General Discussions

General Discussions

So now that DBD has done an anime crossover...

Member Posts: 460
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

What other non-horror crossovers would you pick to be in this game, if you absolutely HAD to choose?

Personally I think the AoT crossover was a bit silly and kind of fell flat in terms of content (though that menu screen and music were awesome), but since DBD is now venturing beyond horror with its crossovers, with For Honor, AoT, and now PUBG, I figured it couldn't hurt to throw around wishful fanservice for more not-so-scary stuff that you or I love to make it into the game

Me personally, I would absolutely die if one of the killers got a legendary skin that turns them into Vergil from Devil May Cry, specifically the DMC5 iteration. I could see them doing some really cool stuff with it too. Like, imagine a Vergil skin for Legion that has dynamic music like in DMC, where the music gets more intense the more Frenzy stabs you have. Or a Vergil skin for Oni where his Blood Fury look is Vergil's DT form. Or a Vergil outfit for Knight where instead of summoning the guards, he summons the three demons V uses in the game.

Plus, well, you get to play as VERGIL and a playable Vergil is always dope as hell. I for one wouldn't say no to getting pallet stunned to the tune of Bury the Light.

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I didn't really like the AOT crossover either, I don't think it fits in DbD, and yes, I know "fitting" doesn't mean anything anymore, and that we shouldn't care as long as the gameplay is good, but still, I can't take a Levi, a Hanji or an Armoured Titan Oni seriously. I expect I'll feel the same way about the Knight in modern maps like Haddonfield or Badham. Supremely silly !

    I'm really not hyped for more anime crossover, I just don't like animes in general. I'm not too fond of the idea of crossovers from non-horror (non-anime) licenses either, but I could live with that.

    As for non-horror licenses, I could see a Borderlands crossover with a Psycho skin for Legion. Would be a bit underwhelming, but appropriate to the mechanics of Legion I guess =)

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Hot fuzz. Idk if many people will know it. But it's a spoof horror comedy movie in the u.k. About a police pfficer who gets packed off to be sergeant at rural town where the town council have this underground cult devoted to murdering anyone who messes with the towns image, i.e. hoodies, beggars etc.

    The killer could be a legion/ghostface alternate skin. And having one or both of the 2 main characters as survivors would be ######### dope.

  • Member Posts: 450
    edited November 2022

    As much as I'd love it I don't think the Sparda bros would be easy to fit in DBD. Vergil fits the killer role a lot better than Dante but he wouldn't really work as a legendary for any killer currently in the game without massive animation overhauls and lots of work, which they won't do for a single skin as shown in every prior legendary skin apart from Baba Yaga. Closest for him would be spirit cause of the katana and standing still to teleport and slash in the blink of an eye, but even that would require lots of animation work across spirit's entire animation set.

    Dante however doesn't really fit either role. Seeing him be chased and killed by someone like legion or ghostface would be ridiculous and not fitting at all, and him being a killer feels very out of character. I think the closest you could do with him would be a Trickster skin, with Rebellion replacing the bat, and having him visually transform into his Devil Trigger form during Main Event. If they could change power appearances, replace the knives with Ebony and Ivory and it'd be very close to a perfect fit aesthetically.

    BHVR being seemingly on good terms with Capcom makes me hope we'll see something about DMC in DBD at some point down the line, but I imagine it'd just be a charm and cosplay survivor skins. Having Dante Dwight and Lady cosplay Feng would honestly be worse than no DMC at all ngl

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Please no more anime cross overs that would be annoying and not really fit into dbd. I know what fits is a bit lose but we can still establish grounds for what should and should not be in dbd and I think anime with a few noticeable exceptions should be one

  • In all fairness, "It doesn't fit in DBD" hardly stopped BHVR when they made:

    -AoT skins

    -PUBG skin

    -Toilet paper Dwight

    -Bunny Feng

    -Just Feng skins in general

    -Onesie skins


    I truly feel like BHVR does not pay much heed to that rule.

  • Member Posts: 450
    edited November 2022

    Oh no I don't mean they don't fit in DBD, I agree that's gone out the window recently. I mean as skins they don't fit many killers - it'd be another Minotaur and Hunk situation where you don't feel like you're playing a different character, you feel like you're playing the killer dressed up as that character. Like take the examples you mentioned in the OP, I don't think Vergil would fit Oni because Oni is a powerless killer until he absorbs people's blood and after entering his rage he dashes around at super speed and smashes people with a giant club which is like the very opposite of Vergil. Legion doesn't fit him either because Vergil isn't some super agile monkey that vaults over things and stabs you once before running off to someone else and going "AUGGHH" and chasing you as a powerless killer. Knight is a little better but even then they can't change the guards to be V's pets and it still doesn't incorporate his judgement cuts, teleportation, fighting style or abilities. There just aren't many good fits for him which is sad. Like I said closest is Spirit but even that's a stretch.

    If I had to pick a non-horror skin collaboration I would like a Jacket skin for Legion. He fits the power's fast movement, brutality and combo focus to a T, and you could have the mixtapes each play a different Hotline Miami song as the chase theme. He'd also fit quite well in DBD I think even not being from a horror franchise. Only thing you'd have to do is remove his voice to be more accurate to the character, but with HUNK I guess they're not willing to do that.

  • I feel like the aesthetic/power differences between Vergil and the proposed killers doesn't really mean much of anything, if I'm being honest. Given the situation, I think changing their appearance and reworking their voicelines to look and sound like the funny white haired sword man would nail the aesthetic entirely well.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Yeah but just because the definition of what does and doesn't fit is a but loose doesn't mean we can't have clear boundaries as to what does and doesn't fit on the game.

