Which perks need updating the most?


If you were to choose two perks that needed updating for each role which perks would you choose and how would you change them. For me


  • Autodidact- I understand why this perk is a bit scary for the devs to touch because of how broken it could become but also understand in its current state it is more of a hinderance to the team than a perk. But the change I would make is simply a reverse Hyperfocus change. At 0 stacks Audodidact would increase the likelihood of a skill check by 20%. Each stack reduces chances of a skill check by 4%. So while charging you have increased likelihood of getting skill checks to charge but at full charge its the same as normal.
  • Buckle Up- They legit just need to replace this perk. Especially with survivors being able to pick themselves up it will just increase in uselessness. Also the color change is so bad that you cannot even tell if someone is 99ed.


  • Huntress Lullaby- It's just bad in it's current state. Like Autodidact I would make the adjustment based on another perk, Coulrophobia. In addition to less time notification the hex also would make the skill check bar move 5-10% faster per stack. With this you could also remove the stack cap.
  • Septic Touch- Remove the Terror radius condition. Like this is Fearmonger for healing something that is done much less than gens but they added an additional condition. I honestly do not know why anyone would take this perk as it currently is when Fearmonger exists.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,157
    edited November 2022

    Oppression could do with a small buff, It's effect really isn't worth an 80 second cooldown when a perk like Eruption has a measly 30 second cooldown

    Beast of Prey and Predator are arguably worse than having no perks at all, their effects are laughably bad

    Crowd Control is a horrible perk, idk how to fix it

    Better than New is not worth a perk slot

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,909

    Insidious could be changed to a perk with a charging value similar to Stake Out of Diversion. Have it so you need to be in chase for a total of x seconds before the perk becomes active, and then the killer can activate it to gain a set time of undetectable whilst moving, or an instant-undetectable whilst standing still at the press of a button.

    Predator is all about watching a survivor's last moves. They could make it so again, by pressing an action button, the killer will see a "ghost" of the survivor's last moves, which would give a better idea of which direction they went, as well as learning how a player controls the survivor. It's still not great, but it does give more of an idea of how the survivor likes to move (do they always hide, or juke a certain way).

    Slippery Meat I reckon could do with an additional effect that reduces the time for the wiggle meter to fill. Like a "Breakout" for the carried survivor, but maybe with smaller percentages than Breakout.

    Bloodhound could play a bit more on the excitement of the chase, like Agitation is for carrying. Either it adds an ability which reduces the time it takes to gain a bloodlist tier speedboost, or it drops blood which appears like the Oni's power which, was the killer has run through enough, may gain a slight speed increase for a set period of time.

    Up The Ante needs to have a bit more going for it than a slight increase to luck for escaping. Give it a small percentage chance to all survivors to gain a small speed boost when vaulting, an extra second speed burst after being hit, a faster unhooking speed or even add an extra second to a successful stun on the killer! Again the percentages can remain small, but it's possible affects granted to all players makes it more viable to use.

    Deathbound could add the exposed status to the healer, as well as oblivious-if-within-x-metres. Therefore the main drawback is still there in terms of distance from the killer, but the pay-off is much more rewarding.

    And for now, Territorial Imperative could be an area that the killer chooses to set up, where if a survivor wanders into it will grant Blindness, Exhaustion and Hindered. So the killer could attempt to lure survivors into this area for a big advantage, but as a disadvantage being it would take time to set the area up.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    Hangman's Trick- could slow down Sabo plays or rebuild Hooks faster.... or both

    I agree with Predator- it could show direction at this point

    Beast Of Prey- Make the red stain disappear from the start of the chase and last for 15 or so seconds

    Crowd Control- Make all vaults in a 10M or so range blocked once a Survivor vaults

    Dying Light- cap the stacks to 6 and give each stack 6% slower repair speed... and make each Hook increase the Obsession's speeds (up to 33%... so three hooks on different Survivors)

    Buckle Up- they should've taken the faster heals on dying Survivors from We're Gonna Live Forever

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Survivor :

    Solidarity could use an immunity from hemorrage.

    Revert the Iron Will exhaustion condition (75% all the time even when exhausted).

    Give Better Than New it's gen speed back. Maybe not a huge buff, but 5% sounds nice and would incentive your teammates to actually do gens.

    Decisive Strike. There is arguably more tunnel than befre 6.1., so at this point it's needed on top of basekit BT if you want to make more than 5k bloodpoints against a tunneler.

    Reassurance is a joke. It counters nothing. Let's buff those numbers up and make it per hook stage, and deactivate when the gates are powered.

    Dark Theory would deserve some attention as well. Definitely the most forgettable boon.

    Killler :

    Shattered Hope is too situational to be brought in games, yet everytime you see a boon you wish you had it. To make it worth bringing, I'd make it so that you can break dull totems as well, with a cooldown. That way, while patrolling, if you find one of the 5 dull totems in the map, well, one less boon spot available. If Killer decides to patrol all the totem spots, then it's more time for survivors to do gens, but if Killer just takes them as they come, there will still soon be fewer boon spots. If no one has any boon, well, you made, let's say, deviousness points (planning ahead on depleting the survivor's resources feels more devious than brutal).

    Ruin deserves to be buffed again a bit. Poor perk got properlly gutted. Either make it still 150% or make it not deactivate at first death.

    Grim Embrace could be better. Make it show every survivor's aura, or buff considerably the blocked time.

