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General Discussions

how can people have fun in this game?

Member Posts: 760
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Honestly, im be very, very frustrating with this game, because, when i play survivor, my teammates are dumb and killers are tryhard, slug, 25% escape rate. so, when i play as killer, i go against brand new parts, toolboxes, offerings, squads, gens flying and i cant do anything in my matches, this games at this point is so frustrating, to the both sides. How people can play this and have fun? i always have angry and sad, after 4 years im really thinking stop play this game, unfortunately

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  • Member Posts: 4,225


    It also helps to determine when which role is the easiest. Killer at 11pm is so chill for me. But soloq during that time? Hell no.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    If I never found blight I would have gotten bored half a year ago, even then I only play like 30 game's a month.

  • Member Posts: 482

    If you play survivor in soloq it's very frustrating, because your teammates are lot of times idiot who waste time. Lot of times I carried a match and died in the end because my random teammates can't do a ######### save first hook.

    Killer is the most frustrating part, and that's because you tunnel and camp, because if you don't do that you're gens fly, if you don't rush kills you loose. Tunnel isn't fun, I know, but if you want to win it's the only viable option, tunnel since the very beginning of the match, don't listen whoever says "Oh you tunnel at 5 gens, you're bad" because they're the same who rush gens with prove, bnp and hyperfocus. Tunnel and camp if you want to win and run perks based on your play style, also noed if you need it, you're not noob if you run noed, remember that.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Why? Well, because I like it. Its that simple.

  • Member Posts: 2,013
    edited November 2022

    This is DBDs problem. It is extremely punishing for new players. Killer is hella easy until you hit high mmr. Then you get sweaty survivor squads who are more often than not pretty toxic.

    Survivor is extremely difficult to get to grips with and low mmr games just give you dirt poor teammates that are about as useless as a paper flak jacket. Which any barely competent baby killer will decimate.

    My advice is play in swfs. More fun and more experienced players will help you learn the game. I have a small discord of cross platform players if you'd like to join, we can help you out if you want.

    As for killer, just tank your mmr. Go and play a few farming games, take thrill of the hunt and distressing. Don't worry about killing survs just go for deviousness points (i get 1600 BP for every shred I hit on demo), Break stuff and do tome challenges. it'll get you plenty of bloodpoints.

    Sometimes survs will realise your farming and join in. Fun relaxing games. Get a few hooks here and there but try to avoid killing people. Ill often put everyone on 2 hooks then just muck about. After a while your mmr will drop and you'll have lots of BP to spend and more relaxed games where you don't have to sweat hard just to get a hook.

  • Member Posts: 9,435

    You learn to enjoy the chase and the anticipation of getting caught, like any real horror movie/game, regardless of whether you escape or not.

    If you can't do that, you'll be stuck in a never ending cycle of salt and frustration.

    This game is a testament to the idea that "offense is taken, not given", if you're getting annoyed at other players (your team mates or your opponents) about losing, that's on you.

  • Member Posts: 21,151

    I feel like there's a middle ground.

    Lord knows if I see one more Meg who can't hit skill checks in my lobby, I am going to lose whatever is left of my mind

  • Member Posts: 9,435
    edited November 2022

    Oh for sure, some players are just morons. But if like, the killer is just playing well (even if that includes camping, tunnelling, slugging) then I don't get pissed off when I lose, they're just trying to do what every player is trying to do, win. I lost, that's it, next game. And if I lose because Meg brought the killer to me and the killer decided to swap targets, well tying to put blame on that Meg is pointless, I can't know if she did it intentionally or not. That's the sort of thing I'm getting at.

  • Member Posts: 21,151

    I try not to blame the player for doing what's efficient.

    It's why I push for tunneling, camping, slugging, gen-rushing etc etc to be "nerfed".

    Because it's not fun to play against but I also can't fault players for using the tools they're given.

  • Member Posts: 9,435

    Absolutely, 'nerfed' but not 'punished'.

    Camping and tunnelling should be made less profitable, so that they're not the go-to strategy.

  • Member Posts: 21,151


    Although, I don't know how to replace it with something that isn't even easier to do.

  • Member Posts: 9,435
    edited November 2022

    There should be more incentive to hooking different survivors. Old BBQ used to be a fairly decent one, and I'm pretty sure that's partly why the new post-6.1 meta includes more tunnelling.

    A basekit score bonus on first hooks on each survivor would be a nice start, but unlikely to make a big impact on it's own, it wouldn't be a +25% multiplier like old BBQ was.

