Can we do something about med kits?

There is too many items for survivors. The worst offender are med-kits. They make healing a simple one man action. The problem is the amount of them on hands of survivor is way too many, thanks to prices and role incentives. If i see a 2+ med - kits, even browns, i know i need Franklins becaue i won't be able to apply preassure without mean ways, like tunnel, proxy or camp.

What i propose? Set default healing speed to 50%.



  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    I’ve always felt like medkits should be toned down for self-heals but they should be buffed for team-healing. 50% is too much of a penalty though.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,169

    I know the feeling I've been running franklins in the majority of my games lately just to keep up

    It's become the rule and not the exception like it used to be

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258


    Medkits have very limited amount of usage. Equivalent of medkits are killer addons. And let's be honest - MDR and tombstone piece and all the other OP addons are way worse then medkits, that can at absolute max heal you 3x

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Health state are the most valuable thing survivor can have, even having 1 heal, can reduce a lot of pressure because you are doing it alone and maybe even faster. Don't even get me started syringes.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    You say that like me being able to heal myself at full speed 3 times isn’t a big deal, when it absolutely is a big deal. Medkits are too quick for self-healing and the better ones also have too many charges.

    And MDR, tombstone piece, and several other OP killer addons are overpowered and need changes regardless of medkits. That has nothing to do with it.

    That doesn’t make any sense.

    The problem is, while I agree they are too good for self-heals, there also isn’t enough incentive to use them on a teammate. I can either have it to heal myself with half the normal input required (1 survivor spending 16s instead of 2), or I can heal my teammate anywhere between 3 to 5 seconds quicker depending on the medkit’s rarity. It’s pretty obvious which option I’m going to choose 99% of the time. The only time I’d ever use a medkit on a teammate is to try and pick them up faster from the ground or if the killer is trying to tunnel them and those few seconds might make a difference.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited November 2022

    MDR has a downside and how often do you see michaels in this game anymore? :D Medkits have no downside. Purple and green medkits are very common nowdays with syringe or syptic and i see lobbies usually with 3-4 medkits all the time.

  • 3 full self-heals is more than enough for a full match, especially at +50% speed, or god forbid +150% because you brought Botany and some other guy brought Circle.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    The downside is really funny one. Which spirit with more then 100hrs will even watch scratchmarks instead of listening to sound? It's like saying syringe is bad, because it consumes my medkit. Sure it's downside. But c'mon.

    Also about shape - actually pretty often. About 5-10% of all my games. But they will usually bring one of tombstones or at least infinite tier 3. But getting tombstone piece feels actually very bad.

    And if you want to see other items, then ask devs to add more options. Currently there are toolboxes which is hated by every killer, because BNP "is unfair", flashlights that got nerfed so many times, that only very good players can use them now (same applies to firecrackers, but they are even worse, because they are 1-time usage) and medkits. Maps are very useless and keys are beyond useless now.

    sure. So are killer addons. Medkit is survivor's version of killer's power. Medkit addons is survivor's version of killer's addons. I agree medkits are very strong. So are killer addons. Being able to instantly (or very quickly) replenish your power on many many killers is not strong? Or you allow only killers to have strong things?

    They are directly the same thing - one being on killer's side the other on survivor's side. I have no idea why talking about one does not influence the other? I mean - they are even on same spot on screen.

    It can be enough in some matches. It can be too little on others. And we are talking about best medkit with best addon. What you usually get is ~2 heals and maybe syringe/styptic.

  • If you’re operating at any level of gen efficiency whatsoever, 1 self heal at full speed or faster should be enough. If 3 full heals “isn’t enough” for you, then you’re playing against a killer you shouldn’t be healing against anyways.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    medkits are fine now, don't need buffs or nerfs

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Medkits have already been nerfed in the past and severely at that. I understand that you want easy downs and easy matches with all survivors injured all the time, but that would only benefit you and not give any good experience to the other 4 players in your matches. There is nothing more boring than sitting on a healing action for 2 min, just like gens are annoying to sit on.

