Is this even tunneling at this point?

I was playing doctor for a daily and I got 4 spicy survivors. 2 brand new parts and an insta heal.
The survivors were Zarina, Ace, Claudette and Meg.
I hook Ace, I go for Claudette. Ace gets unhooked as I down Claudette and something interesting happens. Meg unhooks Claudette right behind me. What do I do? I go for Claudette again since Meg did the mistake of unhooking right behind me for no reason. I hook Claudette again and this Meg unhooks her once again right behind me. I go for Claudette again and kill her.
The next one I find is Ace. I down Ace and (guess what?) Meg did the mistake of unhooking Ace right behind me. I go for Ace again and kill him.
At the end of the match when all gens got done, I hook Zarina and Meg escapes. I got 3 kills out of this.
In end game chat I got called "serial tunneler". I told them several times that Meg was the real killer but they only knew a few words. "Tunnel no skill" and some personal insults towards my family members and that's where I reported them for hate speech.
Moral of the story: don't unhook right behind the killer if it's not needed and don't blame the killer for going after you for your teammate's mistake. Thank you for reading.
I mean, you can go after the Meg. It's not like you had no choice. In fact she's the one dumb enough to unhook while you are still there so she's the one that should eat the consequences of that. Instead, she farmed her team and then escaped. Personally, I like administering justice upon bad teammates. Locker queens and hook farmers are some of my favorites. You do you though.
27 -
I mean, yes. You had the choice to chase the Meg and yet you chose not to, instead going after the injured survivor who had just been unhooked, and did it again. That's literally tunneling.
Were the comments towards you in EGC warranted? Absolutely not, it's a video game.
Should Meg have played better? Yes, but what do we expect from Meg players at this point.
But was it tunneling? Yes, because you had the option to chase someone else at least 3 times during that while debauchle and didn't, instead leading to them escaping (meaning everyone else "lost" because of their teammate playing badly, doing something completely out of their control, while the teammate who played like dogwater and made the terrible plays "won"). I can only speak from personal experience but I'd be absolutely malding after that.
If you want to punish the teammate for a mistake, punish the player that made the mistake instead of the three other players who had absolutely no autonomy in the action.
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on22 -
Don't you get it yet? When a survivor makes a mistake it's the killers fault. Every time. This is like rule 2 of the survivor rulebook for killers.
Technically yes it is tunnelling, but it's one of those entirely warranted cases of tunnelling. You're punishing a very obvious mistake and simply capitalising on the opportunity in front of you. You didn't play in a way that forced you to tunnel, or enhanced your ability to tunnel, you were served a grade a tunnel on a silver platter.
Personally, in this case, I would have got all of Megs victims to death hook, then proceeded to camp Meg out and let the rest go.
15 -
It is tunnelling but survivors usually think “tunnelling” is this magical barrier that prevents the killer from touching them at all after an unhook.
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The usual excuse for tunnelling is 'the unhooker hid, I could only find the unhooked'. But Meg was right there each time and you still ignored her. I don't really know what you want us to say.
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It is a highly illegal move, and punishable by pain of teabag.
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A "Safe unhook" is a pretty well established idea at this point. Don't make mistakes and the killer can't use them against you. Survivors really be teabagging in the killers face then surprised pikachu when they get hit.
Killers don't actually have any rules to follow, you're supposed to not let them win, not expect them to forfeit out of sympathy.
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Where in the above scenario were the unhooked survivors 'teabagging in the killers face'?
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Meg, unhooking in the killers face. How stupid do you have to be to do that?
I get that well coordinated SWFs can sometimes win a game like this by stacking second chances, flashlights and hook sabo builds by tilting the killer. AKA a bully squad. But generally, it's a bad move to unhook right in front of the killer 2 seconds after the hook is made. You're supposed to avoid getting caught in the first place.
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Nothing like punishing the mistakes of the Meg by having her escape and the other 3 survivors all dying is there 💫
Also is teabagging equivalent to unhooking now? I'll keep that in mind in my BM Book.
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And I repeat, where in the scenario did the UNHOOKED survivors teabag in the killer's face? Because they were the ones who were punished, not Meg.
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Yes, its the megs fault, but its still tunneling. Thats why solo is so bad, you have no influence over what your teammates do, but the killer can use it to capitalize on that.
As killer, i would have gone for the meg instead for sure. Why? Because i play both sides, and i know exactly who i dont want to rank up to be in my mmr bracket. Since i see playing killer as selecting my possible teammates for future matches, i way less forgiving with such players.
