
Sharpefern Member Posts: 422
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Umm I feel like the non med kit parts of pharmacy should just be active. Like right now it reads like this.

You have a knack for finding medicine.

Whenever you are in the Injured StatePharmacy activates:

  • Increases the Unlocking speed of Chests by 40/60/80 %.
  • Reduces the Hearing range of noises related to Unlocking by -8 metres.
  • Guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit when unlocking a Chest

But why cant we just have something to open the chests faster. Especially since there are stupid challenges to open chests. Like would changing it to this instead make it better suited with other peks like Plunderers and more of a QOL thing.

You have a knack for finding medicine.

  • Increases the Unlocking speed of Chests by 40/60/80 %.
  • Reduces the Hearing range of noises related to Unlocking by -8 metres.

Whenever you are in the Injured StatePharmacy activates:


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I think the biggest problem holding the perk back is the fact that others could have already looted all chests in the trial. This kills its basic idea of "when injured run to a chest and heal up" which in theory would reward map awareness and keep you self-sustaining without the drawback of self caring, but still with some caveats attached.

    My dream would be that it could keep its faster opening and reduced noise and if you're wounded you could either open a chest for a guaranteed medkit or press E to rummage for one, losing one of three token.

    This way you could still use other rummage perks if desired, but also have some reliability and not getting screwed over by other team mates opening boxes.


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,202

    Yeah, that'd be a nice QOL change. If they paired it with a Rummage token that guarantees a Green Medkit, but goes away when you open a chest while injured (so you're guaranteed at least one medkit if all of the chests have been opened), that'd be cool.

    I don't agree with the sentiment that Pharmacy was nerfed with the change it received. I get far more medkits on average now, and it's a really underrated perk. However, adding a safeguard so you're guaranteed a medkit in the rare situations where all the chests are searched beforehand would make the perk more appealing.