    Given that as a killer you have powers, add-ons and perks that can guarantee instadowns, medkits are fine as they are. If you have a problem with survivors healing or having 2 health states, bring instadown perks. There are plenty of them instead of Franklin's

    It'd be too easy for you to deny survivors med kits or the option of heal and killers have already received more than enough buffs.

    If you can't put pressure because survivors are healing themselves, medkits are not your problem. If your chases are long, you're not doing it right. If you're camping or tunneling instead of pressuring gens and other survivors, you're not doing it right.

    I dont screenshot all my matches, but here is an example of how medkits didnt make a difference. The only item that would make me bring Franklin's is flashlights, but only on Hag since they destroy her power completely and render a slow M1 killer. Killers that excel at being killers won't have an issue with medkits or healing. Genrush maybe, but not healing specifically. In fact, healing keeps survivors off gens. You want them to heal, heal as much and as often as possible, so they are not on the gens.

    Your chases should not last more than a few seconds and if they do, that's your cue to leave that survivor and find someone else unless you're sure you will get a down with a few extra seconds of chase.

    In your position, I would consider, what I can do to put more pressure.How can I better myself as killer? What add-ons or perks I can try to benefit me better?

    And yes I do run an insta down perk, they're fantastic. Make your choice makes a lot of survivors go in hiding and not do gens for the fear that I will come and one shot em.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Wait, are you REALLY suggesting to play insadowns to band-aid broken item economy?


  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    talking about not playing the game well and learning to play the game first

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Instadowns are great. Some killers have insta down as a part of their power, so what is wrong with using perks?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220

    Pretty sure even the best medkits only have two heals in them, regardless of speed.

    Now the Syringe however is a bit of an issue, and I think it should be treated the same way as BNPs are. You get a skill check and if you make it you instantly recover 50% of your health, not 100%.

    That said, I second instadowns. I pretty much exclusively play Ghostface and Make-Your-Choice Dredge these days outside of dailies and challenges, and it's so satisfying getting a down on someone who just finished healing.

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 411

    There is always gonna be at least 2 medkits in a match and one circle of healing. Nowadays is just too easy to heal, and not worry about being injured. Medkits need like a 20s self-healing time and not 16s.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Where are you getting 50% from? Even with emergency medkit and 16 and 12 charge addons, that's still not enough for 3 heals as you're short 4 charges

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited November 2022

    i think the beefier charge add-ons should reduce self-healing speeds since they're really the main issue. a ranger kit with gel dressings and a gauze roll or suture/scissors is absurdly overpowered. an emergency kit with charge and speed add-ons and built to last has the same issue.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Medkits are fine as is.... but that destroys Hit and Run playstyles

    Toolboxes are fine as is... but that only speeds up the match (cause the Killer to either admit defeat and take the T-Bags and end game chat or Camp and Tunnel)

    Maps are fine as is... but that destroys 3 Genning and Trappers Traps

    Keys.... are (word I can't type) right now... but that has nothing to do with Keys themselves but with hatch

    When a Killer sees 3-4 Medkits they think that those must be the overcharged + Syringe purple Medkits

    When a Killer sees 3-4 Toolboxes they think that those must be the overcharged + BNP purple Toolboxes

    I haven't seen a Map nor Keys since I played last... so IDK what Killer would think seeing 3-4 of each of those (LOL)

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    You'd see the problem comparing survivor items been equivalent to killer power. Your saying survivor's items is like them having a killer power which would put them on the same footing as the killer in a 4v1. Having something that allows one of the 4 to be equal with the one is way off balance. Killer's have powers because they have to compete with 4 survivor's there Powe helps level the playing field and your saying that items are equal to killer powers which would throw the balance off completely if just one person bring it and you have the capability for all 4 to bring it and that's exactly why it throws the game out of balance.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Yellow medkit with a yellow addon and green addons give you 3 heals at +15 % speed I do belive

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    My man survivors got med kits and toolboxes that's it the rest are bad. Now you want to take away 50% of that?

