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Killers You Could Take in a Fight.

RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

It's just you sitting alone in a room only illuminated by the screen. Suddenly you get an itch, a feeling, that something terrible is about to happen. With a nervous glance out the window you see a silhouette of a familiar face, 'No it can't be...'

Then you hear a sound, a familiar comfort in the soundscape of the game but downright chilling when echoing through your walls as whatever it is gets closer and closer. You immediately recognize whatever weapons you have in your home, a bat, a kitchen knife, a gun, hell even a candlestick and move to wield it.

There's a slam at the door. Within moments whatever is out there will now be inside. Their advantage is their powers, your advantage is knowing that they can be killed.

Who do you hope will be at your door?

Who do you believe will make a glorious yet uncertain battle?

Who will make you throw your weapon to the ground and accept fate?



  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

    There's always a power fantasy. To think for a shining moment that with a burst of adrenaline and the circumstances before you that you'd be strong and clever enough to get the upper hand. Who hasn't looked around their house and lost themselves in a daydream about fighting off would be attackers and becoming a hero, especially after watching an action flick. I daresay most people have watched a horror movie and at least once thought 'This is what I would have done better.'

    Yes you're entirely correct. Many of them are supernatural, and we'd all need 90-120 minutes of runtime to figure out their weakness, the rules of their existence, and how to get the upper hand in a climactic and cinematic fight. But we don't have enough friends to pad kill time, and I think with how our community is none of us are worthy of the final girl title. So instead we get seven minutes to play, that's all the time they have to spare.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited November 2022

    Victor: By Himself

    the nemmy zombies: they frail

    the legion members: assuming they can only come 1 by 1 like the trials

    The Pig

    ghost face: because his advantage is stealth and I know he is here

    the hag realistically she is a frail girl. and unlike dbd I can block her hits if i have a decent reaction time and she needs time to draw her symbols

    not many, and even less if they are with there companions

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
    edited November 2022

    To answer my own question. I feel like with the right melee weapon and a proper first hit I'd have a chance with many of them. IlliterateGenocide has the right of it with the Hag. She's frail and basically bones, as long as her licker-like claws have a shorter range than a baseball bat I think I'd be in good order with her.

    Nurse, if I could get a solid swing in I feel like she'd get staggered incredibly easy. Heck on a normal day she can't even handle her own power very well, so a few solid strikes would probably end her suffering.

    Pig and Spirit are two other ones I'd have a decent shot at. Pig because she's not really a combatant (Neither am I honestly) and I think my adrenaline would be a match for her wrist blade. Spirit's sword would be pretty damning and I don't like those odds, but I feel like I'd have a chance greater than zero. Also if Freddy is attacking me head on and not in the dream world, well he's basically just a dude right? I also like to think I could brain Trickster pretty decently if I took him by surprise. Ghost Face would probably seem fairly human as far as potential killers go, but man he can take some serious punishment.

    The rest of them there's no way. I'd just die.

    Except with Pyramid I would try to appeal to his base instincts and plead for a few moments full of life. Hopefully his mercy will take the form of compassion born from James Sunderland's cursed wishes and we'd share a terrifying yet survivable evening. Then he'd move on, condemned by his own existence to execute some other tormented soul. In a way after that evening he'd have fulfilled his duty in killing me, as I would have become an entirely different person by the time day broke, but I'd still be me enough to appreciate the time we had together.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,197

    Any of the legions. I'll kick Susie in the nuts and backhand Frank wearing white gloves. They got nothing on my 20 inch guns.

    Frenzy shmenzy. Yawn.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Which? Better question: when?

    I'm waiting, killers.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I am but a sick boy.


  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    There's no way you can beat either Frank or Joey.

    You really think you could beat up Frank ,I'm sure the entity gives killer's,there power based on their attributes.

  • the_dempsy99
    the_dempsy99 Member Posts: 34

    pig, ghost face, legion if it was 1 on 1 hag, plague, spirit, nurse, maybe freddy,

    not huntress she was randomly in a war killing soldiers for no reason and winning

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I just wanted to see the hubris

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,197

    What's the difference between the girls and guys? They're equal in power. And yeah, I don't think Legion would be a problem considering their power isn't really a power-- at least nothing to fear. Next night, I wouldn't mind facing Piggo, then probably Ghostface.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,757

    Legion, I'm actually trained in knife defences because my area used to be so bad for high knife crime rate (until we moved) so that'd be much easier than a bunch of others.

