So the devs need to learn how to balance there own game

Why is it only nurse/spirt/blight are the only good ones to play and the rest of the killers are bad are decent let's take wesker for instance his power is really great but you loop him are run wall to wall he can't use his power his powers good not the best but good how ever you make him a pointless killer when the looping happens forces you to stop chasing that survior....why you ask here's why he can't use his power vs looping that's how most killers are u loop therr power becomes useless...

Part of the reason is due to maps why is there survivor maps to there favor.....well there shouldn't be


Should always be at a DISADVANTAGE always no excuses they have perks for a reason

Let's take a more balance hooro game evil not fun for me but it's definitely more balanced

One surviors on that game can fight and lvl up but so can the killer

The max lvl for a survivor is 25 which means 25 points to put into your perks

The max lvl for a killer is 45 means 45 points to put into your killer right there tells you killerhas more of an edge due to points

Now the game is about finding survoirs fast to stalk them and get lvls asap the goal for a survior early game is to not make noise while looting and doing many objectives before killer finds you if you shoot are get into a car the killer will know we're your team is most matchs for me this is not the case because most surviors knows not to make noise even in solo que

Yes I play both sides cause it's fun while if the sirviors do rush the pages to get to end game faster the killer still has a chance of winning by destroying the book

My point is the killer has the advantage in the match but the surviors still can win

This game naw loop and pallets loop and pallets I don't know what the devs are thinking but for years now nothing has changed in this game the looping and pallets is dumb

So here's my suggestion sense the matchs go quick if your going to allow looping the guns has to be 10 longer this forces smart killers not to chase and gen protect which shouldnt be the case if how ever you want to keep the gens the same you got to get rid of looping make it to were surviors has to drop a pallet early and move on to the next one not run around 3 full times to drop a pallet plus 17 pallets on the map should say there shouldn't be looping thats to many pallets with enough time for gens to get done with out looping

Also make the maps less walls mybe less windows so m1 killers have a chance to play the game

And I'm bot saying this cause I am not liking how this game is I'm saying this because this game favors survivors not killers

Earth to you surviors this is a horror game the killer should always have the advantage not the surviors the only reason most of you play surviors is to troll the killer cause you know you can and you know the maps so well that looping is just to easy for you

As much as I wanted to see evil dead grow which I don't think it Is at this point I'm hopeing other horror games come out to beat dbd because this is just bull crap how surviors can just do what they want and nothing happens

Sorry about my spelling and typing all im not very good at it


  • Random_NPC
    Random_NPC Member Posts: 83

    Yea idk I steamroll most groups that aren't on coms.

    Then I bust out my spirit and it's GG for the absolute majority of teams no matter if they play on coms or not.

    There never will be a balance in this game. It can't be.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    How would you balance the game?

  • Shininglight
    Shininglight Member Posts: 9

    Fix the maps stop makeing new killers/ survivors all the maps need readjusting not saying buff killers but instead make the maps more open so the m1 killers have a chance

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Nurse, blight and spirit are not the only viable killers, but if you are going to use as comparison

    A killer with a game-breaking power.

    A killer with busted addons, extreme mobility and control in chase.

    A killer whose power is complex to loop and the only perk that countered it was destroyed in 6.1.0.

    It is no wonder why you think the other are weak.

  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 694

    i play evil dead and it's definetly not balanced at all lol

    they are also about to release an update that's going to break the balance even more

  • Crimson_Lockhart
    Crimson_Lockhart Member Posts: 188

    [Epic Games] Evil Dead: The Game Free Nov 17 - Nov 24 😀

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Unless you are at the top MMR AND facing full squads with comms then every killer is viable.

    I have thousands of hours in the game, and the number of matches I have played where I feel like no matter what I did as a killer other than the top 3 I wouldn't have won is so vanishlingly small. And if I had played one of those 3 top killers I wouldn't have felt that way.

    The killer role is not weak.

    A lot of killers on this forum have a victim complex. So used to tunneling the first survivor out, raising their mmr but not their skill, and expecting to win against survivors better than they are.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    By fix the maps you mean solve the problems with the maps?

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    So if I were to cut the bs from every you just said, I'm left with this conclusion. I'm not that good at killer, so I fabricated an entire lie of saying only 3 killers are viable just to hammer in the point that I want easy games and I want the game to be balanced in a way that basically garauntees me free wins but instead of saying just that, I made up an arbitrary system to add filler

  • Goblets
    Goblets Member Posts: 25

    Fix maps

    Stop making new Killers/Survivors

    Make maps more open

    Eh lets be real, sounds like something a 100 hour player would say about balance.

    The poster above did ask a good question, too bad you're new to the game and don't understand much of it as of right now.