What do you think about Trickster? (power level)




  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    As survivor: super annoying to play against, but not as strong as other killers

    As Trickster: well, I dont play him that often, but I would say he is probably C-Tier, maybe bottom B-Tier.

  • LiveBritishReaction

    Trickster is really good in some situations and really bad in others, unfortunately when it comes to pure viability I find the situations in which he’s bad far more commonplace than the situations in which he’s good.

    I also find Trickster’s power to be incredibly self-defeating. Trickster is a ranged killer who is incredibly reliant on mechanically tracking to consistently hit shots, pretty much indisputably more so than any other killer in the game… but your aim and tracking gets thrown off at distance by completely random recoil which you literally cannot control. He’s also a ranged killer who accomplishes far less when landing clutch shots in extremely narrow and critical windows of opportunity on account of one knife only dealing a sixth of a health state, so to end chases quickly you need to maintain a consistent and uninterrupted line of sight on survivors… but he has a reduced base movement speed which makes it all but impossible to outposition and catch up to survivors who break that line of sight using just about any tall object.

    Trickster is riddled with these forced obsolescence caveats to his power—drawbacks that artificially make him terrible because he’s a nightmare of balancing that the team evidently could not pull off—I say “artificially” because without actual proper balancing of his kit, the situations where he works still have him feeling incredibly oppressive and unfun. But those oppressive scenarios are so uncommon against survivors who understand what walls are that they don’t nearly make up for all the instances where his power is so useless that being a 110 M1 killer is the superior option. I truly do believe that, in spite of the few things he is very good at, Trickster is the worst killer in the game.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Depending on the terrain, he's either way too good or kinda useless.

    The weird part to me is that his last set of changes made that even more true. I wish they'd make it so Memento Blades gave us release Trickster with old brown knife bag. I miss 70 knife Trickster.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,379

    Trickster got hard nerfed from the new Dead Hard, way more than any other killer. It just feels so ultra mega bad, when Trickster goes through all the effort of dancing around to fill up the laceration meter, and then someone presses E to get a speed burst, and it completely resets his laceration meter. Previous DH was so much better, where the knives would just phase through the survivor, and their laceration meter would stay the same.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    Id say hes about low/mid B tier, in areas with no or little cover he can down a Survivor REAL quick, how ever with lots of cover be can still turn a corner and get a cheeky hit thanks to the low charge time and speed of the knife. Problem is if youre only throwing 1 knife at a time its gonna take you years to get them fully lacerated.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    Yea I noticed this today too. I played him few games and someone used DH just right when they were one hit off and it completed ruined me. Now, true I could wait a bit to try to bait the DH but problem is that you can't sometimes wait extra second otherwise you will not have line of sight on them... so it can be lose/lose situation.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Trickster is well an odd case. Map dependent for his knives but tbh, a lot of loops are short for him to hit you. Other times, he's somehow worse than Pig in chases.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Very situational, certain maps are a free win while others you are pretty much playing a 110% Killer without a power, the Main Event is even more situational, on perfect conditions it can rack in 4 downs (done it once) on average it really doesnt do much, maybe a hit or a down where you wouldnt have with regular toss speed.

    On a curious note, I found Trickster was super strong on old Haddonfield because of the open main street, low inner fences and short bush walls, he caught you there and you were 100% dead (the high fences being on the outter ring of the map werent that useful for Survivors).

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    I'd argue high C tier. Power is extremely oppresive in some areas and weak in others. Difficult to use his power for longer ranges due to the random recoil spread when throwing many knives or the delay between throwing single knives with no recoil. Map knowledge is very important for Trickster: knowing what you can throw through and when you should bring up or put down your knives is important. Pallets and windows are basically free hits for Trickster. When survivors are grouped up, he has high snowball potential due to his very high time-to-down and can eat through endurance effects for the same reason. Spreading out against him is effective due to being a slower killer with no map traversal, but he dominates in chases if you play tiles and mindgame correctly. If you're a controller user, I pray for you.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited November 2022

    I haven't played as him. But in my survivor experience he is incredibly terrain dependant. In open ground he will shred you pretty quick with those knives of his. But if you can find a decent loop you can juice so much extra chase time out of him to let others gens.