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You know that's not what I said, don't be so disingenuous.
Unhooking in the killers face is a stupid move. Period. The person doing it is throwing the game, and may as well be stood in front of the killer taunting them.
If a killer is faced with a healthy survivor and an injured survivor, there's an obvious target. Ultimately the killer is against a team, and if they choose to treat them as a team instead of individuals, that's not an incorrect choice.
You cannot fault the killer for choosing the path of least resistance, their goal is to win, just the same as the survivors goal is to win, it's a PVP game. You cannot expect sympathy from the killer, you might get it, which is great, but it's not the default position, and it certainly doesn't work both ways. When did you last see a survivor offering themselves up on hook after the killer made a goof like whiffing an easy hit?
This age old survivor double standard, where killers are expected to 'play nice' but survivors get to use every dirty trick in the book without judgement.
Again, the survivors goal is to not get killed by the killer. Their goal is not to dick about and hope that the killer decides not to kill them despite how conspicuously they play.
If I was the survivor tunnelled this way, in fact I have been many times, I would 100% be blaming the Meg, and not the killer.
Post edited by Seraphor on3 -
The idea that it was Meg's fault and the idea that it was tunneling can and do coexist. You could have played more kindly. You didn't have to, and you didn't. It's your prerogative.
But it is unsurprising that they felt mad at the tunneling. They should be just as mad if not more at the Meg. If I had been in their shoes, I would have definitely been bitter at her first and foremost, but I wouldn't have been endeared to you either.
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Why tunnel when you can face camp.😀
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Because people find moving around the map for more than 2 minutes at a time is more fun than standing stationary doing nothing?
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It is fun when you have bubba+insidious+basement
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Speed Limiter Bubba outsold tbh
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which changes what, exactly?
standing still is still standing still.
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You'll have a much easier time if you accidentally tunnel and you just go "oopsie" instead of dwelling over it for like 30+ minutes. You gain nothing from caring about it so much. End game chat salt is just people too blinded by rage, so they don't listen to common sense. Just laugh at them or move on if it's bothering you.
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To be honest there is no such thing.
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The killers objective is to kill survivors. As long as you are doing that....whats the problem?
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You could've killed Meg, everyone would've been happier
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It's not like the victims wanted to be unhooked in front of the killers face
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I think you are within your right to play however you want. However, you seem to indicate you want to punish mistakes. You didn't do that at all. On the contrary, the person that made the mistakes actually got her "win" and now learned it's ok to play like that. Due to basekit BT, I assume all her unhooks were actually scored as "safe" by the game as well.
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I had a number of games like this with a farming teammate. It's an absolutely horrible experience to get down over and over again because of someone else's bad play. I do not agree with what was said. Whoever made a mistake should bear the consequences and not the one who can't prevent them from saving them.
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You should just shrug it.
First there is no need for you to convince anybody they are wrong in their perception.
But there is nothing wrong with tunnelling in the first place. It's not always fun but it's a tactic. (And personally I'd rather be tunnelled than sit on gens and play QTE)
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Next time tunnel out the player that likes to unhook in front of the killer. They don't care that you're tunneling out the player they unhooked, in fact they escaped the match by playing that way. Only way they'll learn is if you go for them when they make bad choices like that, and while it benefits you when you play killer it's going to suck to have that player on your team when you play survivor.
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I think you did right to get claudette out so you have the advantage to win but you really should go after the meg once she unhooked ace as she should been the one punished and not the one rewarded with escape. I would probably go after meg when she unhooked claudette 2nd time as I think it would be unfair to finish her off when her teammate makes her easy prey and I know it's not fun to be in that position. Debends though how many gens are done but definetely that meg would have target on her back if I would play agains't her.
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I get where you coming from that you want to punish that behavior and capitalise on the enemies bad play but the one that did the bad play had no punishment at all. But I also can see why it's instinctively to go for the unhooked guy cause when we assume he has no otr it's an easy down the one that unhooked may has two hits to go cause you may only realize what's going on when it's to late to get the first hit before he can run. Maybe we should make a mechanic that helps you to punish the one that does the bad play. Something like if a survivor unhooks within 5 seconds after the hook he gets exposed that would not benefit camping but it would punish every hook farmer out there
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Sure, but the killer doesn't have to care about that. As far as the team is concerned, the team was punished for the mistakes.