    Amanda- in the saw movies it's always the element of surprise that let's them kidnap someone, so when I know exactly where they are because they're barging through the front door that's kinda ruined lol.

    Same with Jamesface, although since he's a genuine notorious serial killer I'd be slightly more afraid if he's just barged through the door with the ability to look at me for a while to do more damage with a stab (again knife trained) then I'd be far less afraid than if he'd been stalking me to figure out my detailed route and plan.

    Nurse. Good luck blinking through my house loser I know that'd be a pain in the ass for you to do. Plus her max speed is, what, 13.33m/s? That's just shy of 30mph and I live very close to a 40 zone, so all I have to do is make it long enough to get into my car and I'm gone.

    (That's the same for every killer minus Billy, Oni, Blight, etc- I just have to get to my car and I've won).

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,475

    If were considering them not Entity Juiced, then Amanda or any member of the Legion

    Better chance would probably be Amanda tho considering its probably not that easy to see out of that pig head, and the not so effective weapon. A standard knife gives you a lot more freedom and versatility than something fixed to your wrist

    If we are considering them Entity Juiced, then there aint a single one

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    All of them.

    Open the door, then slam it on them. Even if they aren't standing directly in it, they get stunned anyways. Then do it again. And again. Do it forever.

    If it works with pallets, it can work here.

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    That's one way to stop the Oni I guess. Just hope you wipe your mouth once you're done 🤭

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    Speak for yourself, Ghostface 1 on 1 wouldn't stand a chance, especially when you consider how clumsy he is and the fact he's always just a teen in a mask with no supernatural abilities. He only succeeds in movies because of stupid decisions by the victims that most logical people wouldn't make.

    Anyone else I'd be a puddle on the floor before I even had the chance to stand up.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Like I said,if it's attributes were talking about,we know Frank played basketball so he has strength and speed so his hand eye coordination is quicker and his punches will pack some thunder,on top of that he's a psychopath,their usually unusually strong and resilient.If I was you I'd just go for the hatch.You can even see all this in The Legion's Mori by your logic why not just beat up Michael Myers?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I mean clearly our good friend steezo is a very gifted individual

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    Trickster is my answer to all of these.

    better be killed by a good looking guy than by a monster. Not sure about the torture for my screams though XD

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I'd get wrecked by one of Nemesis's zombies. Literally my only hope is that it's Pig and she's receptive to snoot boops.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Although I couldn't take any in a fight, I could probably reason with some of them. Legion comes to mind, maybe Slinger cause I'm not an outlaw or someone who has wronged him.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited November 2022

    I probably choose that dwight that always kills be by just hidding instead of doing gens. I am sure i can kick his ass, and i know where all the lockers are in my house.

  • Pyramid Head. I would just look at him in his stupid triangle face and say "I'm content with my current situation in life." and he'd stab himself on the spot.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 938


    Why? Because his weakness is most likely crutches! I can whack him down until he can't take it no more.

    People who have seen Scream 2022 can understand what I mean. :D

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    Let's be fair though, some of the replies in here are joke responses, and they are quite funny.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Well of course. I've laughed quite a few times at some of them.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895

    Legion, Ghostface, Trickster, Twins, Pig, and Plague.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    most killers are huamish and could be taken down by a average/big man with the exceptions of the monsters like Oni, Myers, Nemesis, Piramid head, Pin head...

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,565
    edited November 2022

    One of my defining physical traits is my throwability. Even Trickster would be able to pick me up and throw against a wall, upon which I fall apart like a lego game character.

    Post edited by GentlemanFridge on
  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Yeah, this. I've got a blackbelt in kickboxing and that ain't helping me do sheet against the big ones lol, my sidekick would bounce right off 😅

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,197

    Ok, well if you want to go that route, then let me just say this-- If Legion bust in my house, I'm going to know where abouts he is because he's in my realm where I have inherent killer instinct. I'm also a few steps away from my Glock. I doubt his poo butt will be doing much of anything besides frenzying out my front door. Then I'd call my friends down the block that hang out in the front all the time, and tell them to jack the weirdo with a silly mask because he thinks he's all that with a knife.

