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Is Plague overpowered?

I've been a killer main for most of my 200ish hours of gameplay and have recently been playing Plague. Most other killers I seem to get 2K or less on average and this one I seem to be able to 3K and up very consistently. I haven't changed my playstyle up, and I don't think I'm just naturally gifted with her. It's got me thinking she's a bit overpowered. Thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 276

    Ahah she s busted :D I always said I really escaped less Plagues than Nurses... She s pretty fun nonetheless

  • Member Posts: 278

    The only overpowered part of her is the survivor mindset that you shouldn’t cleanse against her. A truly focused plague you shouldn’t, but most plagues are to busy chasing to remember to drink the kool-aid. So cleanse away!

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Not very many people have the same experience as you. I think you’re just naturally pretty damn good with Plague then.

  • Member Posts: 3,133

    Plague has been one of my mains, and I'll say that cleansing/not cleansing really doesn't make much difference, if the whole team is on the same page about it.

    If half the team is infected broken and the other half is feeding her corrupted pools, then you have a problem.

    And is she OP? No, unless you're facing lower level survs who don't know what they're doing and/or can't get on the same page. I would put her in the "noob stomper" category.

  • Member Posts: 55

    I run into 1 of 2 situations. Either no one cleanses and I get exposed hits or they all cleanse and I get corrupt shots. I even see people watch me vomit on a gen and then immediately work on that gen. I guess people aren't hip to what she does.

  • Member Posts: 443
    edited November 2022

    She's not OP, just obnoxious. A killer who outright disables a game mechanic (healing) by virtue of their very existence is not fun to verse imo, but unless you cleanse that's pretty much all she does.

  • Member Posts: 276

    I have fun to play against her. She s definitely tough tho

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited November 2022

    Plague's a strong killer, but a good chunk of her performance is because survivors have to be very in sync with each other to effectively counter her. One survivor can easily screw over the entire team with a bad cleanse, and recovering from bad choices requires more coordinated action in mass cleansing to reset her fountains. Survivors need to be economical but know when to compromise, and randos are usually bad at one or the other.

    Once you start facing survivors who know how to handle her, she faces more trouble. The "everyone is basically Exposed" thing drops off pretty hard once you meet confident loopers who don't need the extra health state to waste your time. Good squads will cleanse at the edges of the map if not deny her her power completely, and when you have Corrupt, do surprising plays to bonk you on the head over a pallet or just W at the faintest sound of your TR and hug high walls for the next minute. I always love facing a Plague in solo queue because as a Plague main, I know all the best ways to make her waste her entire Corrupt Purge. Well... I also un-love it because I usually run a healer build, but still, point stands. She's not as easy to play as you might come to think if you're still up against beginner survivors.

    I can't quite call Plague a noob stomper because she's still pretty good otherwise, but she's definitely one of those killers like Pinhead and Hag that carve through solo teams like a hot knife through butter.

  • Member Posts: 3,133

    While a newer surv might see multiple teammates get downed at once by her power and think it's OP, I think a lot of people who don't play Plague also underestimate how maddening it can be to actually land her red vomit sometimes (they don't know the frustration of watching a stream of it just pass right through a surv and do no damage). And half the time, you can just loop her around a big rock until it runs out if they aren't willing to just M1.

    Amazing snowball potential, but also extreme frustration potential.

    Some of it is maps/rng, but high walls/loops are hell for her against good survs.

    I usually just abandon the corrupt purge at tall loops, especially if the surv is broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    she can be really brutal against soloq teams but i think she's fine

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I don’t think she’s OP at all. Also, she seems buggy as hell. It’s always a crapshoot whether your corrupt puke will register a hit on the survivors or not.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    I will die on the hill that she's consistently the most underrated killer on the roster. She has *a lot* in her kit. I think where some players struggle with her is in the M1 phases. If you're not a strong M1 killer, survivors can get away with not cleansing against you. A really good Plague will have survivors cleansing out of fear because they aren't looping her either and can't afford to stay Broken.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    See if you do that with me your playing into my hands lol I give myself the addons that extend the Kool aid barfs and the one that lowers the amount of cleansing in a chase I'll get a free Kool aid boost lol

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    It's because there are small particles called infection particles in the barf....if a survivor gets a glancing hit from the stream or at the very end of it the chances of it having infection particles is very slim

  • Member Posts: 375

    Yeah she is, I hate playing one shot only. Idk how people can say different

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    She’s a pretty balanced player, but playing solo q against her can be not fun when survivors are constantly curing the sickness.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I seem to do a bit better with plague than my other killers. No idea.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited November 2022

    Who would win, Plague, or a small pile of debris just large enough to shield a survivor while they crouch.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Plague has a lot to do with the survivor builds. For example, she basically makes medkits and heal builds worthless. But if you hit a squad not using those, she becomes comparatively weak.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I think plague is infinity tier 3 myer's on steroids. I think she's best killer in term of being #########-test for survivor skill-level. I would say what marks a good survivor is being able to play the entire game injured vs a m1 killer and optimize generator efficiency. I think Infinity tier 3 myers and plague are good entry points for testing the survivor skill-level. I never understood why m1 killers with unlimited instant down capacity are underrated.

    Its like saying legion is underrated because he can injure the entire team.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Definitely an anything-but-4-man-good-swf stomper.

    I don't typically enjoy going against her, except that really nice spanish Plague I've been matched with a couple of times recently. =)

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    I think many people underrated her because she is also a test for killer skill at the same time. If the survivor never cleanse you basicly play a m1 killer. Sure you only need one hit but many killer player dislike m1 looping even if it's only one hit. That's why killer like nurse blight and now weaker are popular

  • Member Posts: 157
    edited November 2022

    Strongly disagree. I play solo queue as survivor and the amount of times we lost at four gens because my teammates were too busy to cleanse all the time.

    1. People will instacleanse before broken just to just hop on an infected gen straight after

    2 . Plague got her red vomit without picking it up mid chase with me because someone use the last fountain

    3. People waste time to boon and heal

    4. People cleanse on their way to unhook me (infected) and immediately got reinfected

    It's beyond ridiculous but no one stays behind in endgame chat to actually discuss wth just happened either.

    I'm not saying you should never cleanse but don't do it if you are not on death hook and know you will get infected straight after.

    I've played a fair share of Plague myself and good teams stayed injured but safe for a good part of the game. She's not a bad killer and I enjoy her as there is some strategy and decision making involves in playing her. Nontheless she doesn't always feel as rewarding because when I win I sometimes feels it's because at least two survivors grossly misplayed rather than me pulling of big brain plays. 😅

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Its not very interesting playing against survivor that shift-w for 30 seconds before the chase and then pre-drop pallets+rush generators. that is why its not fun to play m1 killers. Shift-W strategies for survivor are too powerful for m1 killers to be relevant. this is not true test of skill for plague. its test of survivor skill. Nurse, Blight and Wesker are played because these strategies are less effective vs them. The survivors need to be more skilled at holding-w vs them compare to plague.

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