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I wanna see the same amount of value out of Pill Bottle or Cat Block (which gives OP-Hemmorhage) for example compared to Med-Kits.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Are you trying to say that having an item that can heal me 3x is the same as having the ability to dash at more then 4x the survivor speed, going thru the walls and use that 2x AND THEN IT RECHARGES? Same strength? Really? Ok. Give me 1x half a nurse blink that recharges then please - it's 1/4 of killer so it should not be a problem to have item that gives me permanently just this. Or maybe in fact survivor items are MUCH worse then killer powers.

  • Built to Last. Very common perk to run with medkits. Even with just a brown duration addon, BtL gives you enough charges out of a green medkit for almost 4 full self heals with Botany Knowledge’s efficiency penalty and almost 5 without it. If you go overkill and bring double duration addons, BtL gives you enough medkit duration for just over 8 full self heals, or just under 7 with Botany’s penalty. Even if you want to talk about the delay of rebuilding the item in the locker, being able to heal yourself in 8 seconds 6 times in a single match with just two perks is absurd.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,094

    Medkits need Self-Healing speed or charge nerfs.

    Toolboxes should focus more on Sabo plays and passive augments on Gen Skillchecks than pure genspeed.

    Maps should focus more on Survivor/Killer Aura reading (but Root the Survivor).

    Keys need a rework entirely. (I'd like to see them work for passing through vaults/Pallets/Breakable Walls instantly with addons that allow you to goblin Items from chests)

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Oh so if you dedicate 1 item 2 addons and 2 perks you get strong effect! I am shocked by that! WOW. Maybe we should nerf hubris/enduring/sprit fury, because together they create a strong effect too...

  • LiveBritishReaction
    LiveBritishReaction Member Posts: 427
    edited November 2022

    6 full self heals at double speed is something you should absolutely have to dedicate an entire build for. Being able to do that and still having 2 entire perk slots for more meta perks like Sprint Burst, Unbreakable, Circle of Healing (which makes this build even stronger), Stake Out + Hyperfocus, etc. is, frankly, disgustingly strong. Hell, you could always just replace Botany with Circle to get the same +50% effect without the efficiency penalty to get even MORE self-heals on top of all the team-wide bonuses that come with Circle of Healing

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Or maybe not. Because in the end that would mean I would spend the whole game enabling my healing instead of doing gens.

    Finiding totem. Booning it. Hoping to not get interupted or it getting snuffed. Hoping there's no franklin and killer that camps it. Healing against sloppy and again hoping to not get interupted. Going for locker. Waiting 12s for locker. Moving thru whole map to boon area or finding yet another totem. Going down real fast because I have no exhaustion, because I spend everything on healing perks. Killer being plague so I screwed myself up royally. Killer being doctor with antiheal build so I show my aura to killer all the time and not get more then 1-2 heals from the medkit anyway. Killer never leaving me in chase so my medkit is used 0 times in trial....

    The point is - you don't see people bringing best medkit with best addons and 2 healing perks very often (I would say almost never). There are very good reasons for that.

  • Almost all of those scenarios you described are either simply too uncommon to render this build weak or even begin to counter it, or are simply a matter of grave, GRAVE user error.

    Antiheal builds are borderline useless when your healing speeds are this fast and should only be a problem if you’re trying that dumb strat of healing mid-chase. Franklin’s is Franklin’s so it sucks, you have 90 seconds to go pick up your item and even if it is completely drained you can just rebuild it with BtL. If you are spending that much time booning totems or running around looking for boon spots that it truly detracts from you doing gens then you are simply very bad with boons and really need to work on your game sense. Plague is fair but this build is monstrous against the other 29 or so killers in the game bar Legion because he’s Legion so I hardly think 2 killers out of like 30 is a strong argument. Your exhaustion perk argument is patently false because we’ve already been over how this build only requires at the very most 2 perks to be extremely good. If the killer is focusing you so incredibly hard that you don’t get to heal then as we’ve been over you can bring Sprint Burst or any other exhaustion perk with no real cost to your build so you should be looping them and wasting their time just fine.