    You couldn't do this with Myers. He's a real killer.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    with a bit of luck, i think i could take pyramid head down all bare-handed

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    edited November 2022

    here's my list

    Edit: Just going to list out why each killer is in each tier

    First is the bottom tier, Trickster is a joke without his bat and knives, Ghostface and Pig are only dangerous if they get substantial prep time to figure out my every move, and Legion is on their own with none of the other members is just a normal teenager, aside from maybe Hag, who i would like to point out is basically a walking corpse with barely any muscle mass to speak of, none of the killers in this tier would realistically give me that much worry due to the fact that they're all normal people with not very high physical strength

    Second is mid-tier, Huntress, Trapper, and Clown are all much stronger then i am and can very easily kill me with their bare hands, Charlotte would be double teaming me with Victor, and Wraith would probably be able to sneak up on me, however, if you were to give me a gun i could probably still win since they are still human, albeit really tough ones

    High Tier is for the extremely strong killers, Blight, Hillbilly, and Bubba are very tough and generally refuse to stay down, Plague would naturally have her vomit which would screw me over royally, Artist would have her crows and agility (seriously have you seen how high she jumps in her Mori? Lady would be one hell of a basketball player), Spirit and Sadako are supernatural, making hurting them impossible, Deathslinger would probably find a way to kill me even without his gun and with his bad leg, and i generally refuse to hurt Demo for any and all reasons

    Finally is S-Tier, Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Dredge, and Freddy are all extremely strong supernatural threats that are basically unkillable through normal means, Wesker and Nemesis are both highly durable and effective killing machines, and even if i was able to kill them I'd probably still die from their infections, Oni is a literal demon and those buggers are notorious for refusing to stay dead, Myers is, well, Myers, Doctor's electro-shocks would realistically overload a human nervous system and shut it down very quickly, and Nurse can choke me any day would be able to kill me in a heartbeat due to how mobile she is and her ability to phase through walls

    Post edited by DragonMasterDarren on
  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,299

    If a DBD killer suddenly appeared out my window, then that would mean there’s real magic in our universe. If that would be so, I would then will myself to become a powerful sorcerer and teleport the killer to my secret dungeon if they’re one of the hunky muscley ones. If not, they get teleported to a volcano.

    If there isn’t magic, then they’re just another person in some weird cosplay. I have enough weapons to not worry about it.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2022

    Just remember with Legion, you'll most likely be facing off against all 4 of them at once.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Lol keyboard warriors theory crafting how they could take on supernaturally powered serial killers 😆 somehow I think everyone would die.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited November 2022

    Anything in the house... including firearms... they can be killed?

    Probably quite a lot. Except for the genuinely supernatural killers (Spirit, Nurse, etc.)

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    have you ever fought a dog going for the kill on your throat? thats what it would be agains hag.

    i can see where you would believe you could take on one legion member, Pig and ghosty. And if you can dodge things good tricksters bat might not be an issiue.

    but you shouldnt be so sure about hag XD

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So is this before or after they get the entities power? I'm so confused

    Also most of us have a life outside of the game

    So it's varied to say the least

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Artist. She has no hands, at most i'd get stained by ink.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2022

    Ghostface,Trickster,Legion and Pig all getting shot coming through the door.Billy and Bubba might go down from enough .45 rounds.The rest are probably a little too supernaturally powered to take.

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

    Bruh I can take them I have a yellow belt in Taekwondo that I got when I was 10 and I'm super smart too! Like I've read so many horror books and watched so many movies I know I'll be fine. I'm just built different.

    It's your call whether or not there's powers.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427
    edited November 2022

    Pig - in the movies she literally gets beaten up by a guy with a broken ankle

    Ghost Face - I know he's a professional serial killer and all but at the end of the day he's just a guy. I think I'd have a fair shot

    Legion - assuming its only one of them, ideally a female

    Hag - she's made of sticks

    but to be totally honest all of them could whoop my ass lmao

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    you know dbd and scream ghostie arent the same right?