The killer is against a team of survivors, 4 survivors, 4 items, 12 hook states, 16 perks. The killer doesn't know if you're solo queue randoms or a SWF team. You're all the same, and the killer just wants to eliminate you as quickly as possible. If the team members are going to screw each other over, it's their mistake to make.
Now I get it that killers can pass their own judgement and decide to look favourably on 'victims' of their team mates, but you don't know the circumstances of this team or why they're doing what they're doing.
Hell I've done it in the past, I've had two survivors left, I down Feng who's on death hook, so I slug with the intention of letting Kate pick her up so I can get a hook on Kate instead, who hasn't been hooked at all yet. Kate abandons her team mate, leaving her to bleedout on the ground, and I'm not for that. I'm playing Ghost Face and I have the add on that shows the auras of survivors when you down someone who's exposed. So I pick up Feng, let her wiggle free, stalk her while she nods and teabags, down her again and see Kate's aura hiding in the corner. I find Kate, hook her, and ultimately give Feng hatch in sympathy for her lousy team mate. Good job right?
Turns out, they were a SWF and Kate needed an escape for a challenge, Feng was trying to sacrifice herself.
Moral of the story is, you cannot win. You try to do the 'right thing' as killer (as if you should even have to worry about that when survivors don't) and you get it wrong 50% of the time. Sometimes survivors don't want sympathy escapes, I've even had people DC on me out of spite instead of accepting a free hatch. So just don't bother caring about it in the first place. Kill who you're going to kill.
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Based off semantics yes technically its tunneling but it doesn't matter, don't let anybody in-game or on the forums act disingenuous about this topic and gaslight you into feeling bad. You punished Meg's mistakes by winning the game, which unfortunately she escaped in but that was your call to make either way. Some people play the game with a weird sense of moral superiority so they might tell you you're a D for ever killing the others instead of Meg in that scenario but its really not all Killer's job to walk around with a moral compass just because that's what some get their rocks off doing. You COULD'VE been nice but at the end of the day its the player's own call to make, end of discussion
It doesn't really take skill to hold M1 on a gen, but all Survivors including myself will pop gens no questions asked if we're allowed to go uninterrupted just as a Killer will take the Steak on a platter if you keep serving it to them so EGC insults about skill or tunneling are irrelevant here. The same people that shamed you into feeling bad about an obvious misplay by Meg are the same ones that more than likely don't show any of that sympathy after ending a match in 4-8 minutes and that still don't understand that their teammates are the real blame 75% or more of the time, not the Killer
People historically accuse Killers of blaming too much misfortune on balance meanwhile a lot of Survivors I see out here regularly project their own misplays or their teammates' lack of situational awareness and skill onto the Killer. If I'm Ace or Claudette I'm sucking my teeth at the Meg more than I am at you. I'd be annoyed in the moment but I play enough Killer to have an objective approach. I'd realize you were capitalizing off stupidity so even though I'd be annoyed I'd still know who's really responsible (Meg). The only reason I would personally say something to you instead of Meg is if you taunted me personally with head-shakes or slices on the hook after she farmed me in front of you, but you did your job so they should've redirected their energy
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I mean if I wanna try to do the "right thing" as the killer, I'm doing it in a heart beat, feng should've portrayed her intents better by pointing to a hook or something
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In this day in age, tunneling is whenever you chase a survivor and they don't want you to chase them. They feel they deserve three hooks no matter what, and when unhooked, they feel they should be guaranteed enough time to heal up and do a reasonable amount of work on the objective, and there should be zero chance of the killer interacting with them until you've chased a different survivor for an amount of time that they feel is acceptable
I'm joking, of course, but not by much
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Tunneling doesnt even exist honestly. Its a fancy word, but also a made up one. Like... It litteraly was born from DBD, the word "tunneling". And especcially born from entitled players. (yes, players, not survivors. Because often enough the ones trying to get you follow their "code" are the ones that will play in the nastyest way possible themselves, on both sides. I have figured.) So you did nothing wrong, play how you want. As long as you enjoy the game and dont do it by cheating, you have 100% done what the meaning of a game is.
Dont care too much for what others say. They will find stuff to complain at anyway, everything is an issiue BUT their own mistakes. You know?
And im honestly getting tired of the whole concept of "them vs us" not to mention tunneling, camping, slugging, genrushing, all that nonesense. Its best to just mind your own buisness and try to not let them get under your skin, again, nothing you did wrong there so dont worry.