    Your proposed scenarios are incredibly situational at best and/or are your fault for lacking the game sense of when and where to use your medkit.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Yeah. Nobody plays what you say, but my scenarios are incredibly situational and/or fault for lacking the game sense.

    That might explain why Adrenaline, DH, resilience, WoO is most used perk combo instead of what you say is incredibly powerful. Actually according to nightlight - your proposed combo is basically not even used a lot because BTL is generally used in only 2.69% (this perk alone - and I don't even count that it's probably used for flashlights way more often then medkit - but I don't have numbers to back that statement so sure maybe 2% of usage is on medkits)

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    No killer power makes the killer move at 400% ms. Besides that you said that items are survivors versions of killer powers with no other context I'm just going off what you said.

    It's sounds like you don't understand how building pressure on killer works. See if you injure a survivor w/o a med kit for them to get healed someone has to get off a gen to heal said survivor that brings survivor efficiency down to 50% on gens(assuming your not in chase) or that survivor has to risk not healing a been a one shot which is a huge difference in time sink then a killer hitting a healthy survivor and then having to chase them down and do the looping thing. With a med kit a survivor can heal themselves making it 75% survivor efficiency on gens then you can take that and the whole team can have med kits meaning survivors never have to have someone get off gens to get the heal. You can also make it to were the survivors can repeatedly heal themselves in under 16 seconds meaning you don't even know if the survivor will take 16 seconds to heal themselves or 6. A survivor been able to heal themselves is a huge advantage because it allows you to deny the killer the ability to build pressure by injuring survivors its part of the reason tunneling has increased if an injured survivor can heal themselves in 16 seconds and not bring anyone else off gens to build pressure why not just take out the injured survivor forcing the survivors off Gens for the rescue? Limiting the killers options to build pressure is never a good thing and normally only leads to killers playing in ways survivors don't like to continue to build pressure.

  • TacoBlacky
    TacoBlacky Member Posts: 4

    I play a lot killer too but have no problem with Medkits, boons etc. maby you just need to get better at chaseing and know when to go where if you play good Medkits can only delay the outcome

  • Oh boy, now we’re arguing use rates. How to truly tell when someone doesn’t actually have an argument.

    The correlation between stats and actual strength are not nearly a be-all-end-all level of substantial. Twins is the single least played killer in the entire game by a huge degree but that doesn’t change the fact that they are very, very strong. That’s just one example; if you want, I can go find more.

    If anything, I think the fact that Windows of Opportunity—a perk literally designed to be a pair of training wheels—is one of the most used perks according to your stat machine speaks volumes about how a playerbase as uninventive and imperceptive as DBD’s would fail to make value out of strong builds that require even basic smarts.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Recently I play quite a lot of twins. I know what medkits do. I also know, that they have limited number of usage. And I also know, that creating deadzones exists (especially on maps like the game that has nothing but pallets). If you chase well enough, you can exhaust medkits. Or you can commit to the chase. Or you can take franklins (I don't do that). Or you can take slowdown perks which gives you more time to exhaust all survivor's stuff.

    Sure enough medkits are strong survivor's tool. So is killer's speed (he is always quicker then survivor). Should we change it because it gives you the edge? I don't think so. I don't want the match to be dull simulator. You can play single player games if you want that. Both sides should have access to tools that help them win the game

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    If something is obviously powerful, then it would be used. Instead we see the exact opposite. Especially in higher MMR's there's more focus on chase or genrush or tunnel/camp protection then on heal. That should also indicate something ;)

    Another thing - WoO is not used by beginners only. It's used also by very skilled solo players. The intend for usage is just different. The idea is to know which part of map is already exhausted by some other player. So it's bad example from your side, because you outright dismissed usage if this perk for people that are NOT new to the game.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    I think using the franklin perk only to counter medkits is just not cost effective.

