Ranking may be the problem.


So I've been thinking, it would be nice to have a casual playlist that doesn't award rank pips. Like people hate tunneling, facecamping, genrushing and bullying.

But if you are sweating for pips then it's practically encouraged. As killer tunneling out one player early is a spund tactical move and swings the game massively in your favour. And for killers with the devout emblem being bugged, it's even worse. Finally finished my iri 1 slog for killer this month and it's impossible to get 2 pips in a game because you can't get iri devout no matter what you do.

So killers on iri rank will sweat harder for longer to get those pips. Because if a killer want to force a win, it isn't that hard. Run meta builds and play dirty and it's very rare you lose. My final grind today from iri 2 to 1 was simply run Demo's iri add ons because they are broken and I practically never lose while running them.

A casual play list would be nice so there will be less try hardy players and you can have a more relaxed game and not lose pips on a bad game.


  • Stealthdoorknob
    Stealthdoorknob Member Posts: 16

    If they don’t give me ranked soon, I’m just gonna keep devouring noobs and being toxic, driving as many new players away from the game as possible, cutting directly into the player base and profits. I’m sick of these fools wasting my time because baby Roblox players don’t wanna compete. Give me the skill, give me the competition, give me the horror that used to be In this game. Or else I will keep adding to my body count of kids who rage quit and never return to this game, I can confirm these on console. See you soon ranked mode!

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,284

    A "ranked mode" would just split the playerbase, plus whats to keep the competitive minded who can't cut it in ranked from slumming it in casual? Nothing.

    A lot of games now are getting rid of ranked most entirely and just setting up a rewards system for fair play.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Removing depips would already be a great start. It's not like the grade affects matchmaking anymore.

    If there was a casual only mode, I'd definitely play it (hoping no sweat decides to prey on easy targets, which is already asking much from DbD players I think) but I'd miss the passive bloodpoint income each month from grade.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 659

    i think the game could benefit from a split between competitive and casual. there's such thing as competition in party games (uno, for example.), so maybe it could work! i feel as if by doing so, it'd help people chill on the whole "i don't like who i'm playing with/against because theyre too good/too bad" thing

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 62

    I haven't heard that one before can you give me a few games that are getting rid of ranked?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 62

    Me too but the game mode I want would be limited, none of the op ######### everygame. None of the green, purple, iri; items, add-ons, or offering. At most either side could bring the lowest tier item. Only bloodpoint offerings allowed. I think it would be a cool idea to give each survivor a different item, so a survivor gets a toobox, flashlight, medkit, or map randomly. Killers could bring brown addons and it doesnt come from their stockpile. And probably leave it solo que

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 659

    that could be one of the match types i was thinking of for this sort of thing! i would wanna say that maybe match selection could be in the hands of those who wanna set their own preferred rulesets, but i'm worried that it would cause a significant divide in the playerbase when the casual-comp divide would already be present. randomized items and things like that should be an option though, for real!

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,284

    Star Wars the Old Republic is one off the top of my head.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Custom games find a group pre agree on rules and there ya go.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    'Splitting the player-base' is a surface level gate-keeping response that isn't even accurate because the player-base is already split BECAUSE there's only one playlist. Do you not realize thousands of players admittedly/publicly confirmed their departure from the game during last years' struggle period? MMR and the butterfly effect its caused is one of if not THE main reasons why people were stepping away in masses, specifically Killers

    It would provide a way for BHVR to be more flexible with tuning and QoL because they can use a casual playlist as a controlled environment for tweaks instead of making much-slower paced blanket changes that have to be filtered onto the PTB, plus they almost always instantly compromise one end of the spectrum because its not broken down by subsections of the community. Casuals and tournament sweats all get treated equally in this game and it has caused more people to quit, take a break, or not pursue buying the game after trying it than having multiple playlists would

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I just want a game mode that is actually matched correctly where everyone is actually playing the game normally and not filled with entitled players giving up because x reason.

