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Should Hooks Be Destroyed When Survivors Are Sacrificed?



  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Yes and no. While I agree that the two aren't comparible, thats actually a good example of why: a kill is anywhere from 1-3 hooks (barring instamoris like myers and sadako) while the gens are always 5. That means it could be 4-12 hooks, which is a massive variance to make such a concrete comparison. Gens also start easier and get harder as they are finished, while hooks start harder and get easier as there are less resources. They're on opposite alignments entirely.

  • Member Posts: 531
  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They should be destroyed for a limited time, make it 3 minutes like if a survivor was running Breakdown. Then buff Hangmans Trick to do what it used to do and bring back hooks faster.

    3 minutes is long enough that it will make killers still need to consider risking a temporary dead zone (or temporarily be without a scourge hook) by sacrificing survivors on a specific hook BUT there's no permanent dead zone/removal of scourge hook.

    They do need to fix hook placements and this has been an issue for a long time. Either there is no hook just from the crappy RNG or when they put a hook to fix that issue it comes with problem that the survivors can't unhook because either they can only unhook from one side which the killer can just block or are in an area the killer can block the survivors from reaching the hook (like a room with single doorway or upstairs with narrow stair case). They need to fix hook placement so there's hooks available for the killer and survivors are able to unhook their teammates without the killer blocking them from getting to the hook. If this can't be done with how the map is currently set up then they need to rework the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    If you take a bigger look at the gameplay progression as a whole

    Survivors get consistently weaker throughout the match.

    With each kill the survivors lose gen pressure making the match more difficult.

    With each chase resources get used making further chases more difficult.

    With each gen completed it is 50/50 as to whether this makes things more or less difficult due to a number of factors (Killler, Gen spread etc.)

    On the killer side it is the polar opposite the match always gets easier, with 2 exceptions:

    1. The 50/50 based on gen spread for the same reason as survivors.

    2. While downs become easier due to less resources, hooking becomes slightly harder with each kill as you "Might" lose 1 hook.

    So with a map average of lets say 10 hooks not counting basement, when a hook sacrifice happens survivors lose 25%/33%/50% of their available efficiency. While killers lose 10%/11%/12% of their available hook efficiency.

    Killers have it pretty good in comparison in that ratio.

    As for the great god that gets blamed for everything, our lord RNG, skill and strategy will still win out more than his will.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    That's a different matter. One that should be addressed in the same way the library on rpd was dealt with.

  • Member Posts: 987

    Yes! Anything to make the game easier for killers :)

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Why are you telling me to look at the bigger picture when i already made those points, just without the survivor bias framing you added? I already stated that the game starts easier for survivors and ends up easier for killers, but unlike you, I think thats an extremely raw deal for both sides. I've talked about how the efficiency cap affects multiple issues for both sides dozens of times, but for yet another go: Survivors should be weaker than they currently are at 4 alive and active (not incapped or hooked/dead) while they should lose less strength with each person down and/or out. That exact variable is one of the biggest ones that needs to be normalized to balance the game. Its not a matter of whether you think one side "have it pretty good in comparison", its a universal problem that causes a variety of other issues for both sides.

    Also the skill deflection at the end was pretty pointless, and has absolutely nothing to do with balance: A matchup in a fighting game can be 7-3 in favor of one person and they can and will still lose at times, hence it being 7-3 and not 10-0. Skill is an invisible variable that is supplementary to balance, not one of its foundational pillars.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes. It would make the game incredibly easy for killers if hooks didn't break after scarifying a survivor. Survivors manage gens, killers manage hooks.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's hooks destroying themselves which causes the problem, not the maps. Literally everything else is the maps' fault. But not this.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Then why do survivors call 3-gens OP and uncounterable?

  • Member Posts: 531

    bro what are you talking about if its eyrie and there is one hook in the entire corner of a map or midwich with like 3 hooks on the whole bottom or top floor then thats a map problem not a problem with hooks despawning just like getting hard 3 gen'd in the dead dawg gallows isnt a gen problem its a map problem

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Yes, the hook spawns are bad in many places right now, which needs to change, but as long as the hooks break permanently, you're gonna see the exact same thing play out, just later on in the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    how about this, a hook respawns after a given time but is weakened. like you have a 20% higher chance of unhooking yourself and the timer is 50% slower. after two hooks it breaks completely

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Of course it is. A killer who can´t hook a survivor, who will always run to the area where there are no hooks, will end up letting them bleed out.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    If you lose a kill because of a broken hook. That's a skill issue.

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