    I find a lot of trickster players are reluctant to try and M1 with him. So they rely on the knives to hard and waste time trying to hit you through vaults or around loops. Which is easily avoidedable once you getvused to it. But he is super frustrating to play against if you aren't good at using terrain.

    Side note i find tricksters are often the most salty killers and I've seen a fair few ragequit or refuse to attack survivors after a while.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,254

    He can be good with the right set up and can definitely take advantage of poor positioning from survivors. Overall though his power is pretty mid overall. Definitely a fun killer though.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    He is currently underwhelming in Power Level IMO. Like I really like playing him but I know hes not great. I think his biggest issues is his speed. I 100% understand why ranged killers are 110, however tall rock loops and wall loops are especially bad for trickster because he doesnt have the same advantage huntress or deathslinger have in only needing to hit one shot to damage. If he cant shoot over a loop in alot of cases he needs to bloodlust the pallet because if he lands the 1-2 daggers it will reset the loop because of his slow speed throwing as well as losing bloodlust. All other 110 killers have their power to counter these loops but without trick blades trickster will actually take longer if they try and use their power.

    He is stronger in open areas than other ranged killers but I wouldn't say by that much. Mainly because hes only stronger against full health survivors since he can keep throwing without the delay of cleaning a weapon when he injures one.

    I think hed be in a good place if he either lost the lullaby so he could sneak up, or became a 115.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,115

    huntress is just as weak to rock loops as trickster is. the difference is that huntress can punish pallet drops if she makes the right read. Trickster's can't throw enough knifes in a pallet drop animation. I think trickster is suppose to be like plague where you should be able to hold his knifes in a loop without losing much m/s. Because he takes more hits to down, he should have higher movement speed when in throwing mode because he spends the most time in throwing mode compare to other ranged killers. that's my theory to why he feels slow. That is also why his main event is total garbage because moving at 96 m/s in main event means that you can loop a rock and he can't hit you.

    He could have normal terror radius and removal of lullaby, but if you remove his lullaby and turn into normal TR, then huntress should also have no lullaby. Wooden fox huntress would be super funny to play. I would say he's probably above average if your really really good at him like 6/10 but for most killer players, he's just impractical to play. there's just not much reward to playing him. Not enough of advantage when the other range killer is more simple and offers same/higher rewards.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Depending the length of the rock loop huntress and trickster can line up a shot. But huntress just needs to hit it once where trickster is resetting his loop for 1/3 of a damage.

    Huntress Lullaby is because she can do long range damage by landing a hatchet and no indication would be super strong on her. Trickster cannot do that because you get the lovely notification of knives 1 and 2 going into you and you still need to get hit 4 more times

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Huntress's projectiles are a lot easier to dodge at loops though compared to Trickster's as Huntress has to charge up her hatchets while Trickster can immediately spam them. And Trickster has a melody because his time to down and snowball potential are both high.

    Although personally, I think if Trickster had a three round burst firing mode with no recoil and less of an arc, so that he could be played more at long ranges, as his primary mode, with a secondary firing mode that is his current flurry of knives with far fewer knives in that stockpile, I think he'd be a lot more fun to play as and against and it would increase his viability on certain maps.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,011

    from a survivor pov he is obnoxious af and i feel like i cant really do anything to stop him from eventually downing me

    from a killer pov he feels really frustrating to play and downing survivors can take a while

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,115

    he's doing 1/3 damage because he is designed to be damage over time type killer but when your damage over time type killer, it means you take more time to deal damage. you have to have line of sight almost semi-consistently which would only be possible on those loops if his m/s in throwing mode was 105%-110%. he would have to be slightly faster than the survivor for his gameplay loop to work. it would also fix his main event from being borderline useless. he is fun to play, not a strong killer though.

    from my experience, I don't think lullaby really does anything in regards to preventing her from getting long range shots. most of the time, the survivor still gets hit anyway if they're unaware that your shooting at them. I am like 99% certain that lullaby is there to prevent them from being able to use m&a like old deathslinger. i guess its too oppressive. personally I just shift-w a ton against these killers before the chase.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 392

    As much as I love Trickster, I definitely think he is a low-B high-C tier killer. He's a little too map-dependent, but that's not always a bad thing. I do think his main issue is his lack of mobility, especially on the larger maps. On large maps he just struggles to apply gen pressure, especially against really well-coordinated survivors (swfs or otherwise) who bring gen-speed repair perks. He also is pretty weak when it comes to looping, especially high walls. Like I completely get why he, as a ranged killer is slow, but again it just leaves him being played like an extremely slow M1 killer because tall walls negate his power. And again, if it's a large map with high walls and really spread out gens, Trickster might as well just go wait in a corner for the EGC and try for some plays there.