    Some of these might or might not fit but we wouldn't say that something like spongebob or Disney would fit would we

  • At this point I feel safe in the assumption that it is much less "the definition is a bit loose" and more "BHVR just outright does not care about what does and doesn't fit anymore."

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Power Rangers.

    Rita Repulsa as the Killer with Lord Zedd as Legendary Cosmetic. Their mori would be them making themselves giant and stepping on the survivor.

    Survivor would be Kimberly the Pink Ranger and Tommy the Green Ranger and the White Tiger Ranger as his legendary cosmetic (I want his tiger sword to be included).

    I know you said other than anime but I just finished watching Summertime Rendering and I really want to play as Ushio and have a Shadow killer. Heck, I’ll take a Claudette cosplaying as Ushio in a one piece swimsuit and blond wig!

  • Member Posts: 6,032
    edited November 2022

    as long as we dont get jojo's mid-adventure im fine with anime

  • Member Posts: 6,032

    It has its merits. but im not gonna watch 3 crappy seasons for 1 okayish one. i did it once and i wont do it again

  • Member Posts: 21,268

    I mean, Part 1 is slow and definitely the weakest. It does have Dio and Speedwagon tho.

    Part 2 has Joseph which makes it automatically good. Also, the Pillar Men.

    Part 3 is a classic. Also has DIO.

    Part 4 isn't my favorite but Kira is a great villain.

    Part 5 has a lot of good characters and I love Giorno.

    Part 6 is more philosophy based and gave more depth to DIO.

    Part 7 and 8 are absolutely ######### wild.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Me and my friends live for Joseph and literally every single thing he has ever done.

  • Member Posts: 368

    godzilla crossover lol

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    Bayonetta skin set where every character except Meg, Felix, Feng, and Kate get skins.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Honnestly, I think JJBA could work. Like it'd be silly and campy, but DbD can be silly and campy from time to time.

  • Member Posts: 444

    I will defend Trickster when it comes to him being "scary", now he may not look as scary or intimidating as say, Huntress, Doctor, Bubba, Wraith or Trapper. But that's the point, Trickster's scariness comes from the fact he's so human, so ordinary looking. Handsome? Subjectively yes, but for the most part normal. Put Ji-Woon in a line-up of known criminals and murderers and you would be hard-pressed to pick him on sight alone as a killer, because he looks just like the average guy you'd find on the street or walk past in a shopping centre. It's how he was able to get the jump on his victims because he was so "ordinary" *dodges throwing knives*.

    Not to mention he has the celebrity status as an extra line of "defence", any off-kilter behaviour or oddities can be hand-waved away as a stage persona, it's how he was able to incorporate his signature knives (and I think his bladed bat) into his performances because he was able to convince Yun-Jin (among others) that they were just for show, mere props, certainly not dangerous items or him flaunting his signature murder weapons on stage for all to see.

  • Firstly, his aesthetic choices are pretty much the opposite of every killer in this game, and not in a good way. Where as every other killer is built on a grungy, grimy aesthetic of deformities, mutilations, or shadowy, edgy masks and concealing clothes, Trickster’s aesthetic is based on neon and sex appeal. He really doesn’t fit DBD’s atmosphere at all. And more importantly, it feels like the shallow appeal of his aesthetic takes precedence over his capacity for fearsomeness—he’s a sexy K-pop man first, a spooky killer second.

    And really, you can say he’s a serial killer all you want, but that doesn’t really change the fact that terrifying monsters like Dredge and Oni and iconic horror faces like Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and Pyramid Head are sharing the stage with… BTS. Like, serial killer or not, you simply cannot just discount that fact.

    Overall I’m at a point where I couldn’t care less if there’s a goofy twink Korean version of Dio Brando in the game, but you still won’t find me saying he fits with the rest of the cast anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 7

    As a Berserk fan I would love to see a DbD/Berserk crossover.

    Like David would be great with a Guts skin.

    or Feng Min with a Caska skin

    and for Killers Femto

    or Void would be cool.

  • Member Posts: 5,925


  • Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2022

    His look, his presence, his character—everything about his general feel does not really jive with the rest of the game.

    I’d like to reiterate, by the way, this isn’t me being pressed about it. I like his aesthetic for what it is; I just think he doesn’t fit the game at all.

  • Member Posts: 872

    I dont like crossovers genetrally, they ruin immersion. I understand lot of people doesnt care about immersion, but for me - at some point i just leave the game when its flavour dissapears in a crossover soup.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i think we shouldn't

  • Member Posts: 42

    Caesar Clown from One Piece as a killer

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Agreed, not a fan of anime stuff, when they got to 3d it looks weird as hell

  • Member Posts: 412
    edited November 2022

    Moments like this make me wish there was a down vote button.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Miss Trunchbull from Matilda is ripe Killer material.

  • I think there used to be one, according to my friend who was on the site long ago.

  • Member Posts: 3,125
    edited November 2022

    Trickster falls under the same type of horror that movies like American Psycho and Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is part of, Trickster not looking scary is the entire point of his character as it's part of his facade to hide who he truly is behind a mask of normalicy, same thing Patrick Bateman and Norman Bates does in their respective movies.

    Trickster is as much horror as they are and fits dbd as much as those 2 characters would should they ever make it into the game.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Took the words right out of my mouth! This is why I find Trickster scary, because he's a chameleon he blends in with the rest of society...well as much as a KPop Idol can.

  • I’m sorry I but I KNOW you did not just compare Korean Dio to Norman Bates.

  • Member Posts: 605

    I'm not a fan of anime and wasn't super thrilled we got an anime crossover in DBD, but I guess as long as the "non-horror" aspects are made horrifying / can be interpreted as horrifying when implemented in DBD sure, give us more content. It's easier to implement non-horror crossovers as survivor skins, and a lot of things can work. I think I'd be a lot more picky with killer skins. Can't think of anything specific.

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