     In my opinion, sloppy butcher is much more useful if it's the heal that bothers you.

     The survivor panics and will stop healing and their medkit will be useless even if there is 80% charge left.

  • “High MMR” is a fairy tale. The MMR system does not measure nor indicate skill in any meaningful way. There are players at high MMR that are literally new to the game. MMR is a non-argument.

    Anyone actually worth their salt will tell you just how strong medkits are. Sure, something that is obviously strong will be popular—key word obviously; just because people are somehow oblivious to how strong medkits and healing perks are does not change how strong they are. I guess if we’re going off use rate alone, then Wesker is the strongest killer in the game.

    Your WoO argument makes no sense on so many levels, but I’ll boil it down like this: Do you really think perk popularity among these “high skill solo players” who rely on a training wheels perk to tell them what using your eyeballs to look at the screen should already be telling you are a good metric for what is and isn’t good in this game?

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Otherwise I can't figure out how the brown medkits are problematic.

     I feel like you're just freaking out because you've come across too many survivors with medkits.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Of course you think Keys are weak with that change

    Keys are the Aura reading (on Killers and Survivors) not just to open hatch

    Maps are for static stuff (like Gens, Totems and Chests)

    While thinking about it no Medkits don't need to be changed... neither do Toolboxes

    Survivors have their own set of "powers" that they can use... why take them away from them

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,094

    Why would keys be weak with that change? It's busted if the charges aren't rebalanced accordingly.

    Why keys are archetyped into findings Auras rather than facilitating terrain interaction I will never understand.

    Hatch interaction needs to be removed from Keys IMO, outside of maybe a Trial specific key that would spawn in the basement as a side-objective.

    Maps are for finding things. With eldritchy magic that can include moving objects such as people.

    Med-kits are overtuned compared to everything else as a result of self-heal time-efficiency, charge availability, and Perks like Built to last functioning off of % restoration rather than use-instance restoration. (EG: Restoring 2 Heals for an Emergency med-kit with Gel Dressings rather than a single Heal)

    I'm a proponent for more survivor "powers" like re-introducing firecrackers as a chase misinformation tool, so I've needed to look into how Items are being used.

  • Feather
    Feather Member Posts: 61

    Simply remove ability to self heal (maybe give this to an addon or leave it for very rare med kit at cost of stats)

    and buff team heal with it like maybe when being healed by other survivour press button to increase speed of that heal consuming durability equivalent to heal progress

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Still BTL medkits is totally destroyed if the killer has Sloppy Butcher or hemmorhage addons

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    ah yes let's play huntress with only double iris and some exposed perks. or somehow get rid of all sprays as wesker so i can os them with power. smart

  • Only if you're trying to pull that goofy strat where you prethrow a pallet and then heal mid-chase. Otherwise you'll be healing way too fast for the killer to come interrupt you, even with Sloppy—what does a -20% speed penalty matter in the face of +50%, +100%, +150% healing speeds?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Cause there would be no use for them... hence why they made Keys have Survivor and Killer aura reading and Maps provide Gen, Totem and Chest aura reading

    That's something that BHVR has done so I can't say much

    In theory it has been... seeing how Hatch only spawns when there's only one Survivor left

    But the same thing exists for Maps, Keys and Toolboxes

    It would be nice to see more Items some into the game

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,094

    You can't think of a use of being able to essentially "fast vault" from any angle, or phase through breakable walls while retaining full momentum? (Phase through the Vault/doorway when you use a charge)

    And med-kits self-heal time-efficiency compared to all other tools is what exacerbates its charges compared to everything else.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    Considering they said that being able to heal yourself at will with very little cost is OP, it is a contradiction. Yeah, just like toolboxes were nerfed sometime ago something has to be done with medkits and COH.