    Then there's the artificial difficulty with his recoil, IMHO it is complete bull mostly because it's just "random". His recoil, IMHO is at its worst with a controller (though I think this is a controller support issue across the game and not just with Trickster) which gives him another factor of artificial difficulty that he really doesn't need. Players can't adjust for random, it's just there because the devs couldn't think of a way to balance his power properly.

    Anyway, my 2 cents when it comes to buffing Trickster would be to either reduce his terror radius/lullaby so he can be more stealthy (in character with his lore and how he would stalk his victims), buff his movement speed to 115 to compensate for the larger maps and when he enters Main Event his movement speed drops to his current movement speed. I'd also remove the BS recoil so that way I know that I'm missing my shots because I suck at aiming, not because some RNG decided that I should miss that particular shot.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,260

    probably top 3 more unfun killers to play against. In terms of actually power, he's pretty map dependent. On maps with a lot of half cover tiles his power makes half the map a deadzone out of the gate and on tiles that are actually playable against him, Trickster can still get a knife or two in before you can break LOS so he can and will slowly grind you while trying to run him. He's also one of the best campers in the game.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    In one word: obnoxious.

    I wish his power gets reworked entirely honestly. Going against him can be brutal on certain maps if you're caught without line of sight blockers or in a total dead zone (and a handful of Trickster players I've gone against will not leave hook...). Playing as him, I've only done a small handful of matches, but he doesn't feel really good to play from a gameplay as well as lore perspective.

    Using throwing knives to perform for tourists as a child, you would think he knows a couple of cool techniques that require precision and accuracy to hit targets. Sure, his backstory revolves more on his aspect as a K-pop star, but his power is just chucking them without really caring, and I'm not sure if that should be taken as a "He sucks with knives now because he got fame hungry and stopped practicing!" or "This was overlooked because we wanted to focus on making him a K-pop star!" I'm more inclined to think the latter, as his Mori shows he can still land his shots just fine...

    I think a little more intricacy in his kit would've been nice such him throwing a volley of 3-5 knives at once (horizontal, vertical, etc.), or allow him to aim at walls to ricochet his knives for trick shots for damage vs holding down his power to make his hits accurate.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,254
    edited November 2022

    The addons I typically use the most are the ones that increase movement speed while the knives are out as it helps me mind game at loops a bit more - Fortunately my favorite addons for him is yellow / brown. (Caged Heart Shoes / Killing Part Chords)

    Maybe it's a placebo effect but those addons tend to feel the most impactful for me. Prior I always felt like I was struggling to get hits around corners. Being honest though I'd be fine if maybe the addons got nerfed and the majority of the values were merged with Trickster but maybe they really are impactful - I don't play him a large amount to know the impact the addons really have compared to other ones.

  • Hex_Rural_LTE
    Hex_Rural_LTE Member Posts: 16

    Trickster is one of the best camping killers in the game, maybe only behind the Cannibal. I'm surprised i don't see more Tricksters camping, but it still probably needs a bit of a nerf around hooks only.

    Otherwise, he's mediocre against good survivors. You'll probably never get 6 knives in time against someone at a long wall jungle gym.

    I think the biggest one for me is Main Event - I usually end up with Main Event right after I down someone, and by the time I hook them (since I avoid slugging unless I'm sweating for ranks) there's not enough time left to find another survivor to use it on. If I do get to use it on a second survivor in chase, those survivors probably weren't going to escape with or without Main Event.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    As survivor I enjoy going against him, hes fun to loop. But if he catches you on open field or very short tiles you will go down.

    As killer, I don't like him at all. I didn't even purchase him, not a fan of that playstyle.