Sooo... No chance for getting some skin from the DBD mobile on the actual game?
Because, look at these, a lot of them look so great, Before, I was saying about the sadako and yioshi skin... But it's just one, the "wolf skin" of the huntress look so cool, and that's one of the example, lot of killer and survivor got some little gem...
But, I imagine that, if some of these skin come in the game, it can be only purchase with auric cells..
They've got some really cool skins there, but it's a separate company, so I doubt any of those skins are coming to DBD main.
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But BeHavior have the right of DBD
So, even it is a separate company who do the skin for DBD Mobile, Behavior can add them in the actual game, no?
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But BHVR are licencing the use of the Dead By Daylight IP and Copyright to NetEase (I believe), who in turn are developing the game and cosmetics, hence why they must renegotiate contracts (allowing for new licenced cosmetics for Sadako + Yoichi and explaining why there's no Resident Evil content).
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All I can say is if the mobile game is one upping the actual company who made the game...then kinda speaks about your own company...
Yeah get some better skins even if ya gotta get em from mobile or whateverm
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They should work out some kind of deal to share assets like this, other games have.
For example Final Fantasy XIV is run by a different company in Korea. The Korean version often comes out with it's own cosmetics, which then come to the 'international' version about 6 months later. Because they've worked out a licensing deal. They're cash-shop only cosmetics of course, because that deal comes with a price.
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Yeah, I would totally love to have Gacha and similar things in the core game. Not everything on mobile is good.
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The Mobile game can basically be seen as a different game. So even if both are called "Dead by Daylight", the Netease-Version should not be compared to the BHVR-Version IMO.
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It's not that simple. DBD owns the game code they lent to Netease, and the characters and IP, but that doesn't mean they gain ownership of any content Netease creates itself.
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I would go broke If we had them :(
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The ice Hillbilly and Trapper skin were originally on Mobile I'm pretty sure and they then brought them to the main game.
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But I think to that time, DbD mobile was in the hands of a team from BHVR themselves and the current version with the wanted Outfits is by Netease
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DbD Mobile is BHVR owned.
DbD NE is NE owned and man what did they do that Sadako has a original skin?
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If it is Netease, then the two companies aren't entirely separate. Netease bought a minority stake in Behavior back in 2019. One would think they could swap basic cosmetics for non-licensed characters.
NetEase acquires minority stake in Behaviour Interactive |
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The beautiful thing about a minority stake is that it's just that- a minority. NetEase, regardless of their affiliation with BHVR, would still have to negotiate with Capcom, Netflix, Wes Craven's Estate, etc. for the different licences, which is why a lot of them are missing from both DBD Mobile BHVR and NetEase versions.
And if the copyright for the designs belongs to NetEase (I will not pretend for a moment to be anything like well-read on Copyright law outside of England, so cannot comment on Canadian or Chinese Copyright law) or some other complication arises, even just a term in the contract prohibiting BHVR from using NetEase designs, then that's that.