What's the point of Wesker's exit gate incapacitation?

If you slam a survivor into the wall of the exit gate without downing them, they'll be unable to leave for a brief duration, similar to Pinhead chains or having Victor on your head. The thing is, it doesn't last long enough for Wesker to dash at them again, so they just sort of stand there before leaving. It doesn't do much of anything in the way of getting a clutch grab at the gates or punishing cocky survivors; it doesn't do much of anything in any regard, for that matter.

So I gotta ask: What's the point of the incapacitation if it doesn't actually do anything? I feel like if you want it to work, make it longer; if you don't, remove it. Because right now, it's just null and void and serves no purpose beyond making leaving slightly clunkier for the survivor.
