The best anti camping and tunneling solution yet

As discussed in the main thread one suggestion was made by Omans to make survivors who are hooked in consecutive fashion will be sacrificed much slower. I can add more details to it.
This could work like basekit reasurance for that survivor.
It will be disabled if the killer hooked another survivor , thus safrifice will continue at normal pace.
This will incentivise killers to pursue unique survivors and thus reduce tunneling in the game.
This will also discourage face camping as well as the sacrifice process will be much slower.
Details :
- - If a survivor is hooked again in consecutive fashion (within 80s of their unhook) , they gain t3 reassurance. This will be immediately disabled if another survivor is hooked. This will discourage tunneling.
- - If a survivor reaches stage 2 of the sacrifice process and noone else has been hooked yet, reassurance will activate. This will discourage camping.
- - If a survivor was sacrificed on their first hook but they did not suicide , such as no self unhook attempts were made and no more than 2 missed tentacle impacts happened , they will be compensated with no pip loss and some blood points. This will discourage DC. This does not apply if they were sacrificed during endgame.
It is not a full proof fix to tunneling , face camping and disconnects but it will definitely reduce their occurrence in the game without greatly impacting the gameplay.
Big problem. Nothing wrong with hooking the same survivor.
Also, this could be abusable by trying to get the same survivor hooked for the benefit. Some how.
Also just let's survivors get off easily with bad plays.
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Much to disagree with, but we can start at one point. Why does a Killer need to be screwed over if I happen to find the same survivor?
as far as I see that, it should not be my problem other that the Survivor's who was found.
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If someone is so stupid that he wants this value in exchange for 2 hook states (meaning drawing a huge target on his back with a note tunnel me once more so I am out of this game), then it's his fault for loosing it and sabotaging his team.
It's still a very bad move. Any survivor with a bit more experience will tell you that spreading hooks is always better then 1 or 2 people accumulating more hooks. And that's from team perspective. I myself am willing to go down without a chase if killer is running at someone with 2 hooks and I have none.
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Any experienced killer could say the same. Being one myself, despite my decline in the game, I would say that. It is also still good to get repeats when you can though.
Since getting spread or repeat hooks can either hurt or help in the long run depending how the game goes.
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So we are in agreement then? Survivors will not try to abuse it, because it puts them unnecessarily into harms way, but if killer does that, he will get extra "punishment" (and by punishment I only mean harder camping - because you don't want to voluntarily play 3v1 if killer is actively hunting survivors)
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Find him again or tunnel him right after unhook ? Big difference.
How about an ajustment. After a survivor is unhooked they gain reasurance if hooked within 80 seconds.
This system would be hard to abuse. You would need to have a very organized team that would need to get every member to be hooked twice in a row without the killer catching anyone else.
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I don't agree. There would definitely be some people who try to make some plays with it and the whole idea is unnecessary. Killers just don't need to be punished for hooking repeats.
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No thanks. You have not answered my question-
How about adding some perks making survivors easier to hide when pulled of a hook instead?
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Some people ? As in rare few 4 man swf squads ? Even then you could easily as a killer avoid it by chasing the other person instead , like you do when chasing the rescuer since the unhooked has endurance and haste bonuses.
If survivors run around you wanting to be next in the hook you are supposed to leave them man , they are not on the gens . Chase those who repair.
And killers do need to be punished for tunnling as it became an epidemic . Many use it as a strat and in turn it made DC skyrocket. It is an issue that cannot be ignored.
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It wont work. Tunneling is the issue at hand here , the killer will see the unhooked most of the time since they also tend to camp. Face camp even.
If you find someone again then its fair game. By the time you down then again they will lose the reasurance protection. It lasts for a minute or so since their unhook. So you can tehnically hook the same person without them ever activating this feature.
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The best anti tunneling is quality of chase improvements. Making chases more fun and rewarding.
Camping needs more depip attention. As it promotes toxicity. Slugging and tunneling are a playstyle tho. Same proxy camping. It's up to the team for the most part.
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Improving the quality of chases in order to fix tunneling would have to benefit a survivor. And that would greatly harm killers , while my suggestion would merely discourage killers to pick the same survivor to chase and not affect the balance of the game.
