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Must have killer perks?

I'm working on Prestige 3 for all killers and am looking for a prioritized list to work towards. Just started about 2 months ago, but so far I have Doctor, Cannibal, Clown, Nemesis, Hag, and Onryo to prestige 3.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    If you have one killer you play more than others, starting out by Prestige 1 on all of them is a good thing, since the bloodpoints you'll invest in your main to get back some addons will give you all the other's perks as well. =)

    Assuming you've P1 some base game killers :

    I'd go for Cannibal for Chili & Barbecue first, since it's so nice knowing where people are on a regular basis.

    Then Doctor (Overcharge is my main slowdown perk, and Monitor&Abuse can be good on some killers).

    Then it's a bit more random, I guess I'd go Onryo for slowdown, then Nemesis for Lethal Pursuer, Clown for Bamboozle, and finally last but not least Hag. She's my favourite killer, but her perks are fragile and not great on all killers. =D

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,488

    Well the Pain Res (Artist perk) is meta now for sure. Jolt, Overcharge... COB from Onryo...

    You still will get everything, if your goal is to have every killer on Prestige 3.

  • FrodoTbaggins
    FrodoTbaggins Member Posts: 55

    I think you misunderstand. I've already prestiged those.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I did indeed misunderstand ! I thought you meant which dlcs you owned and could prestige haha !

    Love the username btw x)

    Then definitely Artist for Pain Resonance ! Very popular at the moment.

    Hillbilly has pretty solid perks too ! =D

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112
    edited November 2022

    You are off to a very good start with your current P3s. Here is what I would do next:

    1. The Cenobite next. Deadlock is incredibly good slowdown for any killer. Plaything is also another form of slow down, and it pairs incredibly well with a perk from our next killer.
    2. The Artist gives you Pain Resonance. This is arguably one of the best regression perks in the game. It works great on killers who don't want to waist time kicking gens. It also pairs very well with Deadlock and Deadman's Switch. Second she has Pentimento, which pairs perfectly with Plaything. (Also, the reason I have Artist second, is you already have CoB, Eruption, and Overcharge. These are all of equal power to Pain Resonance. Deadlock will give you more slowdown benefit at the moment.)
    3. Lastly I would go for Trapper. He gives you Agitation and Brutal Strength, both perks that are used frequently on multiple killers.

    Some other honorable mentions would be Myers for Save The Best For Last and Play With Your Food, Trickster for No Way Out and Starstruck, and Plague for Corrupt Intervention.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
    edited November 2022

    Here is some fun math for you,

    There are 16 General perks 16 x 3 = 48 perk tiers

    There are 30 Individual killers (Counting Knight but not counting Demogorgon)with 3 perks each 30 x 3 x 2 = 180 perk tiers

    Total perk tiers to unlock 228 per character once all are prestige 1 minus the potentially 59 from getting to prestige One, 228 - 59 = 174 perk tiers

    You have 6 done so 6 x 3 × 3 = 54 perk tiers

    Leaving 120 per character to unlock 174 - 54 = 120 perk tiers

    Leveling blood web from 1 to 50 can accrue 59 perk tiers 59 x 2 = 118 perk tiers

    So what does all this math mean?

    The best option is to get all killers to prestige 1 and then by the time you get 1 or 2 more to prestige 3, you will actually unlock all perks on all killers before they hit prestige 3, so the best order will actually be the order you like to play them.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I would say that it depends on who you want to play some of the time.

    Like if you like trickster or huntress - Dredge (Darkness Revealed) and Legion (Iron Maiden)

    If you like Pinhead - Twins (Hoarder)

    If you are just looking for general good ones I agree with Fent but I would go with Artist first then Cenobite. However if you wanna be a nightmare go Artist/Deathslinger (Dead Mans Switch).

    I would say Trickster is also good just because of No Way Out.

    The only thing I can say for certain is level Huntress last LOL

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112

    I actually went back and put my reasoning of listing Artist second. They already have T3 CoB, Overcharge, and Eruption for all of their killers. These perks are just as good as Pain Resonance, CoB and Eruption being arguably better in a lot of situations. They would get more benefit from Deadlock supplementing their current regression since you literally have to do nothing to gain benefit from it. At least, that's how I see it.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    IMO start with those Killer's whos perks you don't like (or will not use) to get them out of the way

    Or get the perks (and addons) for Killer you like to play

    IDK... that's to much thinking for me right now

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I see your point. It is a tough call but I will concede that Pinhead is probably better first with current perk setup.

    That said I would level both to P1 before leveling either to P3 just because of how valuable their perks are and because the perks will then appear in the bloodweb for the other characters so you get more perks in the blood web for future characters you level. This has the secondary benefit of making bloodwebs go faster. When you have all the perks the entity starts eating after 5 but if there are 2 perks on a web the entity will eat at either 5 or whenever you grab the first perk (at 3) like king suggested with the maths. And although 2 nodes may not seem like a lot the big thing is since the entity starts eating sooner a better chance of leading them to a big branch so it might only be 2 nodes but it could also mean like 10.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    It depends largely on what killers you play more or "main".

    For instance, since I play a lot of m1 chase killers, enduring, spirit fury and bamboozle rarely leave my loadout, so I would recommend spirit and Billy if you are interested in that playstile.

    If you play a killer with strong anti loop and 1vs1 performance, slow down tends to be the way 2 go. Definitely artist as a priority because pain resonance and pentimento, with cenobite as second, since plaything synergizes beautifully with artist's perks, and deadlock is just an excellent perk alone or combined

  • FrodoTbaggins
    FrodoTbaggins Member Posts: 55

    Just got Cenobite up to prestige 3, had him at 2. Working on trapper atm, he's at 2 1/2. Probably gonna jump on artist after that.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Just remeber once your done trapper if you get everyone to prestige 1 you'll start having all perks unlocked before you hit prestige 3