Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Survivor perk idea: Pillbox

This would be introduced with some military-type survivor, similar to Bill. For those of you who don’t know, a pillbox is a half-buried, fortified structure that has about enough room inside for a soldier with a gun or turret. Normally the weapon is fired from inside through a slit, but for DBD, the perk would be entirely for protection.

If you a standing in an area other enough open space, this perk will allow you to construct a pillbox. Construction takes 30/25/20 seconds and has skill checks. Missing a skill check or cancelling construction for any reason will reset all construction progress. Once built, any survivor on the team may leap into the unoccupied pillbox for protection. While inside, they may still perform any single-person actions (mending, healing, etc).

The killer can destroy the pillbox with 6 M1 attacks or 3 kicks (or a combination where 1 kick = 2 attacks). Once destroyed, the perk is rendered inactive for the remainder of the match. Any survivor inside at the time of destruction is now vulnerable to attack.

If your pillbox is still standing, you may deconstruct it over a 30/25/20 second period and rebuild it elsewhere. Rebuilt pillboxes are always undamaged.

(The inspiration for this perk is the snowmen from last year’s winter event. Yes, they can tank a hit, but it only gives survivors temporary safety and then they end up right next to the killer. Must be used strategically!)


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Hmm, it's somewhat interesting, not gonna lie.

    I don't know what I think about the deconstruct mechanic, but everything that wastes survivors time besides doing gens is not a bad thing.

    I also don't think that I would like survivors to be running four of this perks.

    How long should the entry take? Just a quick hop-in as with the snowmen for up to 6 hits would be probably too good, especially if you activated a haemorrhage syringe shortly before.

    Could a killer gain stacks of STBF from non-obsession survivors in a pillbox? Lastly, 6 hits is a lot, but when the thing collapses the survivor should get some sort of debuff. Not being damaged, as that would defeat the purpose of the whole perk, but what else? Hindered? Constrained? Exposed ?

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    You make really good points and I’m happy to discuss them (and maybe make some edits!).

    So first off, the overall goal of this perks to be anti-deadzone. Bald area of the map or no pallets left? Build a pillbox! The cost is heavy time expenditures. Maybe you have a pillbox near a gen. Once the gen is done, You’ll want to move it to a more active part of the map.

    You mentioned survivor time off gens. I’m actually thinking that for the value, 20 seconds may be too fast. So maybe it should be 40/35/30 seconds instead.

    As for entering a pillbox, I envision that slow, floaty hop that survivors did with snowmen. There should also be a small delay if it’s destroyed around them, as you mentioned. It should be like the stagger when falling from a great height

    Ok, the tough part here is killer interaction. 6 hits or 3 kicks. I chose those numbers so that there’s a direct correlation between 1 kick equalling 2 hits. That way killers can combine various attacks and easily know how much is left. I feel like 4 hits/2 kicks makes the pillbox too weak. I admit that 6 hits seems kinda strong, but here are a few considerations that might help out:

    • Pillboxes will often be unoccupied. The killer can destroy or partially damage them in advance while not in chase. It can only be repaired if a survivor invests the time to relocate it.
    • Certain perks like Brutal Strength and Fire Up will now see greater use.
    • Some killers will do greater damage with their power (Perhaps Bubba can destroy it during a bump-tantrum. Plague can infect it and any survivor who then uses it like with a locker.)
    • Survivors will have to pay attention to the visual state of the pillbox to determine its remaining durability, as it will noticeably degrade with attacks. They will want to flee the pillbox before it is destroyed so that the killer will chase them and the pillbox may be later relocated. The killer may bait survivors by damaging the pillbox 5 times in advance and destroying it when they’re inside.

    I think that covers most of what you discussed. Honestly, fun stuff! Be sure to post if you think of any other considerations!

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited November 2022

    So kicking it would be an uncancellable action like kicking a Pallet tho right? Cuz otherwise there'd be no point not to kick it

    I'd also like a secondary ability to "fortify" after you complete a certain percentage of generator time after building it so that if it is still standing you can get more value , this would probably take 20 seconds to fortify it and allow it to take an extra kick or 2 basic attacks before it breaks, this would only work if the pillbox is undamaged though