    I'd like for Gearhead to trigger more often. Right now, having it tied to losing health states limit it a little. I think it would benefit from having a cooldown rather than this condition, for more stability. If the cooldown would be very short, like 20 seconds, then the aura reading could be shorter as well, but have the potential of being more frequent.

    Territorial Imperative is really not good unless for camping basement builds. I think I'd rather have it be something akin to : you set up a small area as your territory, and if survivors are walking through that area, you see their aura for a few seconds. The survivors would not see sign of this being your territory. That way, you could monitor a passageway from the other side of the map, to passively gain info on where the survivors are going.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    A lot of perks need revamping but the ones I feel needs it the most it's

    This is not happening


    Buckle Up

    And Boon: Dark Theory.

    These perks are extremely lack luster and need buffs

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    Don't forget Poised. That might actually be one of the worst Survivor perks in the game atm.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Sabotage should not go on cooldown if you get hit and the action doesn't not complete and maybe you should be able to always see the aura of hooks.

    Calm Spirit: Remove the slow down, it's unnecessary.

    Aftercare: either make it last for all match since it requires you unhook and heal others or make it count on everyone involved in healing so as to hasten its effect. Like say you are healing together with another teammate. You should gain aura reading on both afterwards.

    Dark Theory: Increase the speed bonus or give it a secondary effect, like maybe reduce sounds for survivors by 50% or the opposite amplify killer breathing/sounds and make it anti stealth. It will still be quite niche. Or maybe, give a debuff to killer. Killers in the area during a chase gain BL at a reduced rate, like BL1 at 20 secs, BL2 at 30 and BL3 at 40.

    Rookie Spirit: Show trapped generators in red or something as well as its current effect.

    Reassurance: increase the range for activation, it is too low.

    Reactive Healing: When killer has sloppy butcher and you're injured and a teammate gets injured within your range you make a sound involuntarily. Fix it, it's really annoying in itself as well as anti-stealth. Maybe also add an anti-haemorrhage effect to healing achieved this way.

    Smash Hit: either add some more speed to it or increase the stun duration by 1 second. This perk relies heavily on resources AND stunning the killer. So when the resources end, like say you had a wasteful teammate, it's pretty much useless.

    Blast mine: everytime the killer kicks a trapped gen he receives an additional 0.5 second stun. This can stack up to 4 times for a maximum of 6 seconds, or instead make it scale with co-op gen or toolbox so it takes less time to charge than currently.

    Flashbang: Store two flashbangs at a time but have a cooldown of 45 seconds after using one. Or instead make it work as a secondary item. Currently it can be dropped by Franklins as well as be unusable when incapacitated.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 392

    Shattered Hope - honestly, I think parts of it should be made basekit at this point. Like, I rarely encounter boons so it doesn't make sense for it to be part of my build, but when I do come across boons it makes me wish I had it. Especially if one or more survivors brings it with them.

    Whispers - I suffer from hearing issues irl, so anything that would help me narrow down survivors faster would be good. Also maybe giving aura reading on darker maps would be nice?

    Ruin - From what I've heard, this perk was gutted six ways to Sunday and had been rendered pretty useless. So either they need to revert the nerf or give it a halfway point in stat's.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,259

    buckle up or predator both kinda just don't really do anything. I recently actually tried out predator just to see what it's like and i actually couldn't really tell the difference lol.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Survivor: This Is Not Happening, Buckle Up, No One Left Behind, Decisive Strike, Better Together (Or whatever it's named now).

    Killer: Insidious, Hangman's Trick, Predator, Territorial Imperative.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851
  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 768

    Dying Light. The gen speed penalty should count for the obsession to. They can keep the healing and unhooking speed. I think it's stupid and makes the perk crap because the obsession isn't effected by the slowdown.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 264

    Two perks for each side no one's mentioned yet:

    Overwhelming presence - Not good at hampering item use. I can't recall a single instance using or facing it where it's gotten any positive value. Franklin's demise is better in most aspects. A numbers buff or simply disabling items in the terror radius is a boring change, so I don't know what should be done with it, but it definitely needs updating.

    Save the best for last - After 6.1.0, I think it's a bit overtuned at high stack values. With 7 or 8 tokens you recover before survivors' speed boosts even end. I think they should rebalance the numbers so that the cooldown can't be reduced below 1.8 seconds (what you could reduce your cooldown to before 6.1.0) and in return make the first few tokens more impactful. Might be a complicated change, but would give it value on killers without special attacks and make it more impactful at the start, without making it too strong. I can't think of any interactions this would negatively impact, it takes 2 seconds to insert a tape so Sadako players would still be able to deny tape insertions with enough stacks.

    And on survivor:

    Repressed alliance - A very simple change, I think this perk is mostly fine where it is, but they should switch the activation condition to F (secondary active ability button) either when you can also apply blast mine / wiretap, or at all times (for consistency). Simply so that you can apply blast mine / wiretap without applying repressed alliance if you so choose. You used to be able to apply blast mine before repressed alliance, but now you have to waste both if you want to use one and have both active. Not a huge issue, but it was fun blocking generators after blasting the killer with blast mine, and now you can't do that.

    Diversion - I don't think there would be an issue if this perk was able to charge while in chase. Distortion can, and has a much more powerful effect. Additionally, this would prevent you from being unable to use it at all against a killer like scratched / vanity mirror Myers.