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PS4 - randomly losing distortion tokens.

bm33 Member Posts: 8,326

Match v Nemesis, the only things that should've made me lose Distortion tokens were Lethal Pursuer and his add on to show auras after searching one of the vaccine chests. His other perks (Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Hex: Blood Favor) aren't supposed to show survivors auras.

I noticed my tokens disappearing for no reason even when I was just running across the map no where near the killer. The times I was supposed to lose tokens - Lethal Pursuer or opening one of his chests - my perk made the sound of losing a token but the times I randomly lost tokens there was no sound, I noticed looking at my HUD that the number had randomly dropped and several times had gone to 0 without my having done anything to lose them.

I faced other Nemesis players after that running Lethal Pursuer and/or the add on and did not randomly lose Distortion tokens.

Steps to recreate

1. PS4, crossplay on, public match as survivor on Eyrie of Crows map. As survivor run Distortion, Kindred, Wake Up, and Prove Thy Self. Have Nemesis run the load out shown in the pic below.

2. Randomly start to lose Distortion tokens.

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