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EVERY case of tunneling is warranted as long as it doesnt happen through cheats. 😂
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Yeah, I'm going to at least attempt to go after the unhooker in both of those scenarios; it's just the more efficient play, since in both cases Meg isn't going to have BT/haste protection, so either way I'm going to have to land two hits. Might as well punish the Meg for being stupid and not the Ace/Claud for being the victim of said stupidity.
Unless of course the unhook-ee does the whole BT body block, in which case screw them.
But either way, it's not an egregious crime to go after the unhooked surv, even if it's poor form.
And of course this boils to that most common and foolish of all surv throws, going for the immediate unhook (and then making yourself look even worse by blaming the killer).
People should really stop doing that; the killer simply turning their attention from the hook isn't a free pass to go in for the instant unhook. That's just piss poor surv play.
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I mean it didn't start out as Tunneling... but it certainly ended up as Tunneling
You had a choice to go after the Meg... but you didn't
And you can't use the "I didn't see X after the unhook"
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Technically, it's tunneling... but that doesn't mean it's wrong or your fault. The struggle to win matches in DbD involves taking advantage of your oponent's mistakes. If someone unhooks in your face, the best option for you is usually to go to the hooked survivor. There's nothing wrong in taking advantage of that and there's no rule against that.
One of the problems in the DbD community is that people love to talk about certain killer tactics as if they were a big transgression or something. They aren't. Sure, being tunneled isn't fun, but a lot of things killers have to deal with aren't fun as well. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.
6 -
Yeah, it's poor killer form, but ultimately the person most to blame is the surv who went in for the insta-unhook. As a surv, when that happens, I am far more irritated by the teammate who unhooked me with the killer 5 meters away than then killer themselves.
1 -
Is this tunneling at this point?
Yes, we are digging a tunnel at this point.
Are you a serial tunneler?
Then you are the bad guy?
No. I am not the bad guy. I think Meg.
If a survivor loses because of a poor rescue, it is Meg's fault for a poor rescue.
There is no reason to go after the uninjured person with a rescue immediately after being hooked. If you are not arguing that the killer should throw away the win.
Why bother missing the survivor's mistake?
Perhaps they would find it funny if I said that the survivor should go hit himself because it is unfair that a hatchet I throw at random misses. I think it's funny too.
"Tunnel no skill"?
No, "Rescue no skill".
And finally, the worst person in this post of yours is the one who insulted your family.
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did the meg even bothered to take aggro from the claudette or had bt for double protection time? sounds like she's being extra dickish by rescuing like that.
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Actually, if you go by the current MMR system this is not how it works at all. Meg raised her MMR, everyone else lowered it. 😉
Also note that I said OP can play however they want. It's just that they say they had an intention (punishment) and I don't think this worked out ver well. I wouldn't have said anything if OP had not specifically talked about punishing the unsafe unhooks. Meg didn't care. They were likely all solo. She didn't get punished. That's kind of the end of the story in this specific scenario.
I have a similar story to you just different scenario. Someone deliberately sandbagging their friend because that's their idea of fun. They were upset I ruined it by killing the sandbagger. It's a different scenario and comparing apples to oranges.
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It is tunneling lol. But meg is an idiot
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If the survivor's make a bad play, it's not the killer's obligation to not exploit their bad play. Survivors would never do the same for a killer, so why should a killer do that for a survivor?
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It's not our obligation to exploit it either. And we are still exploiting it by going after the unhooker that served themselves up on a platter for us rather than punish the person on hook who didn't do anything wrong. What does it matter what the survivors would or wouldn't do? I don't worry about if they are going to give me a free kill if they get everyone to the gates without being sacced, yet I still give hatch. I play to have a good time as are they. There's no need to be miserable to them, if they aren't being so to me.
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No she didn't bother. She unhooked and she immediately went to hide (map was Fractured Cowshed).
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I mean, no one should give a crap about MMR anyway.
The only reason it's an issue is due to people sweating in an effort to raise their MMR, for what purpose? To get even sweatier matches.
Gaining MMR is not a reward, it's not a trophy. It's merely a corrective mechanism to stop you winning too much.
Post edited by Seraphor on0 -
Because it's this very double standard "survivor rulebook" mentality that is dividing this community. Survivors don't care whether the killer has fun, why should the killer care if the survivors have fun?
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Nah. What divides the community is this feeling of retribution and "justice" from one side to the other. I play against [insert side of your choice here] that are jerks to me sometimes, so I'm going to be jerks to them." A lot of this community needs to grow the hell up. You do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. No other reason.