Prestige Rework Compensation...
I have been an avid player and active supporter of DbD since 2016 as I sincerely love this game with a passion. The issue I'm presenting today is one shared by numerous players throughout all of the community. Unfortunately however, as is typically the case it seems, because a big streamer or fog whisperer isn't making this complaint public it seems as though there will be no plan to fix this or even make comment on it.
Essentially, many of your most loyal fans feel that we unfairly lost a ton of progress due to nothing but an oversight on BHVRs part. You see, before the legacy Prestige update went live, it was made very clear by the patch notes that in order to receive the bonus (+2/4/6) Prestiges that each character would need to be Prestige 1, 2, or 3 respectively.
This meant that every character at lvl.50 needed to be Prestiged, which prior to the update unfortunately meant losing all items/add-ons/offerings stored on that character. Many of us had many characters at lvl.50 for this exact reason, to avoid losing all out inventory. In fact, many of us had legacy offerings that can longer be obtained and were kept as mementos of DbD from the early years.
In my case specifically, I had nearly every killer at lvl. 50 and most survivors as well. But like many others, I read the directions and understood that BHVR required us to Prestige anyway in order to receive the rewards. So I did, and therfore lost approximately 35 MILLION bloodpoints worth of inventory on Killer and Survivor combined; some of which had nothing but sentimental value and therefore were priceless, while others had event cakes in the quantity of hundreds. I don't mean to be overdramatic either, I specifically left Nurse and Jonah as my only lvl.50 Killer/Survivor because I wanted to keep at least one of each with a few legacy/event offerings.
As you know however...BHVR eventually realized that it was a mistake to not count lvl.50 characters for this exact reason, enough to retroactively reward those who decided losing all their inventory wasn't worth the reward. Which means that those like myself who followed directions and chose to meet the undesirable requirements because we love DbD and are completionists...are left to feel nothing more than slighted for our loyalty.
Additionally, many players still feel that the Legacy Portraits are really lacking in showing BHVRs appreciation towards their most loyal players (millions upon millions of BPS wasted on the old grind method, yet we still continue to play and love DbD). It would be nice if the borders could be showcased in lobbies/matches somehow or customized in some way (maybe blue for Survivor, red for Killer?. Idk, I won't try to dictate the best move there, but if you do decide to properly reward them later I assure you it won't go unnoticed...
My goal here isn't to guilt you into compensating players that were victims of this oversight, but simply to inform you of the results of the mistake and point out that those who were dealt the worst hand were some of your most loyal players. Should you feel inclined to rectify the situation is entirely up to you, and it will only further strengthen my (and many other players') faith and love for DbD. If not, then I'm sure BHVR is already well aware of their choices and their priorities decidedly remain elsewhere.
I hope you keep us in your hearts and take all this into consideration. Thank you for reading. ❤
Same, I lost a lot of event offerings not knowing that it was unnecessary to prestige. Unfortunately, BHVR has moved on so I very much doubt anything will be done.