Last Survivor

Buffy101 Member Posts: 126
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

So I stopped letting the last survivor live after I kept getting that whole give me one last hit only to have them jump into hatch after I just brought them to it or leave the exit gates as Im walking up thinking “Oh thanks GG”. I really feel its like a “Haha I won” move on their end. I recently started letting them live again and sure enough same crap. It’s annoying. I feel like those ruin it for the other survivors because it makes me not want to do it anymore. Thoughts?


  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Played long enough I don't care much about being teabagged; especially since I camp and tunnel habitually so I get bagged pretty much every game (and thus have to BM on hook to even the score)

    I only slug for the 4k if they really annoyed me somehow or I have a good idea of their location when the 3rd survivor goes down. Otherwise I see it mostly as a waste of time

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Yeah,it feels pretty unfair to the other survivor's letting them go , because everyone was trying.If it's a DC because someone decided to sack the or try to ruin a game for a streamer,I let them go or if the survivor is genuinely a cutie, I let go.They melt my emotional button ever time,I have to let them go.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The only way i let them live is if i make the decision and start carrying them to hatch, if they wiggle they get the hook. If they dont submit to the fact they lost i dont give them mercy.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Ya know also if someone has more skill then me and, I clearly can see it,I let them go also ,I don't want a kill out of circumstance,but if you were ahole,I will chase you to your thumbs burn.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Honestly its more of a "in the moment" thing. Some survivors actually earn respect or are friendly so we go through the match and see what happens and go from there.

  • Buffy101
    Buffy101 Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2022

    Do you base it on just a good match or just them immediately asking for mercy at the start of the match?

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    Let's just if the killer kills almost the entire team the fact that one survivor can still escape is a privilege. The fact that survivors think they are entitled to the hatch is amazing so do whatever you want honestly

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280
    edited November 2022

    Personally we go by how each specific survivor played. Begging at the start usually wont get anywhere though some exceptions such as the start of an event apply. Using busted tiles over and over again or running as soon as you hear a heart beat also wont get you mercy. Basically its user discretion on what we wana do with a survivor at our (lack of) mercy.

    Example story, today had a game where there were 2 witches (probably a swf) a feng and a david. The witches were trying to be [BEEP]es with ineffective flashlights and tbagging at pallets (for awhile anyway, the joys of artist) and usual, feng...well poor feng tried atleast but kept going down quick when we chased her. David on the other hand was trying his damnest and put up a decent fight but at the end the second witch went down near him and I got him as well. Proceeded to hook the witch and she died and as I got to david the hatch spawned under me (never as a survivor). He did the little slug begging and I've had so many survivors just plain give up today that I rewarded (in my mind anyway) his tenacity and a decent hunt with the hatch. Dout any of those survivors thought it was a good match but again, I felt like rewarding someone who fought tooth and nail at that time.

    Again, its a how you feel thing. No one is entitled to anything here (despite forum out cries) or deserves anything so you gotta do you.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited November 2022

    Genuinely confused : are survivors supposed to wait for a last hit before accepting hatch ? I have never done that before, if I'm given hatch I'm usually either dropped down on it (and wiggle on the ground for thanks and then take it), or if I wiggle out I usually crouch once in thanks and then take it fast. I just don't want to waste a nice killer's time any more than I have to ? Same as if a killer decides to let both me and another survivor go, I'm not going to look for totems or beg for pallet stuns, I'll open the gate and go as quickly as possible as to not importune the killer (unless they, of course, offer stuns, chests, or totems).

    I have never expected a last hit from survivors I give hatch or gate to but it does make sense... Survivors I let go at the gate often wait a little bit and do the "follow me" emote, but I must be a bit dense because I always assumed it meant "let's get out together" and just headbutt the exit to pretend to leave as well... ... I really am the 5th survivor, aren't I ? xD

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    I used to always give the one last hit but I've seen heaps of killers say they'd rather we just leave so I just leave immediately now

  • Buffy101
    Buffy101 Member Posts: 126

    So when I play as Killer and get 3/4 kills I like to let the last survivor go Ill either open the exit gate or show them where the hatch is. If its the exit gates the survivor will call me so I can basically get one last hit but to be asses they do that and just as Im walking to give them a hit they take off and leave just to be an ass after I just let them survive. Same with hatch.