faster than normal (your wins raise your rating more, your losses lower it more). Over time, the matchmaking system gets a better understanding of where you should be and the confidence level starts to increase and your rating adjusts less after each match.

    It's possible you won a few matches and your rating increased quickly, but it should adjust to a place where you're averaging 2 kills per match pretty soon.