What does BHVR like to do more than creating annoying challenges? Breaking them!

People are actually doing those? Why?
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Oh yeah, I did this already.=)
First match, 4k but only 3 in challenge for some reason.
Second match, 4k but only 2 in challenge...
Never when I got 4k, there was an actual 4 for the challenge. xD
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I feel like it has something to do, when survivors are killing themselves on hooks, like the game don't understand or not consider it as a sacrifice, idk.
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Here we go again
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Devout emblem has been broken for like a month. That's what is causing it.
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Yeah, it's happening to me too.
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Because people like to do tome challenges?
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Maybe the Entity is rejecting a sacrifice, was there a Quentin or Mikaela?
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That's why they come to the forum making these threads. Because they love doing them so much.
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I've ran into this before and it's incredibly frustrating.
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i'm pretty sure one of the survivor didn't identify himself as dead. don't you respect the survivors choice?
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Bloodpoints, rift progression
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Bhvr really needs to get their ######### together when it comes to challenges. I love the changes they made when it comes to the rift and its rewards, but it's time to do an overhaul of the challenges themselves and iron out the bugs. It is beyond frustrating to actually make good progress on a challenge only to find out it bugged out and didn't count
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The 4 falls from heights for survivor is broken aswell, 1 hour and 30 mins later after playing Ormond, The Game and Iron Works of Infinites i still don't have 1 single fall counted...
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Again it’s been said,the devout emblem is broken.The game is only recognizing 3k even if you get a 4K.It’s affecting pip,challenges and bp.So until it’s fixed if you need 8 sacrifices in a challenge,your going to have to play atleast 3 games.
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I did them on Ormond. On PS4 first try with a Sadako - who tunneled me after that :-)
On PC in 2 games. 3 and 1.
Try selecting another challenge and come back. Seems to work sometimes.
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There is a known bug.
The game/emblem doesn´t count right atm.
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There are 2 issues I'm aware of,
1. The final sacrifice of the atch is bugged and doesnt count towards challenges and emblems. This is the one the OP is having issue with.
2. When you start up the game, it wont track the challenge you have selected, until you switch to another challenge and then select the one you wanna work on. This one sounds like it might be the one that may be affecting you.
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Yes, to be more precise the Devout emblem seems to only count 10 hookstages and hook actions maximum at the moment, even if you had 11 or 12 hooks. For that reason you can't get and iridescent emblem for it and tou also can't double pip in iridescent ranks, which is annoying. It must somehow affect this challenge as well, I assume the final kill does not count.
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I got a DC and had 4 pips on that challenge, so everything goes :P
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Only times I really see complaints is if it is a challenge that is super dumb or broken normally people don't complain about most of the challenges