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[Solved] Got randomly exposed - without any add-on or perk causing exposed effect

DarkBarbarian Member Posts: 90
edited November 2022 in Bug Reporting

When I was playing with my friends (3-SWF), in 2 matches (1 against Deathslinger, 1 against Ghostface), my friends randomly got exposed for a short amount of time (somewhere between 10s and 30s).

In the GF round, my friend was NOT marked.

Both times, it was when the killer missed a hit(/shot in DS' case), that my friends noticed they were exposed.

I attached three screenshots, two of them from the Deathslinger round, the third one from the Ghostface round.

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  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    Were you guys doing the pink glyph challenge? The pink glyph will expose you if it has LoS of you unless you break LoS or close it.

  • DarkBarbarian
    DarkBarbarian Member Posts: 90

    Ohh, that could very well be it! Most of the time, we select some random challenges without thinking about it further. :D

    Thank you!