    As for camping, some sort of survivor-bloodlust mechanic, where if the killer is within x meters of the hook for long enough, everyone gets a +5%, +10%, +15% bonus to action speeds (including repairs, healing, unhooking etc.) This would make facecamping a hook incrementally less 'easy' the longer you're there, and make the "just do gens" counter more likely to actually penalise camping. Yet this wouldn't punish camping as a legitimate choice, because all the legitimate uses of camping involve the presence of other survivors, and if they're around the hook then they're not doing gens and getting that repair bonus anyway.

    In addition to basekit changes though, killer perks are the next best target. After all BBQ had a significant effect, and I stand by the position that Ruin and Pop pre-6.1 were a healthy meta, you only got value out of them by leaving the hook and pressuring gens. The new meta of Pentimento, Call Of Brine, Eruption etc. doesn't require you to avoid camping and tunnelling to pay off.

    We should go back to the old meta by buffing the following perks:

    Hex: Ruin - Required killers to leave a hook and pressure gens to get value out of it.

    Pop Goes The Weasel - Forces killers to leave the hook to pressure gens to get value out of it.

    Scourge: Pain Resonance - Gave killers an objective to go to after a hook.

    BBQ & Chilli - Gave killers an objective to go to after a hook, and encouraged to spread hooks out between survivors.

    Hex: Devour Hope - Requires killers to allow a hook rescue to take place.

    Make Your Choice - Forces killers to go after the unhooker instead of the unhookee.

    Scourge: Gift of Pain - Encourages killer to leave the unhooked survivor alone to get value out of it.

    Grim Embrace - Encourages the killer to spread out hooks between different survivors.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I have the most fun playing killer casually in this game. Solo survivor is always going to be stressful due to how helpless you are to other players' decisions, but killer gives you better control over the match and how 'fair' it will be... up to a point. If you sweat, though, your MMR's going to jump and you'll go up against stacked teams and sweatlords and killer genuinely becomes harder than playing survivor, so it's worth sacrificing some efficiency for meme builds or 12-hook games in order to get some natural escapes in there. Eventually you reach a point where you face survivors who are competent but not oppressive. MMR will always screw up and toss you the occasional noob team or geared-for-war 4stack, but you can find a middle ground that's actually fun.

    Obviously this is only viable if you're not an especially competitive person, because everyone has a different idea of what fun is, but this is how I maximize my enjoyment.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I alternate hooks, don't camp, and won't kill a Survivor before the 5th to 7th hook unless BMed; preferably the 9th hook. I also won't kill any survivors if BPS or flans are brought (by the survivors) and, even in end game, I play for hooks, not kills.

    On a couple Killers (such as Artist for example) I can, but not always, still get exactly what you're describing as stressful games but not sweating for kills and avoiding camping prevents my MMR from rising too much and keeps my games more manageable. I get less stress and the Survivors get to play the game more which is more fun. It's pretty much a win win scenario in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 499

    Dbd is a very weird game, somedays I log in and have lots of fun. Other days doesn't matter how many matches I play, it all manage to be the most unfun ######### ever. It's not consistent at all. Just RNG itself can make your experience miserable. Somedays you log in and get RPD/trash maps a bunch of times in a row. Map design by itself can make matches boring af already.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2022

    get friends. the only way this game is playable as survivor. and as killer always dodge sus lobbys like 2 toolboxes or 3 to 4 medkits, avoid those, are a nightmare.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Don't force yourself to play this game if you don't enjoy it. Just quit and move on, there's plenty of other games out there. Maybe just come back if you'd like once in a while to check how things have changed. And if you actually enjoy the new changes then welcome back!

  • Member Posts: 317

    If the killer is winning why do you call them ‘TryHard” sounds like entitled winning. Rethink your strategy perks, killer choice or just STOP making a big deal of it and Try Hard ;) to have fun

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    ask every hypocrite who says they are having fun

    and also procced to throw every vile word at the killer because he was playing nice the whole game and tunneled at the end

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It really depends of your mindset.

    I play both roles and I'm having fun most of the time, even as solo survivor.

    • I don't play survivor to escape at all cost. I'd rather be in a chase, or tunnelled (camped is another matter, but I stay on that hook for as long as I can).
    • I don't play killer to kill everyone either. I only care about chases, or to achieve some specific goal. Jump-scares, or try some combination of perks to try something insidiously fun.

    Of course it doesn't always works and the MMR sometimes puts me with/against players who are too strong or too weak for me, but even like that I manage to get something out of it.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    I play to get better at Blight and that's all this game is for me now. Though tbf I have not been playing near as much since ow2 released. I don't run strong builds so that I don't get carried by it, and if I lose to survivor's running the best stuff they can I don't let it bother me because I am not running slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 228

    I honestly ask this everytime I lose no matter what killer I play...I see why more anti-loop killers are coming in the game.

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