    I just want normal games... it's all I want, is it that much to ask...

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096
    edited November 2022

    It's odd that people discuss adding a ranked mode as if it isn't a solved problem in other games. Yes, it would split the playerbase. That's what it's supposed to do. Players willingly queued up for 10 minute DPS queues at the end of Overwatch 1, and plenty of people still still queued up for Quickplay. I agree that splitting the playerbase is a weak argument, and I'm not sure why the devs themselves trot that one out.

    I think the reality is that the devs don't want to manage the game from a competitive perspective. They know how busted so many things are and design it that way. They don't want to give themselves more work in this case, and I kind of get it. Because suddenly the meta of the game actually develops beyond the very basic level that it's currently at on the survivor side for pubs if a ranked mode is added. And suddenly the balancing of killers becomes pretty granular. Not many players know you can make a full revolution around Father Campbell's against Hag just from holding W up the map walls with Overcome if you start running at the edge of her 24m and only use shack pallet.

    So, yes, queue times might be a concern for the devs. But I'm betting that it's all the additional work that ranked mode introduces that they're trying to avoid.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Yeah that's exactly everything in a nutshell. I don't necessarily blame them for not wanting to pile on the extra work at this moment considering SoloQ/Killer tuning and map issues, but I feel like they should just be transparent about it instead of using that same recycled copout about splitting the player-base. I guarantee people on both sides would wait an extra 3-8 minutes to get in a lobby if it meant their experience within the actual matches improved dramatically

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited November 2022

    I just want more agency in my games as a solo player if they don't split the playerbase. As it is now, us solo players are suffering the most for BHVR wanting to make the game more "balanced" by making it more team-oriented for survivors but at the same time not offering any tools for solo survivors. Frankly it's contradicting and I've felt this way from when I started playing this game.

    If they were to split it I would personally want to keep the pips and grades for casual, just make a different ranking system for ranked. Or remove de-pipping from casual and let it stay for ranked. And maybe award more BP for playing Ranked (like 2mil) since it would become more of a sweatfest therefore more grinding and maybe more focusing in one role.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    But the pipping system isnt based on kills by any means necessary. If you dont let survivors heal you have issues with chaser, same thing with camping. If you dont hook enough times devouts an issue. If you are doing most of your work at end game with noed or something then both chaser and gatekeeper.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Devout is an issue anyway since it's bugged. It's impossible to get iridescent atm.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    This makes sense. They seem to put all their effort into releasing new chapters because it gives them 4 solid cash injections each year. Instead of adding "free" gameplay changes to the game to improve the players experience.

    Like any number of things, VC for soloq, new playlists to split competitive and casual players. All have been suggested and we get weak excuses about balancing and splitting the player base. Simple, true answer is they keep adding new chapters and new perks that break the game balance. Because that is what makes them money.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096
    edited November 2022

    The agency as a solo player is a big thing. One gripe I have is that killers have all the tools to play as competitively as they want in any given match without losing anything strength-wise. Solo survivors aren't afforded that luxury. They'll always lack information or survivability or utility. A solo player can't bring all 3 and still have a full meta loadout.

    I'd personally play ranked for the most part. The only reason I retired from comp was the prohibitive time commitment. I'd honestly play a lot more DbD if a ranked mode was offered. Top 500/GM/whatever would give me something to strive for.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Omg, you might be the only poster here who gets the lack of agency for solo survivor and how bad it feels. I wish he held a bit more power, so some of who are less scared of the killer could take him on and actually have a chance of surviving instead of just being camped and left for fead by teammates.

    I am kinda surprised at how they've done nothing with the obsession or the whole final girl trope. When I started playing I thought the obsession was special or had a special role, but as it is now more often than not, when killer brings obsession perks your teammate obsession can really give you a hard time. I wish they incorporated that a lot more in the gameplay and the obsession had more agency as opposed to being an enabler for the killer at worst. The only benefit the obsession has is when they run Object of Obsession.