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Clown Pinkie Finger

ObviouslyN0tMe Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6

This post comes from frustration after dying to it once more. Why does the Pinkiefinger Addon reduce the maximum bottles by 2 and doesnt set them to a fix value of 2. Huntress has a more or less comparable addon instadown addon with the iri head, which set the max hatches to a fix 1. The problem with the Clown Addon is he can still bring the addon for 2 extra bottles negating the negative effect of the pinkie finger. I dont see why Huntress and Clown Addons should be treated differently in ths regard. Maybe someone has a good reason to change my mind. Otherwise i am hoping for a change sooner or later.

Thank you in advance for all answers.

Have a nice day and remeber to stay hydrated!


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,051

    It didn't need the initial nerf. But now that it has, you have to change up your other add-on to use it. If you use the purple add-on that gives 2 more bottles, you get put back to 4. But you are in fact having to combine a pink and a purple to get the same effect of what was previously just a pink. That's how hard killer add-ons get nerfed. While other people were using the +2 bottles add-on before the nerf, I was using Fingerless Parade Gloves for the quicker bottle travel time/arc change, and it felt great. Now I can't do that because I'd have to reload every 2 bottles. Just me, but I don't really play with killers/perks/add-ons that were fine before and got nerfed anyway. Survivors with tricky movement or who just pre-drop pallets, you pretty much can't down with this add-on. Now imagine Clown without the instadown for those few times he actually has the opportunity to attack. He's nothing. We should not be complaining about Pinky Finger anymore, because it's the only thing, when combined with +2 bottles, that pushes Clown to near-viability.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Huntress is a A tier killer, capable to hit u literally 200 meters away. Clown is a C tier killer, that need to tool a bottle at u to apply the exposed status then m1 u, which has a reasonableness cooldown, and he needs to be next to u since he will need to m1 u latter. Is that enough?

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Because Huntress is a strong killer and Clown isn't, it's not that deep. If you know you're going against Pinkie Clown just pre drop pallets and you'll be fine.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    It's 2 add ons to make it work. And it's still a lot weaker than huntress iridescent axe head addon.

    I don't think it needs changing.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,179

    Pinky Finger needs a full rework in my opinion. It's too weak and clunky at 2/3 bottles but too strong at 4.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    not that I like the addon but tbh it is not as strong as it sounds in the hands of a mid Clown, the direct bottle hits are not as easy as they may sound and can be made even harder if you juke well enough, though still the Clown with extra bottles may just keep spamming them (although this would still make them waste extra time) which makes it extra awful.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    360, early drop, zigg zagging. = there you have your counterplay.

    no nerf needed! Next!

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    Because it takes 2 bottles to expose the survivor.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Firstly I hope it wasn't me that killed you. I have been maining clown and thought I would use up a few pinky fingers recently :)

    Secondly the huntress hatchet is very different to the clowns bottle.

    As a huntress as others have said its throw hatchet get a down, you then pick up, hook, reload and off u go.

    With clown you have to get a direct hit (which isnt always easy these days as survivors run with 10000 DPI mouses it seems). then follow it up with a hit. The exposed status effect only lasts 2 seconds so if your at a loop with a pallet your very unlikely to get insta downed off a pinky finger.

    Now i personally do run pinky finger with the addon that gives me 2 extra bottles so i have 4 bottles but this isnt so i can get 4 direct hits this is so i can use 3 bottles to heared the suvivor where i want them with the 4th bottle for the expose.

    Others will run pinky finger with "Ether 15 Vol%" which increases intoxication (and theirfore exposed) from 2 to 3 seconds to give you longer to get the down.

    Now a tip for any clowns who like to run pinky finger, Run it with devour hope. Survivors don't know what hit them if u get 3 stack devour after they are dodging your bottles :)