Giving 60-80s reasurance protection to unhooked survuvor changes little really. Killers can still tunnel but it would be less effective then before. It would take longer for them to make it 3v1. More gens will be done with the tunneled person takes longer to sacrifice. 30 extra seconds in this case.
Also it would make face camping less viable. Survivors would near finish all the gens while one waits for the face camped survivor to die on the hook.
Right now you can just hook a person , wait for them to die and then chase the rest without any disadvantage. It becomes 3v1 with 2 gens left. It makes no sense for the killer not to use this strategy.
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You cant tunnel what you cant find.
But why does the Killer have to be screwed over for just playing the game as it is?
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If you can't find someone who you unhooked then every unhooked survivor will always be harder to find which will SCREW over the killers ten times as hard when compared to what I suggested. It is much heavier fix that will always be in effect when compared to mine where hook lasts 30s longer if you hook the same person twice within 60-80s. Which is not that common unless they play like idiots.
You are basically suggesting base kit Off-the-record for everyone always , while I suggest base kit reassurance only for consecutive hooks and only if they happen within a minute of each other and only if during that hook you do not hook anyone else which would disable it.
You suggestion also completely ignores face camping. Since the person will never be unhooked , they will never have a chance to hide. But my suggestion makes face camping take longer , which will give other survivors more time for gens to counter a face camper. Right now you could only do around 3 gens until the camped survivor dies. Then the face camper can camp the next one or even win the 3v1 for the last 2 gens. Killers do this because it works. If it takes longer and the remaining 3 survivors escape , the number of face campers would reduce. I also included a suggestion to compensate a face camped survivor so their game wont feel like **** . Because it's fun to play for 60s , be hooked and stare at bubba for 2 minutes and see your pips disappear afterwards. And when it soon happens again , you dc as soon as you are hooked because you are fed up with it. That is why there are massive DCs going on now. Because killers "play" the game normally. Where normal is to tunnel or camp the first survivor to make 3v1.
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Im suggesting no such things, but perks for survivors to counter tunneling.
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I mean there should be perks that activate when a Survivor is hooked (talking about the Survivor that is hooked not the others)
That would be one way to calm down Camping
Tunneling is harder... the fact that the are 4 Survivors total per match each with 1.0 charges per second in repair speeds (I don't remember what multiple Survivors on a Gen do with speeds)
Chasing one means that three are free to do whatever they want to (Gens, Healing, Cleansing/ Blessing Totems)
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Indeed but right now you can only do so much in face camping situation. Up to 3 gens in total. The killer still has an advantage here in 3v1 for 2 gens. Especially if they just decide to camp the next person. Easy 2k with low effort. And major pip losses for survivors.
My whole suggestion is based on perk reassurance activating in the case of camping and tunneling so it is kind of the same. It only punishes specific killers but is barely if at all present in normal play.
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Our ideas are similar in ways... but with different conditions (Maybe)
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It's will impossible to code, just forget it.
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The code for this stuff is already in the game. Minor adjustments are needed.
Have a variable that takes the name/id of the last survivor who was hooked.
Have one that takes the name of the currently hooked survivor.
One that is a countdown timer that represents the protection amount of the unhooked survivor.
Once a survivor is hooked , compare him to the previous hooked survivor and check if they are the same , if yes , if the countdown is not 0 apply reassurance to the current survivor.
In case of face camping it is similar.
When a survivor reaches stage 2 of the sacrifice process check if this is their first hook, then check if anyone else was hooked in the mean time, if not , then apply reassurance. If they reach death moment repeat the same, if this is their first hook , if nobody was hooked since , apply reassurance again.
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Anti camping: If the killer is within a certain radios of the hooked survivor after X time, the hook timer stops and doesn't continue until the killer leaves a secondary radius and stays outside thats econdary radious for X time.
Pros: Camping would result in the survivor staying hooked but not dying, ending up in just a waste of time for the killer.
Cons: The other survivors could exploit it by gathering within the radius to prevent the hooked survivor from dying.
As for tunneling, there's no easy solution. Survivors have already the endurance bonus after being unhooked. Sometimes we as killers only see the recently unhooked survivor, what do youw ant us to do in that case? Let them escape?
As someone mentioned, make chases fun and that will solve tunneling.